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 * @param str The string to search
 * @param c The character to search for
 * @return The index of the first occurrence of c in str
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_ind(const char *str, char c);        /* Sigh... */

 * Search a string from right to left for the first occurrence of a
 * specific character
 * @param str The string to search
 * @param c The character to search for
 * @return The index of the first occurrence of c in str
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_rind(const char *str, char c);

 * Given a string, replace any bare " with \\" .
 * @param p The pool to allocate memory from
 * @param instring The string to search for "
 * @return A copy of the string with escaped quotes
AP_DECLARE(char *) ap_escape_quotes(apr_pool_t *p, const char *instring);

 * Given a string, append the PID deliminated by delim.
 * Usually used to create a pid-appended filepath name
 * (eg: /a/b/foo -> /a/b/foo.6726). A function, and not
 * a macro, to avoid unistd.h dependency
 * @param p The pool to allocate memory from
 * @param string The string to append the PID to
 * @param delim The string to use to deliminate the string from the PID
 * @return A copy of the string with the PID appended
AP_DECLARE(char *) ap_append_pid(apr_pool_t *p, const char *string,
                                 const char *delim);

 * Parse a given timeout parameter string into an apr_interval_time_t value.
 * The unit of the time interval is given as postfix string to the numeric
 * string. Currently the following units are understood:
 * ms    : milliseconds
 * s     : seconds
 * mi[n] : minutes
 * h     : hours
 * If no unit is contained in the given timeout parameter the default_time_unit
 * will be used instead.
 * @param timeout_parameter The string containing the timeout parameter.
 * @param timeout The timeout value to be returned.
 * @param default_time_unit The default time unit to use if none is specified
 * in timeout_parameter.
 * @return Status value indicating whether the parsing was successful or not.
AP_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_timeout_parameter_parse(
                                               const char *timeout_parameter,
                                               apr_interval_time_t *timeout,
                                               const char *default_time_unit);

 * Determine if a request has a request body or not.
 * @param r the request_rec of the request
 * @return truth value
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_request_has_body(request_rec *r);

 * Cleanup a string (mainly to be filesystem safe)
 * We only allow '_' and alphanumeric chars. Non-printable
 * map to 'x' and all others map to '_'
 * @param  p pool to use to allocate dest
 * @param  src string to clean up
 * @param  dest cleaned up, allocated string
 * @return Status value indicating whether the cleaning was successful or not.
AP_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_pstr2_alnum(apr_pool_t *p, const char *src,
                                        const char **dest);

 * Cleanup a string (mainly to be filesystem safe)
 * We only allow '_' and alphanumeric chars. Non-printable
 * map to 'x' and all others map to '_'
 * @param  src string to clean up
 * @param  dest cleaned up, pre-allocated string
 * @return Status value indicating whether the cleaning was successful or not.
AP_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_str2_alnum(const char *src, char *dest);

 * Structure to store the contents of an HTTP form of the type
 * application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
 * Currently it contains the name as a char* of maximum length
 * HUGE_STRING_LEN, and a value in the form of a bucket brigade
 * of arbitrary length.
typedef struct {
    const char *name;
    apr_bucket_brigade *value;
} ap_form_pair_t;

 * Read the body and parse any form found, which must be of the
 * type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
 * @param r request containing POSTed form data
 * @param f filter
 * @param ptr returned array of ap_form_pair_t
 * @param num max num of params or -1 for unlimited
 * @param size max size allowed for parsed data
 * @return OK or HTTP error
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_parse_form_data(request_rec *r, struct ap_filter_t *f,
                                   apr_array_header_t **ptr,
                                   apr_size_t num, apr_size_t size);

/* Misc system hackery */
 * Given the name of an object in the file system determine if it is a directory
 * @param p The pool to allocate from
 * @param name The name of the object to check
 * @return 1 if it is a directory, 0 otherwise
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_is_rdirectory(apr_pool_t *p, const char *name);

 * Given the name of an object in the file system determine if it is a directory - this version is symlink aware
 * @param p The pool to allocate from
 * @param name The name of the object to check
 * @return 1 if it is a directory, 0 otherwise
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_is_directory(apr_pool_t *p, const char *name);

#ifdef _OSD_POSIX
extern int os_init_job_environment(server_rec *s, const char *user_name, int one_process);
#endif /* _OSD_POSIX */

 * Determine the local host name for the current machine
 * @param p The pool to allocate from
 * @return A copy of the local host name
char *ap_get_local_host(apr_pool_t *p);

 * Log an assertion to the error log
 * @param szExp The assertion that failed
 * @param szFile The file the assertion is in
 * @param nLine The line the assertion is defined on
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_log_assert(const char *szExp, const char *szFile, int nLine)

 * @internal Internal Assert function
#define ap_assert(exp) ((exp) ? (void)0 : ap_log_assert(#exp,__FILE__,__LINE__))

 * Redefine assert() to something more useful for an Apache...
 * Use ap_assert() if the condition should always be checked.
 * Use AP_DEBUG_ASSERT() if the condition should only be checked when AP_DEBUG
 * is defined.
#ifdef AP_DEBUG
#define AP_DEBUG_ASSERT(exp) ap_assert(exp)
#define AP_DEBUG_ASSERT(exp) ((void)0)

 * @defgroup stopsignal Flags which indicate places where the server should stop for debugging.
 * @{
 * A set of flags which indicate places where the server should raise(SIGSTOP).
 * This is useful for debugging, because you can then attach to that process
 * with gdb and continue.  This is important in cases where one_process
 * debugging isn't possible.
/** stop on a Detach */
#define SIGSTOP_DETACH                  1
/** stop making a child process */
#define SIGSTOP_MAKE_CHILD              2
/** stop spawning a child process */
#define SIGSTOP_SPAWN_CHILD             4
/** stop spawning a child process with a piped log */
#define SIGSTOP_PIPED_LOG_SPAWN         8
/** stop spawning a CGI child process */
#define SIGSTOP_CGI_CHILD               16

/** Macro to get GDB started */
extern int raise_sigstop_flags;
#define RAISE_SIGSTOP(x)        do { \
        if (raise_sigstop_flags & SIGSTOP_##x) raise(SIGSTOP);\
    } while (0)
#define RAISE_SIGSTOP(x)
/** @} */
 * Get HTML describing the address and (optionally) admin of the server.
 * @param prefix Text which is prepended to the return value
 * @param r The request_rec
 * @return HTML describing the server, allocated in @a r's pool.
AP_DECLARE(const char *) ap_psignature(const char *prefix, request_rec *r);

  /* The C library has functions that allow const to be silently dropped ...
     these macros detect the drop in maintainer mode, but use the native
     methods for normal builds

     Note that on some platforms (e.g., AIX with gcc, Solaris with gcc), string.h needs
     to be included before the macros are defined or compilation will fail.
#include <string.h>

AP_DECLARE(char *) ap_strchr(char *s, int c);
AP_DECLARE(const char *) ap_strchr_c(const char *s, int c);
AP_DECLARE(char *) ap_strrchr(char *s, int c);
AP_DECLARE(const char *) ap_strrchr_c(const char *s, int c);
AP_DECLARE(char *) ap_strstr(char *s, const char *c);
AP_DECLARE(const char *) ap_strstr_c(const char *s, const char *c);

#ifdef AP_DEBUG

#undef strchr
# define strchr(s, c)  ap_strchr(s,c)
#undef strrchr
# define strrchr(s, c) ap_strrchr(s,c)
#undef strstr
# define strstr(s, c)  ap_strstr(s,c)


/** use this instead of strchr */
# define ap_strchr(s, c)     strchr(s, c)
/** use this instead of strchr */
# define ap_strchr_c(s, c)   strchr(s, c)
/** use this instead of strrchr */
# define ap_strrchr(s, c)    strrchr(s, c)
/** use this instead of strrchr */
# define ap_strrchr_c(s, c)  strrchr(s, c)
/** use this instead of strrstr*/
# define ap_strstr(s, c)     strstr(s, c)
/** use this instead of strrstr*/
# define ap_strstr_c(s, c)   strstr(s, c)


 * Generate pseudo random bytes.
 * This is a convenience interface to apr_random. It is cheaper but less
 * secure than apr_generate_random_bytes().
 * @param buf where to store the bytes
 * @param size number of bytes to generate
 * @note ap_random_insecure_bytes() is thread-safe, it uses a mutex on
 *       threaded MPMs.
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_random_insecure_bytes(void *buf, apr_size_t size);

 * Get a pseudo random number in a range.
 * @param min low end of range
 * @param max high end of range
 * @return a number in the range
AP_DECLARE(apr_uint32_t) ap_random_pick(apr_uint32_t min, apr_uint32_t max);

 * Abort with a error message signifying out of memory
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_abort_on_oom(void) __attribute__((noreturn));

 * Wrapper for malloc() that calls ap_abort_on_oom() if out of memory
 * @param size size of the memory block
 * @return pointer to the allocated memory
 * @note ap_malloc may be implemented as a macro
AP_DECLARE(void *) ap_malloc(size_t size)

 * Wrapper for calloc() that calls ap_abort_on_oom() if out of memory
 * @param nelem number of elements to allocate memory for
 * @param size size of a single element
 * @return pointer to the allocated memory
 * @note ap_calloc may be implemented as a macro
AP_DECLARE(void *) ap_calloc(size_t nelem, size_t size)

 * Wrapper for realloc() that calls ap_abort_on_oom() if out of memory
 * @param ptr pointer to the old memory block (or NULL)
 * @param size new size of the memory block
 * @return pointer to the reallocated memory
 * @note ap_realloc may be implemented as a macro
AP_DECLARE(void *) ap_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)

 * Get server load params
 * @param ld struct to populate: -1 in fields means error
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_get_sload(ap_sload_t *ld);

 * Get server load averages (ala getloadavg)
 * @param ld struct to populate: -1 in fields means error
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_get_loadavg(ap_loadavg_t *ld);

 * Convert binary data into a hex string
 * @param src pointer to the data
 * @param srclen length of the data
 * @param dest pointer to buffer of length (2 * srclen + 1). The resulting
 *        string will be NUL-terminated.
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_bin2hex(const void *src, apr_size_t srclen, char *dest);

 * Short function to execute a command and return the first line of
 * output minus \r \n. Useful for "obscuring" passwords via exec calls
 * @param p the pool to allocate from
 * @param cmd the command to execute
 * @param argv the arguments to pass to the cmd
 * @return ptr to characters or NULL on any error
AP_DECLARE(char *) ap_get_exec_line(apr_pool_t *p,
                                    const char *cmd,
                                    const char * const *argv);


 * Get the first index of the string in the array or -1 if not found. Start
 * searching a start. 
 * @param array The array the check
 * @param s The string to find
 * @param start Start index for search. If start is out of bounds (negative or  
                equal to array length or greater), -1 will be returned.
 * @return index of string in array or -1
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_array_str_index(const apr_array_header_t *array, 
                                   const char *s,
                                   int start);

 * Check if the string is member of the given array by strcmp.
 * @param array The array the check
 * @param s The string to find
 * @return !=0 iff string is member of array (via strcmp)
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_array_str_contains(const apr_array_header_t *array, 
                                      const char *s);

 * Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings @a atr1 and @a atr2,
 * treating upper and lower case values of the 26 standard C/POSIX alphabetic
 * characters as equivalent. Extended latin characters outside of this set
 * are treated as unique octets, irrespective of the current locale.
 * Returns in integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0,
 * according to whether @a str1 is considered greater than, equal to,
 * or less than @a str2.
 * @note Same code as apr_cstr_casecmp, which arrives in APR 1.6
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_cstr_casecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);

 * Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings @a atr1 and @a atr2,
 * treating upper and lower case values of the 26 standard C/POSIX alphabetic
 * characters as equivalent. Extended latin characters outside of this set
 * are treated as unique octets, irrespective of the current locale.
 * Returns in integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0,
 * according to whether @a str1 is considered greater than, equal to,
 * or less than @a str2.
 * @note Same code as apr_cstr_casecmpn, which arrives in APR 1.6
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_cstr_casecmpn(const char *s1, const char *s2, apr_size_t n);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* !APACHE_HTTPD_H */

/** @} //APACHE Daemon      */
/** @} //APACHE Core        */
/** @} //APACHE super group */