*) mod_auth_form: Support the expr parser in the
AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation, AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation and
AuthFormLogoutLocation directives. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for TLS-SRP (Secure Remote Password key exchange
for TLS, RFC 5054). PR 51075. [Quinn Slack <sqs cs stanford edu>,
Christophe Renou, Peter Sylvester]
*) mod_rewrite: Stop mergeing RewriteBase down to subdirectories
unless new option 'RewriteOptions MergeBase' is configured.
PR 53963. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_status, mod_info, mod_proxy_ftp, mod_proxy_balancer, mod_imagemap,
mod_ldap: Improve escaping of hostname and URIs HTML output.
[Jim Jagielski, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_header: Allow for exposure of loadavg and server load using new
format specifiers %l, %i, %b [Jim Jagielski]
*) core: Make ap_regcomp() return AP_REG_ESPACE if out of memory. Make
ap_pregcomp() abort if out of memory. This raises the minimum PCRE
requirement to version 6.0. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Add ability to configure the sticky session separator.
PR 53893. [<inu inusasha de>, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_dumpio: Correctly log large messages
PR 54179 [Marek Wianecki <mieszek2 interia pl>]
*) core: Don't fail at startup with AH00554 when Include points to
a directory without any wildcard character. [Eric Covener]
Eric Covener
*) core: Fail startup if the argument to ServerTokens is unrecognized.
[Jackie Zhang <jackie.qq.zhang>]
*) mod_log_forensic: Don't log a spurious "-" if a request has been rejected
before mod_log_forensic could attach its id to it. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) rotatelogs: Omit the second argument for the first invocation of
a post-rotate program when -p is used, per the documentation.
[Joe Orton]
*) mod_session_dbd: fix a segmentation fault in the function dbd_remove.
*) core: Functions to provide server load values: ap_get_sload() and
ap_get_loadavg(). [Jim Jagielski, Jan Kaluza <jkaluza>,
Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ldap: Fix regression in handling "server unavailable" errors on
Windows. PR 54140. [Eric Covener]
*) syslog logging: Remove stray ", referer" at the end of some messages.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) "Iterate" directives: Report an error if no arguments are provided.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Change default for SSLCompression to off, as compression
causes security issues in most setups. (The so called "CRIME" attack).
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) ab: add TLS1.1/TLS1.2 options to -f switch, and adapt output
to more accurately report the negotiated protocol. PR 53916.
[Nicolás Pernas Maradei <nico emutex com>, Kaspar Brand]
*) core: ErrorDocument now works for requests without a Host header.
PR 48357. [Jeff Trawick]
*) prefork: Avoid logging harmless errors during graceful stop.
[Joe Orton, Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy: When concatting for PPR, avoid cases where we
concat ".../" and "/..." to create "...//..." [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_cache: Wrong content type and character set when
mod_cache serves stale content because of a proxy error.
PR 53539. [Rainer Jung, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Fix crash in packet dump code when logging
with LogLevel trace7 or trace8. PR 53730. [Rainer Jung]
*) httpd.conf: Removed the configuration directives setting a bad_DNT
environment introduced in 2.4.3. The actual directives are commented
out in the default conf file.
*) core: Apply length limit when logging Status header values.
[Jeff Trawick, Chris Darroch]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: The nonce is only derived from the UUID iff
not set via the 'nonce' balancer param. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_ssl: Match wildcard SSL certificate names in proxy mode.
PR 53006. [Joe Orton]
*) Windows: Fix output of -M, -L, and similar command-line options
which display information about the server configuration.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-3502 (
mod_proxy_ajp, mod_proxy_http: Fix an issue in back end
connection closing which could lead to privacy issues due
to a response mixup. PR 53727. [Rainer Jung]
mod_negotiation: Escape filenames in variant list to prevent a
possible XSS for a site where untrusted users can upload files to
a location with MultiViews enabled. [Niels Heinen <heinenn>]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Don't try a potentially expensive nested groups
search before exhausting all AuthLDAPGroupAttribute checks on the
*) mod_lua: Add new directive LuaAuthzProvider to allow implementing an
authorization provider in lua. [Stefan Fritsch]
Jim Jagielski
*) core: Be less strict when checking whether Content-Type is set to
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" when parsing POST data,
or we risk losing data with an appended charset. PR 53698
[Petter Berntsen <petterb>]
*) httpd.conf: Added configuration directives to set a bad_DNT environment
variable based on User-Agent and to remove the DNT header field from
incoming requests when a match occurs. This currently has the effect of
removing DNT from requests by MSIE 10.0 because it deliberately violates
the current specification of DNT semantics for HTTP. [Roy T. Fielding]
*) mod_socache_shmcb: Fix bus error due to a misalignment
in some 32 bit builds, especially on Solaris Sparc.
PR 53040. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_cache: Set content type in case we return stale content.
[Ruediger Pluem]
*) Windows: Fix SSL failures on windows with AcceptFilter https none.
Jeff Trawick
PR 52476. [Jeff Trawick]
*) ab: Fix read failure when targeting SSL server. [Jeff Trawick]
*) The following now respect DefaultRuntimeDir/DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR:
- mod_auth_digest: shared memory file
[Jeff Trawick]
*) htpasswd: Use correct file mode for checking if file is writable.
PR 45923. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Fix crash with dbd RewriteMaps. PR 53663. [Mikhail T.
<mi apache aldan algebra com>]
*) mod_ssl: Add new directive SSLCompression to disable TLS-level
compression. PR 53219. [Björn Jacke <bjoern j3e de>, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_lua: Add a few missing request_rec fields. Rename remote_ip to
client_ip to match conn_rec. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_lua: Change prototype of vm_construct, to work around gcc bug which
causes a segfault. PR 52779. [Dick Snippe <Dick Snippe tech omroep nl>]
*) mpm_event: Don't count connections in lingering close state when
calculating how many additional connections may be accepted.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: If exiting during initialization because of a fatal error,
log a message to the main error log pointing to the appropriate
virtual host error log. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Reduce memory usage in case of many keep-alive requests on
one connection. PR 52275. [Naohiro Ooiwa <naohiro ooiwa miraclelinux com>]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Restore balancing after a failed worker has
recovered when using lbmethod_bybusyness. PR 48735. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_setenvif: Compile some global regex only once during startup.
This should save some memory, especially with .htaccess.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add the port number to the vhost's name in the scoreboard.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Fix ProxyPassReverse for balancer configurations.
*) mod_lua: Add the parsebody function for parsing POST data. PR 53064.
[Daniel Gruno]
*) apxs: Use LDFLAGS from in addition to CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Fix memory leak or possible corruption in ProxyBlock
implementation. [Ruediger Pluem, Joe Orton]
*) mod_proxy: Check hostname from request URI against ProxyBlock list,
not forward proxy, if ProxyRemote* is configured. [Joe Orton]
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