Commit 5adade03 authored by Eric Covener's avatar Eric Covener
Browse files

Remove need for NameVirtualHost directive by implicitly configuring any duplicated

VH addresses as name-based virtual hosts.  This also combines _default_ and *
into a single type of wildcard since these presented a false dichotomy between
address specs.

These are post-config only changes and do not change the runtime lookups.

The biggest loss here is that an unintended duplication of virtual host addresses
can no longer be reported as directly in the past, but should still be debuggabl
via apachectl -S (unintended NVH).  These problems are a drop in the bucket compared
to the difficulty users have with using NameVirtualHost.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
parent 5587c7ec
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