Commit 738da3d0 authored by Richard Levitte's avatar Richard Levitte
Browse files

test/evp_test.c: distinguish parsing errors from processing errors

Parsing functions are at liberty to return:

1:  when parsing on processing of the parsed value succeeded
0:  when the parsed keyword is unknown
-1: when the parsed value processing failed

Some parsing functions didn't do this quite right, they returned 0
when they should have returned -1, causing a message like this:

    Line 123: unknown keyword PeerKey

When this message (which is displayed when the parsing function
returns -1) would have been more appropriate:

    Line 123: error processing keyword PeerKey = ffdhe2048-2-pub

Reviewed-by: default avatarTomas Mraz <>
(Merged from

(cherry picked from commit f42c225d7f9a0bce0bf46103343402d3f0ad742f)
parent 8be96f23
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