x86_64-xlate.pl 33.2 KB
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#	CONTEXT.Rdi				176
#	CONTEXT.R8				184
#	CONTEXT.R9				192
#	CONTEXT.R10				200
#	CONTEXT.R11				208
#	CONTEXT.R12				216
#	CONTEXT.R13				224
#	CONTEXT.R14				232
#	CONTEXT.R15				240
#	CONTEXT.Rip				248
#	CONTEXT.Xmm6				512
#	sizeof(CONTEXT)				1232
#	DISPATCHER_CONTEXT.EstablisherFrame	24
#	DISPATCHER_CONTEXT.LanguageHandler	48
#	ExceptionContinueSearch			1
# In order to tie the handler to the function one has to compose
# couple of structures: one for .xdata segment and one for .pdata.
# UNWIND_INFO structure for .xdata segment would be
# function_unwind_info:
#	.byte	9,0,0,0
#	.rva	handler
# This structure designates exception handler for a function with
# zero-length prologue, no stack frame or frame register.
# To facilitate composing of .pdata structures, auto-generated "gear"
# prologue copies rsp value to rax and denotes next instruction with
# .LSEH_begin_{function_name} label. This essentially defines the SEH
# styling rule mentioned in the beginning. Position of this label is
# chosen in such manner that possible exceptions raised in the "gear"
# prologue would be accounted to caller and unwound from latter's frame.
# End of function is marked with respective .LSEH_end_{function_name}
# label. To summarize, .pdata segment would contain
#	.rva	.LSEH_begin_function
#	.rva	.LSEH_end_function
#	.rva	function_unwind_info
# Reference to functon_unwind_info from .xdata segment is the anchor.
# In case you wonder why references are 32-bit .rvas and not 64-bit
# .quads. References put into these two segments are required to be
# *relative* to the base address of the current binary module, a.k.a.
# image base. No Win64 module, be it .exe or .dll, can be larger than
# 2GB and thus such relative references can be and are accommodated in
# 32 bits.
# Having reviewed the example function code, one can argue that "movq
# %rsp,%rax" above is redundant. It is not! Keep in mind that on Unix
# rax would contain an undefined value. If this "offends" you, use
# another register and refrain from modifying rax till magic_point is
# reached, i.e. as if it was a non-volatile register. If more registers
# are required prior [variable] frame setup is completed, note that
# nobody says that you can have only one "magic point." You can
# "liberate" non-volatile registers by denoting last stack off-load
# instruction and reflecting it in finer grade unwind logic in handler.
# After all, isn't it why it's called *language-specific* handler...
# Attentive reader can notice that exceptions would be mishandled in
# auto-generated "gear" epilogue. Well, exception effectively can't
# occur there, because if memory area used by it was subject to
# segmentation violation, then it would be raised upon call to the
# function (and as already mentioned be accounted to caller, which is
# not a problem). If you're still not comfortable, then define tail
# "magic point" just prior ret instruction and have handler treat it...
# (*)	Note that we're talking about run-time, not debug-time. Lack of
#	unwind information makes debugging hard on both Windows and
#	Unix. "Unlike" referes to the fact that on Unix signal handler
#	will always be invoked, core dumped and appropriate exit code
#	returned to parent (for user notification).