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from generateDocumentationData import create_json_of_robotfile
from os.path import dirname, join
from requests import delete, post

if __name__ == "__main__":
    basedir = dirname(dirname(__file__))
    statistics = dict()
    number_of_all_testcases = 0
    number_of_successes = 0
    fullpath = basedir + "/TP/NGSI-LD"
    for root, dirs, files in walk(fullpath):
        for filename in files:
            if filename.endswith(ROBOT_FILE_EXTENSION):
                number_of_all_testcases += 1
                name_of_test_case = filename[:-len(ROBOT_FILE_EXTENSION)]
                json_of_test_case = create_json_of_robotfile(name_of_test_case, True)
                statistics[name_of_test_case] = dict()
                strippedpath = root[len(fullpath)+1:]
                statistics[name_of_test_case]["path"] = strippedpath
                if "error_while_parsing" in json_of_test_case and json_of_test_case["error_while_parsing"]:
                    statistics[name_of_test_case]["failed"] = True
                    number_of_failures += 1
                    # we create a dummy entry in the "sub" test_cases, which has a "permutation_tp_id" equal to the
                    # robotfile. We do not forget to add a trailing slash that will be removed later, and a tail _XX
                    # which will allow matching from the googlesheet?
                    json_of_test_case["test_cases"] = [{"permutation_tp_id": "/"+json_of_test_case["robotfile"]+"_XX"}]
                    statistics[name_of_test_case]["failed"] = False
                    number_of_successes += 1
                    # we add it here because Fernando's code does not, in case of successfull parsing
                    json_of_test_case["error_while_parsing"] = False
                    # establish the right configuration
                    if json_of_test_case["robotpath"].startswith("ContextSource"):
                        json_of_test_case["config_id"] = "CF_05"
                        json_of_test_case["config_id"] = "CF_01"
                    # upgrade the version and add the reference in square brackets
                    json_of_test_case["reference"] = (
                        re.sub(r"V1.3.1 \[\]", "version 1.5.1 [1]", json_of_test_case["reference"]))

                    # now for each permutation inside this test case, create the permutation's correct parent_release
                    if "test_cases" in json_of_test_case:
                        # grab everything that is a permutation_body inside the "sub" test_cases,
                        for permutation_body in json_of_test_case["test_cases"]:
                            # default parent release
                            parent_release = "v1.3.1"
                            for tag in permutation_body["tags"]:
                                if tag.startswith('since_'):
                                    parts = tag.split('_')
                                    # the suffix
                                    parent_release = parts[-1]
                            permutation_body["permutation_parent_release"] = parent_release
                        print("NO PERMUTATIONS in TESTCASE??? " + json_of_test_case["tp_id"])

    for testcasename, testcaseresult in statistics.items():
            print(testcasename+" "+testcaseresult["path"])
    print(f"Out of {number_of_all_testcases} testcases, {number_of_failures} of them failed to be correctly parsed.")
    testcases_file = join(basedir, "doc", "results", "testcases.json")
    with open(testcases_file, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(obj=testcases, indent=2, fp=fp)
    # determine the structure/schema of a successfully parsed testcase
    permutation_template = {}
    for testcase in testcases:
        if not testcase["error_while_parsing"]:
            permutation_metadata_template = {}
            # everything that is at the top level shall be extracted
            for key, value in testcase.items():
                if key != "test_cases":
                    if type(key) is str:
                        permutation_metadata_template[key] = "UNKNOWN"
                    elif type(key) is list:
                        permutation_metadata_template[key] = []
                    elif type(key) is int:
                        permutation_metadata_template[key] = 0
                    elif type(key) is float:
                        permutation_metadata_template[key] = 0.0
                    elif type(key) is dict:
                        permutation_metadata_template[key] = {}
                        print("UNKNOWN type")
            if "test_cases" in testcase:
                # everything that is a permutation_body inside the "sub" test_cases,
                # shall rise on its own existenz and be joined with its permutation_metadata
                for permutation_body in testcase["test_cases"]:
                    permutation_body_template = {}  # new object, not changing permutation_body
                    if "permutation_tp_id" in permutation_body:
                        permutation_body_template["stripped_permutation_tp_id"] = "UNKNOWN"
                        permutation_body_template["robotlink"] = "UNKNOWN"
                        for key, value in permutation_body.items():
                            if type(key) is str:
                                permutation_body_template[key] = "UNKNOWN"
                            elif type(key) is list:
                                permutation_body_template[key] = []
                            elif type(key) is int:
                                permutation_body_template[key] = 0
                            elif type(key) is float:
                                permutation_body_template[key] = 0.0
                            elif type(key) is dict:
                                permutation_body_template[key] = {}
                                print("UNKNOWN BODY type")
                        # we use the unpacking python operator ** that strips the container dict from both
                        permutation_template = {**permutation_metadata_template, **permutation_body_template}
                        print("NO PERMUTATION TP ID")
                print("TEMPLATE PARSING NOT FAILED, BUT no permutations??")
            if permutation_template != {}:
    print("Typical template:")

    # unpack all permutations of testcases that are under the same .robot file
    permutations = []
    for testcase in testcases:
        # print("--parsing "+testcase["robotfile"])
        # everything that is at the top level shall be extracted
        for key, value in testcase.items():
            if key != "test_cases":
                permutation_metadata[key] = value
        # start creating HTML link to robot file in repo
        fullurl = (BASE_URL_OF_FORGE + permutation_metadata["robotpath"] +
                   "/" + permutation_metadata["robotfile"] + ROBOT_FILE_EXTENSION)

        if "test_cases" in testcase:
            # everything that is a permutation_body inside the "sub" test_cases,
            # shall rise on its own existenz and be joined with its permutation_metadata
            for permutation_body in testcase["test_cases"]:
                if "permutation_tp_id" in permutation_body:
                    ptpid = permutation_body["permutation_tp_id"]
                    if "then" not in permutation_body:
                        print(" no then in " + ptpid)
                    if "when" not in permutation_body:
                        print(" no when in " + ptpid)
                    # strip from beginning up to including the last "/"
                    permutation_body["stripped_permutation_tp_id"] = ptpid[ptpid.rindex("/")+1:]
                    # use the stripped_permutation_tp_id as text of the link
                    permutation_body["robotlink"] = (
                            "<a href=\""+fullurl+"\">" + permutation_body["stripped_permutation_tp_id"] + "</a>")

                    # So basically we append to the permutations a new dict that is the | union merge of the
                    # items of the template merged with the items of the concatenation of {**permutation_metadata,
                    # **permutation_body}. For this last concatenation we use the unpacking python operator ** that
                    # strips the container dict from both permutations.append(dict(permutation_template.items() |
                    # {**permutation_metadata, **permutation_body}.items()))
                    a = {**permutation_metadata, **permutation_body}
                    unpacked_testcase = {**permutation_template, **a}
                    # Perform a check on the clauses that must be equal to the
                    # clauses extracted from tags
                    if "clauses" not in unpacked_testcase:
                        print("NO EXTRACTED CLAUSES in " + ptpid)
                    if len(unpacked_testcase["clauses"]) > 1:
                        print("MULTIPLE CLAUSES in " + ptpid)
                    print("NO PERMUTATION TP ID")
            # there is no "sub" test_cases, it likely is a failed parsing
            if not testcase["error_while_parsing"]:
                print("PARSING NOT FAILED, BUT no permutations??")

    permutations_file = join(basedir, "doc", "results", "permutations.json")
    with open(permutations_file, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(obj=permutations, indent=2, fp=fp)

    # The URL of the REST endpoint of the NoSQL database
    dburl = ''
    # Set the appropriate headers for JSON, if required by the endpoint
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        # Include any other headers the API requires
    response = post(dburl, data=json.dumps(permutations), headers=headers)