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Silvia Almagia's avatar
Silvia Almagia committed
# ARF005

Eric Villain's avatar
Eric Villain committed
ARF005 - OpenAPIs for World Storage Representation

# Workspaces
Eric Villain's avatar
Eric Villain committed

## ETSI Forge
Contains the source code and specification related to the World Storage API.

[Access to the Forge](

[Access to the project: ARF005 – World Storage API](

## ETSI Lab
Contains the source code and documentation related to the wrappers, the Unity plugin and the validation application. We will create an independent project for each item. A project called Management has already been created for administrative purpose.

[Access to the Lab](

[Access to the subgroup World Storage API Helpers](

Eric Villain's avatar
Eric Villain committed
## ETSI ISG ARF Sharepoint
Eric Villain's avatar
Eric Villain committed
Contains temporary office documents that are edited collaboratively and all other stuff that don’t fit in the Forge or the Lab.

[Access with authentication](

[Access without authentication](

# Tools
## Swaggereditor  
## API generation
