028_04.robot 1.27 KB
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*** Settings ***
Documentation     Check that you cannot create a subscription with an existing id
Resource          ${EXECDIR}/resources/ApiUtils.resource
Resource          ${EXECDIR}/resources/AssertionUtils.resource
Resource          ${EXECDIR}/resources/JsonUtils.resource
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*** Variable ***
${subscription_id_prefix}=    urn:ngsi-ld:Subscription:
${subscription_payload_file_path}=    subscriptions/subscription-sample.jsonld
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*** Test Case ***
Create a subscription with an id known to the system
    [Documentation]    Check that you cannot create a subscription with an existing id
    [Tags]    sub-create    5_8_1
    ${subscription_id}=    Generate Random Entity Id    ${subscription_id_prefix}
    Create Subscription    ${subscription_id}    ${subscription_payload_file_path}    ${CONTENT_TYPE_LD_JSON}
    ${response}=    Create Subscription    ${subscription_id}    ${subscription_payload_file_path}    ${CONTENT_TYPE_LD_JSON}
    Check Response Status Code    409    ${response['status']}
    Check Response Body Containing ProblemDetails Element Containing Type Element set to    ${response}    ${ERROR_TYPE_ALREADY_EXISTS}
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    Check Response Body Containing ProblemDetails Element Containing Title Element    ${response}
    [Teardown]    Delete Subscription    ${subscription_id}