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  <TITLE>Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions</TITLE>
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  <H1>Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions</H1>
  $Revision: 1.42 $ ($Date: 1997/04/26 05:13:50 $)
  The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the main
  Apache web site, at
<!-- Notes about changes:                                           -->
<!--  - If adding a relative link to another part of the            -->
<!--    documentation, *do* include the ".html" portion.  There's a -->
<!--    good chance that the user will be reading the documentation -->
<!--    on his own system, which may not be configured for          -->
<!--    multiviews.   Leave off the ".html" extension for absolute  -->
<!--    links to sites which are known to run multiviews (e.g.,     -->
<!--    apache.or or                               -->
<!--  - When adding items, make sure they're put in the right place -->
<!--    - verify that the numbering matches up.                     -->
<!--  - Don't forget to include an HR tag after the last /P tag     -->
<!--    but before the /LI in an item.                              -->
  If you are reading a text-only version of this FAQ, you may find numbers
  enclosed in brackets (such as &quot;[12]&quot;).  These refer to the list of
  reference URLs to be found at the end of the document.  These references
  do not appear, and are not needed, for the hypertext version.
  <H2>The Questions</H2>
<!-- Stuff to Add:                                                  -->
<!-- - can't bind to port 80                                        -->
<!--   - permission denied                                          -->
<!--   - address already in use                                     -->
<!-- - access control based on DNS name really needs MAXIMUM_DNS    -->
<!--   and double-check that rDNS resolves to name expected         -->
<!-- - mod_auth & passwd lines "user:pw:.*" - ++1st colon onward is -->
<!--   treated as pw, not just ++1st to --2nd.                      -->
<!-- - SSL:                                                         -->
<!--   Can I use Apache-SSL for free in Canada?                     -->
<!--   Why can't I use Apache-SSL in the U.S.?                      -->
<!-- - How can I found out how many visitors my site gets?          -->
<!-- - How do I add a counter?                                      -->
<!-- - How do I configure Apache as a proxy?                        -->
<!-- - What browsers support HTTP/1.1?                              -->
<!-- - What's the point of vhosts-by-name is there aren't any       -->
<!--   HTTP/1.1 browsers?                                           -->
<!-- - Is there an Apache for W95/WNT?                              -->
<!-- - Why does Apache die when a vhost can't be DNS-resolved?      -->
<!-- - How do I add browsers and referrers to my logs?              -->
  <OL START=1>
   <LI><A HREF="#what">What is Apache?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#why">Why was Apache created?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#relate">How does The Apache Group's work relate to
    other servers?</A> 
   <LI><A HREF="#name">Why the name &quot;Apache&quot;?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#compare">OK, so how does Apache compare to other servers?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#tested">How thoroughly tested is Apache?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#future">What are the future plans for Apache?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#support">Whom do I contact for support?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#more">Is there any more information on Apache?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#where">Where can I get Apache?</A>
 <LI><STRONG>Technical Questions</STRONG>
  <OL START=11>
   <LI><A HREF="#what2do">&quot;Why can't I ...?  Why won't ...
        work?&quot;  What to do in case of problems</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#compatible">How compatible is Apache with my existing
    NCSA 1.3 setup?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#CGIoutsideScriptAlias">How do I enable CGI execution
        in directories other than the ScriptAlias?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#premature-script-headers">What does it mean when my
        CGIs fail with &quot;<SAMP>Premature end of script
   <LI><A HREF="#ssi-part-i">How do I enable SSI (parsed HTML)?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#ssi-part-ii">Why don't my parsed files get cached?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#ssi-part-iii">How can I have my script output parsed?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#proxy">Does or will Apache act as a Proxy server?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#multiviews">What are &quot;multiviews&quot;?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#fdlim">Why can't I run more than &lt;<EM>n</EM>&gt;
    virtual hosts?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#limitGET">Why do I keep getting &quot;access denied&quot; for
    form POST requests?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#passwdauth">Can I use my <SAMP>/etc/passwd</SAMP> file
    for Web page authentication?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#errordoc401">Why doesn't my <CODE>ErrorDocument
    401</CODE> work?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#setgid">Why do I get &quot;<SAMP>setgid: Invalid
    argument</SAMP>&quot; at startup?</A>
pcs's avatar
pcs committed
   <LI><A HREF="#cookies1">Why does Apache send a cookie on every response?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#cookies2">Why don't my cookies work, I even compiled in 
   <LI><A HREF="#jdk1-and-http1.1">Why do my Java app[let]s give me plain text
    when I request an URL from an Apache server?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#putsupport">Why can't I publish to my Apache server
    using PUT on Netscape Gold and other programs?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#fastcgi">Why isn't FastCGI included with Apache any
   <LI><A HREF="#nodelay">Why am I getting &quot;<SAMP>httpd: could not
    set socket option TCP_NODELAY</SAMP>&quot; in my error log?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#nph-scripts">How can I get my script's output without
    Apache buffering it?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#linuxiovec">Why do I get complaints about redefinition
    of `struct iovec' when compiling under Linux?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#wheres-the-dump">The errorlog says Apache dumped core,
    but where's the dump file?</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#SSL-i">Why doesn't Apache include SSL?</A>
  <H2>The Answers</H2>
 <LI><A NAME="what">
      <STRONG>What is Apache?</STRONG>
  Apache was originally based on code and ideas found in the most
  popular HTTP server of the time.. NCSA httpd 1.3 (early 1995). It has
  since evolved into a far superior system which can rival (and probably
  surpass) almost any other UNIX based HTTP server in terms of functionality,
  efficiency and speed.
  Since it began, it has been completely rewritten, and includes many new
  features. Apache is, as of January 1997, the most popular WWW server on
  the Internet, according to the
 <LI><A NAME="why">
      <STRONG>Why was Apache created?</STRONG>
  To address the concerns of a group of WWW providers and part-time httpd
  programmers that httpd didn't behave as they wanted it to behave.
  Apache is an entirely volunteer effort, completely funded by its 
  members, not by commercial sales.
 <LI><A NAME="relate">
      <STRONG>How does The Apache Group's work relate to other
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