Commits (2)
from os.path import dirname
from robot.api import TestSuiteBuilder
from doc.analysis.parserobotfile import ParseRobotFile
from doc.analysis.parseapiutilsfile import ParseApiUtilsFile
from doc.analysis.parsevariablesfile import ParseVariablesFile
from doc.analysis.initial_setup import InitialSetup
from analysis.parserobotfile import ParseRobotFile
from analysis.parseapiutilsfile import ParseApiUtilsFile
from analysis.parsevariablesfile import ParseVariablesFile
from analysis.initial_setup import InitialSetup
from re import match, findall, finditer, sub, MULTILINE
import re
import os
from doc.analysis.checks import Checks
from doc.analysis.requests import Requests
from analysis.checks import Checks
from analysis.requests import Requests
class ParseRobotFile:
......@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ def create_json_of_robotfile(robot_file_to_be_processed: str, computestatistics:
robot_path_to_be_processed, robot_file = find_robot_file(basedir=folder_test_suites,
if robot_path_to_be_processed is None and robot_file is None:
print(f'No robot file found with name: {robot_file_to_be_processed}')
# Check that the folder '/results' exists and if not, create it
if not exists(folder_result_path):
......@@ -58,4 +62,5 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
args = argv[1:]
robot_file_tbp = args[0]
resulting_json = create_json_of_robotfile(robot_file_tbp)
print("Correctly exiting")
print("\nCorrectly exiting")
from generateDocumentationData import create_json_of_robotfile
from os.path import dirname
from os.path import dirname, join
from os import walk
import requests
from requests import delete, post
import json
import re
......@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
number_of_all_testcases = 0
number_of_successes = 0
fullpath = basedir+"/TP/NGSI-LD"
fullpath = basedir + "/TP/NGSI-LD"
for root, dirs, files in walk(fullpath):
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith(ROBOT_FILE_EXTENSION):
......@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if "error_while_parsing" in json_of_test_case and json_of_test_case["error_while_parsing"]:
statistics[name_of_test_case]["failed"] = True
number_of_failures += 1
# we create a dummy entry in the "sub" test_cases, which has a "permutation_tp_id" equal to the robotfile
# We do not forget to add a trailing slash that will be removed later, and a tail _XX which will
# allow matching from the googlesheet?
json_of_test_case["test_cases"] = [{"permutation_tp_id":"/"+json_of_test_case["robotfile"]+"_XX"}]
# we create a dummy entry in the "sub" test_cases, which has a "permutation_tp_id" equal to the
# robotfile. We do not forget to add a trailing slash that will be removed later, and a tail _XX
# which will allow matching from the googlesheet?
json_of_test_case["test_cases"] = [{"permutation_tp_id": "/"+json_of_test_case["robotfile"]+"_XX"}]
statistics[name_of_test_case]["failed"] = False
number_of_successes += 1
......@@ -42,8 +42,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
json_of_test_case["config_id"] = "CF_05"
json_of_test_case["config_id"] = "CF_01"
# upgrade the version and add the reference in square brackets
json_of_test_case["reference"] = re.sub(r"V1.3.1 \[\]", "version 1.5.1 [1]", json_of_test_case["reference"])
json_of_test_case["reference"] = (
re.sub(r"V1.3.1 \[\]", "version 1.5.1 [1]", json_of_test_case["reference"]))
# now for each permutation inside this test case, create the permutation's correct parent_release
if "test_cases" in json_of_test_case:
# grab everything that is a permutation_body inside the "sub" test_cases,
......@@ -71,13 +74,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Out of {number_of_all_testcases} testcases, {number_of_failures} of them failed to be correctly parsed.")
with open("testcases.json", 'w') as fp:
testcases_file = join(basedir, "doc", "results", "testcases.json")
with open(testcases_file, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(obj=testcases, indent=2, fp=fp)
# determine the structure/schema of a successfully parsed testcase
permutation_template = {}
for testcase in testcases:
if testcase["error_while_parsing"] == False:
if not testcase["error_while_parsing"]:
permutation_metadata_template = {}
# everything that is at the top level shall be extracted
for key, value in testcase.items():
......@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# everything that is a permutation_body inside the "sub" test_cases,
# shall rise on its own existenz and be joined with its permutation_metadata
for permutation_body in testcase["test_cases"]:
permutation_body_template = {} # new object, not changing permutation_body
permutation_body_template = {} # new object, not changing permutation_body
if "permutation_tp_id" in permutation_body:
permutation_body_template["stripped_permutation_tp_id"] = "UNKNOWN"
permutation_body_template["robotlink"] = "UNKNOWN"
......@@ -135,33 +139,42 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# unpack all permutations of testcases that are under the same .robot file
permutations = []
for testcase in testcases:
#print("--parsing "+testcase["robotfile"])
# print("--parsing "+testcase["robotfile"])
permutation_metadata = {}
# everything that is at the top level shall be extracted
for key, value in testcase.items():
if key != "test_cases":
permutation_metadata[key] = value
# start creating HTML link to robot file in repo
fullurl = BASE_URL_OF_FORGE + permutation_metadata["robotpath"] + "/" + permutation_metadata["robotfile"] + ROBOT_FILE_EXTENSION
fullurl = (BASE_URL_OF_FORGE + permutation_metadata["robotpath"] +
"/" + permutation_metadata["robotfile"] + ROBOT_FILE_EXTENSION)
if "test_cases" in testcase:
# everything that is a permutation_body inside the "sub" test_cases,
# shall rise on its own existenz and be joined with its permutation_metadata
for permutation_body in testcase["test_cases"]:
if "permutation_tp_id" in permutation_body:
ptpid = permutation_body["permutation_tp_id"]
ptpid = permutation_body["permutation_tp_id"]
if "then" not in permutation_body:
print(" no then in " + ptpid)
if "when" not in permutation_body:
print(" no when in " + ptpid)
#print("::: "+ptpid)
# print("::: "+ptpid)
# strip from beginning up to including the last "/"
permutation_body["stripped_permutation_tp_id"] = ptpid[ptpid.rindex("/")+1:]
# use the stripped_permutation_tp_id as text of the link
permutation_body["robotlink"] = "<a href=\""+fullurl+"\">" + permutation_body["stripped_permutation_tp_id"] + "</a>"
permutation_body["robotlink"] = (
"<a href=\""+fullurl+"\">" + permutation_body["stripped_permutation_tp_id"] + "</a>")
# So basically we append to the permutations a new dict that is the | union merge of the
# items of the template merged with the items of the concatenation of {**permutation_metadata, **permutation_body}
# For this last concatenation we use the unpacking python operator ** that strips the container dict from both
#permutations.append(dict(permutation_template.items() | {**permutation_metadata, **permutation_body}.items()))
# items of the template merged with the items of the concatenation of {**permutation_metadata,
# **permutation_body}. For this last concatenation we use the unpacking python operator ** that
# strips the container dict from both permutations.append(dict(permutation_template.items() |
# {**permutation_metadata, **permutation_body}.items()))
a = {**permutation_metadata, **permutation_body}
unpacked_testcase = {**permutation_template, **a}
# Perform a check on the clauses that must be equal to the
......@@ -177,25 +190,24 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# there is no "sub" test_cases, it likely is a failed parsing
if testcase["error_while_parsing"] == False:
if not testcase["error_while_parsing"]:
print("PARSING NOT FAILED, BUT no permutations??")
with open("permutations.json", 'w') as fp:
permutations_file = join(basedir, "doc", "results", "permutations.json")
with open(permutations_file, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(obj=permutations, indent=2, fp=fp)
# The URL of the REST endpoint of the NoSQL database
dburl = ''
# Set the appropriate headers for JSON, if required by the endpoint
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
# Include any other headers the API requires
# Make the POST request
response =, data=json.dumps(permutations), headers=headers)
response = post(dburl, data=json.dumps(permutations), headers=headers)