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*** Settings ***
Documentation       Check that a notification is only sent if and only if the status is active

Resource            ${EXECDIR}/resources/ApiUtils/ContextInformationSubscription.resource
Resource            ${EXECDIR}/resources/ApiUtils/ContextInformationProvision.resource
Resource            ${EXECDIR}/resources/AssertionUtils.resource
Resource            ${EXECDIR}/resources/JsonUtils.resource
Resource            ${EXECDIR}/resources/NotificationUtils.resource

Suite Setup         Before Test
Suite Teardown      After Test

*** Variables ***
${subscription_id_prefix}=              urn:ngsi-ld:Subscription:
${subscription_payload_file_path}=      subscriptions/subscription-building-entities-active.jsonld
${building_id_prefix}=                  urn:ngsi-ld:Building:
${entity_building_filepath}=            building-simple-attributes-sample.jsonld
${fragment_filename}=                   airQualityLevel-fragment.jsonld
${notification_server_send_url}=        http://${notification_server_host}:${notification_server_port}/notify
046_01_01 Check that a notification is only sent if status is active
    [Documentation]    Check that a notification is only sent if and only if the status is active
    Setup Initial Subscriptions

    Update Entity Attributes    ${entity_id}    ${fragment_filename}    ${CONTENT_TYPE_LD_JSON}

    ${notification}    ${headers}=    Wait for notification    timeout=${10}

    Should be Equal    ${subscription_id}    ${notification}[subscriptionId]
    Should be Equal    ${entity_id}    ${notification}[data][0][id]
    Should be Equal    ${5}    ${notification}[data][0][airQualityLevel][value]

*** Keywords ***
Setup Initial Subscriptions
    ${subscription_id}=    Generate Random Entity Id    ${subscription_id_prefix}
    ${subscription_payload}=    Load Subscription Sample With Reachable Endpoint
    ...    ${subscription_payload_file_path}
    ...    ${subscription_id}
    ...    ${notification_server_send_url}
    ${subscription_payload}=    Set Entity Id In Subscription    ${subscription_payload}    ${entity_id}
Arnaud Van der Poorten's avatar
Arnaud Van der Poorten committed
    Create Subscription From Subscription Payload    ${subscription_payload}    ${CONTENT_TYPE_LD_JSON}
    Set Suite Variable    ${subscription_id}
Delete Initial Subscriptions
    Delete Subscription    ${subscription_id}
Arnaud Van der Poorten's avatar
Arnaud Van der Poorten committed
Before Test
poujol's avatar
poujol committed
    Start Local Server    ${notification_server_host}    ${notification_server_port}
Arnaud Van der Poorten's avatar
Arnaud Van der Poorten committed

After Test
    Delete Initial Subscriptions
Arnaud Van der Poorten's avatar
Arnaud Van der Poorten committed
    Delete Initial Entity
Arnaud Van der Poorten's avatar
Arnaud Van der Poorten committed
    Stop Local Server

Arnaud Van der Poorten's avatar
Arnaud Van der Poorten committed
Add Initial Entity
    ${entity_id}=    Generate Random Entity Id    ${building_id_prefix}
Arnaud Van der Poorten's avatar
Arnaud Van der Poorten committed
    Create Entity    ${entity_building_filepath}    ${entity_id}
    Set Suite Variable    ${entity_id}

Delete Initial Entity
    Delete Entity by Id    ${entity_id}