"test_objective": "Check that the default @context is used if the Content-Type header is \"application/json\" and the Link header does not contain a JSON-LD @context",
"reference": "ETSI GS CIM 009 V1.3.1 [], clause 6.3.5",
"config_id": "",
"parent_release": "v1.3.1",
"pics_selection": "PICS_6_3_5",
"keywords": [
"Delete Created Context Source Registrations"
"teardown": "Delete Created Context Source Registrations",
"initial_condition": "with {\n the SUT containing an initial state\n}",
"test_cases": [
"name": "033_05_01 Create one context source registration using the default context with JSON content type with Context",
"permutation_tp_id": "TP/NGSI-LD/CS/CSR/033_05_01",
"doc": "Check that the default @context is used if the Content-Type header is \"application/json\" and the Link header does not contain a JSON-LD @context and retrieve the information with ngsild context",
"tags": [
"setup": null,
"teardown": null,
"template": null,
"then": "then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Create Context Source Registration With Return with Response Status Code set to 201 and\n Retrieve Context Source Registration with Response Body containing the key '['information'][0]['entities'][0]['type']', with the value 'ngsi-ld:default-context/Building'\n}",
"when": "when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/csourceRegistrations'\n method set to 'POST'\n Request Header['Content-Type'] set to 'application/ld+json' and\n payload defined in file: '${updated_payload}'\n}",
"http_verb": "POST",
"endpoint": "csourceRegistrations"
"name": "033_05_02 Create one context source registration using the default context with JSON content type without Context",
"permutation_tp_id": "TP/NGSI-LD/CS/CSR/033_05_02",
"doc": "Check that the default @context is used if the Content-Type header is \"application/json\" and the Link header does not contain a JSON-LD @context and retrieve the information without ngsild context",
"tags": [
"setup": null,
"teardown": null,
"template": null,
"then": "then {\n the SUT sends a valid Response for the operations:\n Create Context Source Registration With Return with Response Status Code set to 201 and\n Retrieve Context Source Registration with Response Body containing the key '['information'][0]['entities'][0]['type']', with the value 'Building'\n}",
"when": "when {\n the SUT receives a Request from the client containing:\n URL set to '/ngsi-ld/v1/csourceRegistrations'\n method set to 'POST'\n Request Header['Content-Type'] set to 'application/ld+json' and\n payload defined in file: '${updated_payload}'\n}",
"http_verb": "POST",
"endpoint": "csourceRegistrations"
"robotpath": "ContextSource/Registration/RegisterContextSource",