ssleay.txt 276 KB
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req -newkey 1058

To generate a new request using a pre-existing key
req -new -key key.pem

To generate a self signed x509 certificate from a certificate
request using a supplied key, and we want to see the text form of the
output certificate (which we will put in the file selfSign.pem
req -x509 -in req.pem -key key.pem -text -out selfSign.pem

Verify that the signature is correct on a certificate request.
req -verify -in req.pem

Verify that the signature was made using a specified public key.
req -verify -in req.pem -key key.pem

Print the contents of a certificate request
req -text -in req.pem

==== danger ========================================================

If you specify a SSLv2 cipher, and the mode is SSLv23 and the server
can talk SSLv3, it will claim there is no cipher since you should be
using SSLv3.

When tracing debug stuff, remember BIO_s_socket() is different to

BSD/OS assember is not working