• Yann Ylavic's avatar
    Merge r1736186 from trunk: · 10732433
    Yann Ylavic authored
    mod_ssl: return non ambiguous value in ssl_callback_SessionTicket() for
    encryption mode (we used to return 0, OpenSSL documents returning 1 instead).
    Practically this does not change anything since OpenSSL will only check for
    >= 0 return value (non error) for encryption mode (the other possible return
    values are only relevant for decryption mode).
    However the OpenSSL documentation for SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb()
    The return value of the cb function is used by OpenSSL to determine what
    further processing will occur. The following return values have meaning:
        This indicates that the ctx and hctx have been set and the session can
        continue on those parameters. Additionally it indicates that the session
        ticket is in a renewal period and should be replaced. The OpenSSL library
        will call cb again with an enc argument of 1 to set the new ticket (see
        RFC5077 3.3 paragraph 2).
        This indicates that the ctx and hctx have been set and the session can
        continue on those parameters.
        This indicates that it was not possible to set/retrieve a session ticket
        and the SSL/TLS session will continue by by negotiating a set of
        cryptographic parameters or using the alternate SSL/TLS resumption
        mechanism, session ids.
        If called with enc equal to 0 the library will call the cb again to get a
        new set of parameters.
    less than 0
        This indicates an error.
    So 0 is not appropriate in our code, 1 is what we really want (and it won't
    break if OpenSSL later changes its checks on the callback return value).
    Reported/Proposed by: oknet on github, pull request #18.
    Reviewed by: jorton, ylavic, wrowe
    [Closes #18]
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.4.x@1811742 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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