Commit f8affa29 authored by Matt Caswell's avatar Matt Caswell
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Don't send a status_request extension in a CertificateRequest message

If a TLSv1.3 server configured to respond to the status_request extension
also attempted to send a CertificateRequest then it was incorrectly
inserting a non zero length status_request extension into that message.

The TLSv1.3 RFC does allow that extension in that message but it must
always be zero length.

In fact we should not be sending the extension at all in that message
because we don't support it.

Fixes #9767

Reviewed-by: default avatarTomas Mraz <>
(Merged from

(cherry picked from commit debb64a0ca43969eb3f043aa8895a4faa7f12b6e)
parent 5d163466
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