Commit 768fbd90 authored by Jim Jagielski's avatar Jim Jagielski
Browse files

Merge r1707084, r1707093, r1707159, r1707362 from trunk:

eor_bucket: don't destroy the request multiple times should any filter
do a copy (e.g. mod_bucketeer).

eor_bucket: follow up to r1707084: fix comment.

eor_bucket: follow up to r1707084: use an inner shared bucket.

eor_bucket: follow up to r1707159.
We need an apr_bucket_refcount, as spotted by Ruediger.
Submitted by: ylavic
Reviewed by: icing, covener, jim

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
parent 9f71c7ad
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