Commit 0d7f288d authored by Jeff Trawick's avatar Jeff Trawick
Browse files

like trunk r1522544, except the script lives in trunk:

. Update sizes as necessary based on a 64-bit debug build with Visual Studio
. Add missing modules mod_dialup, mod_optional_fn_export, 
  mod_optional_fn_import, mod_optional_hook_export,
  and mod_optional_hook_import.
  (The example mods aren't important, but adding them avoids having to
  treat those as exceptions in any sort of automatic update mechanism.
  Potential issues with the several modules that aren't currently buildable
  with the cmake-based solution have not been addressed.)

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
parent 3ab6d4a3
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