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 * @param r       current request record of client request
 * @param brigade The brigade that is sent through the output filter chain
PROXY_DECLARE(void) ap_proxy_backend_broke(request_rec *r,
                                           apr_bucket_brigade *brigade);

 * Return a hash based on the passed string
 * @param str     string to produce hash from
 * @param method  hashing method to use
 * @return        hash as unsigned int


PROXY_DECLARE(unsigned int) ap_proxy_hashfunc(const char *str, proxy_hash_t method);

 * Set/unset the worker status bitfield depending on flag
 * @param c    flag
 * @param set  set or unset bit
 * @param w    worker to use
 * @return     APR_SUCCESS if valid flag
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_set_wstatus(char c, int set, proxy_worker *w);

 * Create readable representation of worker status bitfield
 * @param p  pool
 * @param w  worker to use
 * @return   string representation of status
PROXY_DECLARE(char *) ap_proxy_parse_wstatus(apr_pool_t *p, proxy_worker *w);

 * Sync balancer and workers based on any updates w/i shm
 * @param b  balancer to check/update member list of
 * @param s  server rec
 * @param conf config
 * @return   APR_SUCCESS if all goes well
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_sync_balancer(proxy_balancer *b,
                                                   server_rec *s,
                                                   proxy_server_conf *conf);

 * Find the matched alias for this request and setup for proxy handler
 * @param r     request
 * @param ent   proxy_alias record
 * @param dconf per-dir config or NULL
 * @return      DECLINED, DONE or OK if matched
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_trans_match(request_rec *r,
                                        struct proxy_alias *ent,
                                        proxy_dir_conf *dconf);

 * Create a HTTP request header brigade,  old_cl_val and old_te_val as required.
 * @param p               pool
 * @param header_brigade  header brigade to use/fill
 * @param r               request
 * @param p_conn          proxy connection rec
 * @param worker          selected worker
 * @param conf            per-server proxy config
 * @param uri             uri
 * @param url             url
 * @param server_portstr  port as string
 * @param old_cl_val      stored old content-len val
 * @param old_te_val      stored old TE val
 * @return                OK or HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_create_hdrbrgd(apr_pool_t *p,
                                           apr_bucket_brigade *header_brigade,
                                           request_rec *r,
                                           proxy_conn_rec *p_conn,
                                           proxy_worker *worker,
                                           proxy_server_conf *conf,
                                           apr_uri_t *uri,
                                           char *url, char *server_portstr,
                                           char **old_cl_val,
                                           char **old_te_val);

 * @param bucket_alloc  bucket allocator
 * @param r             request
 * @param p_conn        proxy connection
 * @param origin        connection rec of origin
 * @param  bb           brigade to send to origin
 * @param  flush        flush
 * @return              status (OK)
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_pass_brigade(apr_bucket_alloc_t *bucket_alloc,
                                         request_rec *r, proxy_conn_rec *p_conn,
                                         conn_rec *origin, apr_bucket_brigade *bb,
                                         int flush);

 * Clear the headers referenced by the Connection header from the given
 * table, and remove the Connection header.
 * @param r request
 * @param headers table of headers to clear
 * @return 1 if "close" was present, 0 otherwise.
APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(int, ap_proxy_clear_connection,
        (request_rec *r, apr_table_t *headers));

 * @param socket        socket to test
 * @return              TRUE if socket is connected/active
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_is_socket_connected(apr_socket_t *socket);

#define PROXY_LBMETHOD "proxylbmethod"

/* The number of dynamic workers that can be added when reconfiguring.
 * If this limit is reached you must stop and restart the server.

 * Calculate maximum number of workers in scoreboard.
 * @return  number of workers to allocate in the scoreboard
int ap_proxy_lb_workers(void);

 * Return the port number of a known scheme (eg: http -> 80).
 * @param scheme        scheme to test
 * @return              port number or 0 if unknown
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_port_t) ap_proxy_port_of_scheme(const char *scheme);

 * Return the name of the health check method (eg: "OPTIONS").
 * @param method        method enum
 * @return              name of method
PROXY_DECLARE (const char *) ap_proxy_show_hcmethod(hcmethod_t method);

 * Strip a unix domain socket (UDS) prefix from the input URL
 * @param p             pool to allocate result from
 * @param url           a URL potentially prefixed with a UDS path
 * @return              URL with the UDS prefix removed
PROXY_DECLARE(const char *) ap_proxy_de_socketfy(apr_pool_t *p, const char *url);

 * Transform buckets from one bucket allocator to another one by creating a
 * transient bucket for each data bucket and let it use the data read from
 * the old bucket. Metabuckets are transformed by just recreating them.
 * Attention: Currently only the following bucket types are handled:
 * All data buckets
 * EOS
 * If an other bucket type is found its type is logged as a debug message
 * and APR_EGENERAL is returned.
 * @param r     request_rec of the actual request. Used for logging purposes
 * @param from  the bucket brigade to take the buckets from
 * @param to    the bucket brigade to store the transformed buckets
 * @return      apr_status_t of the operation. Either APR_SUCCESS or
 *              APR_EGENERAL
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_buckets_lifetime_transform(request_rec *r,
                                                      apr_bucket_brigade *from,
                                                      apr_bucket_brigade *to);

 * Sends all data that can be read non blocking from the input filter chain of
 * c_i and send it down the output filter chain of c_o. For reading it uses
 * the bucket brigade bb_i which should be created from the bucket allocator
 * associated with c_i. For sending through the output filter chain it uses
 * the bucket brigade bb_o which should be created from the bucket allocator
 * associated with c_o. In order to get the buckets from bb_i to bb_o
 * ap_proxy_buckets_lifetime_transform is used.
 * @param r     request_rec of the actual request. Used for logging purposes
 * @param c_i   inbound connection conn_rec
 * @param c_o   outbound connection conn_rec
 * @param bb_i  bucket brigade for pulling data from the inbound connection
 * @param bb_o  bucket brigade for sending data through the outbound connection
 * @param name  string for logging from where data was pulled
 * @param sent  if not NULL will be set to 1 if data was sent through c_o
 * @param bsize maximum amount of data pulled in one iteration from c_i
 * @param after if set flush data on c_o only once after the loop
 * @return      apr_status_t of the operation. Could be any error returned from
 *              either the input filter chain of c_i or the output filter chain
 *              of c_o. APR_EPIPE if the outgoing connection was aborted.
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_transfer_between_connections(
                                                       request_rec *r,
                                                       conn_rec *c_i,
                                                       conn_rec *c_o,
                                                       apr_bucket_brigade *bb_i,
                                                       apr_bucket_brigade *bb_o,
                                                       const char *name,
                                                       int *sent,
                                                       apr_off_t bsize,
                                                       int after);

extern module PROXY_DECLARE_DATA proxy_module;

#endif /*MOD_PROXY_H*/
/** @} */