• Jim Jagielski's avatar
    Merge r1523387 from trunk: · 76a50d75
    Jim Jagielski authored
    In 2.4, the MPM leaves a copy of the non-disconnected FD sitting in
    context->accept_socket. This FD will be closed a second time, often
    shortly after a worker picks it up in this same FD being reused.  The
    first recv fails with WSAENOTSOCK since the same FD was closed in the
    listener thread while the worker was pulling it off the queue
    (The second close is of the underlying FD/socket, not a shared
    apr_socket_t, so it's not short-circuited)
    This patch makes it a bit more 2.2.x-ish and solves my problem -- the
    context->accept_socket gets zapped at the bottom of the loop if
    Submitted by: covener
    Reviewed/backported by: jim
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.4.x@1564313 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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