019_03_05.robot 2.19 KB
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*** Settings ***
Documentation     Check that you cannot query entitites if the request has a wrong geometryProperty
Resource          ${EXECDIR}/resources/ApiUtils.resource
Resource          ${EXECDIR}/resources/AssertionUtils.resource
Resource          ${EXECDIR}/resources/JsonUtils.resource
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*** Variable ***
${building_id_prefix}=    urn:ngsi-ld:Building:
${filename}=      building-location-attribute-sample.jsonld
${entity_type}=    Building
${georel}=        invalid
${geometry}=      Point
${coordinates}=    [-8.503,41.202]
${geoproperty}=    location

*** Test Cases ***
Query entitites when the request has a wrong geometryProperty
    [Documentation]    Check that you cannot query entitites if the request has a wrong geometryProperty
    [Tags]    e-query    5_7_2
    ${first_entity_id}=    Generate Random Entity Id    ${building_id_prefix}
    ${request}    ${response}=    Create Entity Selecting Content Type    ${filename}    ${first_entity_id}    ${CONTENT_TYPE_LD_JSON}
    Check Response Status Code    201    ${response['status']}
    ${second_entity_id}=    Generate Random Entity Id    ${building_id_prefix}
    ${request}    ${response}=    Create Entity Selecting Content Type    ${filename}    ${second_entity_id}    ${CONTENT_TYPE_LD_JSON}
    Check Response Status Code    201    ${response['status']}
    ${entity_types_to_be_retrieved}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=,    ${entity_type}
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    ${response}=    Query Entities    entity_types=${entity_types_to_be_retrieved}    geoproperty=${geoproperty}    georel=${georel}    geometry=${geometry}    coordinates=${coordinates}    context=${ngsild_test_suite_context}
    Check Response Status Code    400    ${response['status']}
    Check Response Body Containing ProblemDetails Element Containing Type Element set to    ${response}    ${ERROR_TYPE_BAD_REQUEST_DATA}
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    Check Response Body Containing ProblemDetails Element Containing Title Element    ${response}
    [Teardown]    Delete Entities    ${first_entity_id}    ${second_entity_id}
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*** Keywords ***
Delete Entities
    [Arguments]    ${first_entity_id}    ${second_entity_id}
    Delete Entity by Id Returning Response    ${first_entity_id}
    Delete Entity by Id Returning Response    ${second_entity_id}