• Jim Jagielski's avatar
    Merge r1853901, r1853906, r1853908, r1853929, r1853935, r1853967 from trunk: · e03475e1
    Jim Jagielski authored
    mod_reqtimeout: factorize structs and code.
    With a bit of macro magic, this is to avoid more code duplication when adding
    new stages (next commit will add TLS/handshake timeouts handling in addition to
    existing header and body ones).
    No functional change here.
    mod_reqtimeout: Allow to configure (TLS-)handshake timeouts.
    The timeouts apply between the process_connection and pre_read_request hooks.
    They are disabled by default for compatibily reasons.
    mod_reqtimeout: follow up to r1853906: adjust hooks priorities comments.
    mod_reqtimeout: follow up to r1853901: fix macro args.
    mod_reqtimeout: follow up to r1853901: init stage name outside INIT_STAGE().
    It helps both code readability where stages are initilized and potential
    logging in the input filter (even if the stage is disabled).
    mod_http2: fix for latest mod_reqtimeout change re handshake timeouts
    Submitted by: ylavic, icing
    Reviewed by: ylavic, icing, jim
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.4.x@1855409 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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