• Nick Kew's avatar
    Introduce modules/system, and mod_unixd.c · 97b31524
    Nick Kew authored
    mod_unixd.c is only os/unix/unixd.c, turned into a module.
    (or more accurately, an ugly hack).  Work in progress, and the
    old unixd will have to go once the module build stuff is in place.
    This re-introduces some of the unixd stuff (set user, group and chroot)
    to mpm_simple, and should work equally well with existing MPMs.
    It also paves the way for alternative privilege management schemes,
    which can be implemented in alternative modules: this´ll be
    necessary to run mpm_simple on non-unix-family platforms, and
    of interest for alternative Unix implementations.  By relegating
    everything to a child_init hook, we can mix-and-match, though
    weĺl need to add a regime that prevents just going right ahead
    with nothing and running as root.
    Round tuits permitting, we should be able to simplify unixd.h too,
    and look towards eliminating it.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk@708935 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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