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  • Dr. Stephen Henson's avatar
    · 323f289c
    Dr. Stephen Henson authored
    Change all calls to low level digest routines in the library and
    applications to use EVP. Add missing calls to HMAC_cleanup() and
    don't assume HMAC_CTX can be copied using memcpy().
    Note: this is almost identical to the patch submitted to openssl-dev
    by Verdon Walker <> except some redundant
    EVP_add_digest_()/EVP_cleanup() calls were removed and some changes
    made to avoid compiler warnings.
    Dr. Stephen Henson authored
    Change all calls to low level digest routines in the library and
    applications to use EVP. Add missing calls to HMAC_cleanup() and
    don't assume HMAC_CTX can be copied using memcpy().
    Note: this is almost identical to the patch submitted to openssl-dev
    by Verdon Walker <> except some redundant
    EVP_add_digest_()/EVP_cleanup() calls were removed and some changes
    made to avoid compiler warnings.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.