Commits (2)
......@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ ${registration_filename}= csourceRegistrations/context-source-registration-unre
[Documentation] Verify throwing 503 – LDContextNotAvaliable error if remote JSON-LD @context cannot be retrieved (Create context source registration)
[Tags] csr-create 5_2_2
${registration_id_prefix}= Generate Random Entity Id ${registration_id_prefix}
${registration_id}= Generate Random Entity Id ${registration_id_prefix}
${payload}= Load Json From File ${EXECDIR}/data/${registration_filename}
${updated_payload}= Update Value To Json ${payload} $ ${registration_id_prefix}
${updated_payload}= Update Value To Json ${payload} $ ${registration_id}
${request} ${response}= Create Context Source Registration With Return ${updated_payload}
Check Response Status Code ${expected_status_code} ${response['status']}
Check Response Headers Containing URI set to ${request['path']}/ ${registration_id} ${response}
[Teardown] Delete Context Source Registration ${registration_id_prefix}
\ No newline at end of file
[Teardown] Delete Context Source Registration ${registration_id}
\ No newline at end of file