• Jim Jagielski's avatar
    Merge r1811744 from trunk: · 122dce01
    Jim Jagielski authored
    core, mod_rewrite: introduce the 'redirect-keeps-vary' note
                       to allow proper Vary header insertion when
                       dealing with a RewriteRule in a directory
    This change is an attempt to fix a long standing problem,
    brought up while working on PR 58231. Our documentation clearly
    states the following:
    "If a HTTP header is used in a condition this header is added
    to the Vary header of the response in case the condition
    evaluates to true for the request."
    This is currently not true for RewriteCond/Rules working in
    a directory context, since when an internal redirect happens
    all the outstanding response headers get dropped.
    There might be a better solution so I am looking forward to
    hear more opinions and comments. My goal for a delicate change
    like this one would be to affect the least amount of configurations
    possible, without triggering unwanted side effects.
    If the solution is good for everybody tests will be written
    in the suite asap.
    Submitted by: elukey
    Reviewed by: elukey, icing, ylavic
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.4.x@1815100 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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