Commit d632ab68 authored by William A. Rowe Jr's avatar William A. Rowe Jr
Browse files

  Eliminate awk autogeneration of the ApacheMonitor's .rc resource
  source file.

  By adding several macros to ap_release.h:

    - the stringize magic, in leiu of including a ton of cruft,
    - split subversion and "-dev" tokens (with a binary flag)
    - a _CSV token in the form of m,n,p (not a string)

  we are able to have use a static ApacheMonitor.rc file, which picks
  up all of the necessary values right from ap_release.h.

  If the group likes this approach, I will percolate it throughout
  the project, and we will lose the requirement of awk for everything
  -except- rewriting the installed httpd.conf script (developer builds
  always get an installed httpd.conf script - it's only 'fixed up' 
  with the correct @@ substitutions if they have awk.)

  This project was chosen because ApacheMonitor.rc already exists in svn.

  Comment please.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
parent d36f1192
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