LibSip_SMSFunctions.ttcn3 1.53 KB
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 *	@author 	STF 435
 *  @version    $Id$
 *	@desc		This module provides the functions used by the test component 
 *              for SIP-SMS over IMS as specified in 3GPP 24.341 tests.
 *              This module is part of LibSipV2.
module LibSip_SMSFunctions {
    import from LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues all;
    function f_IA5_2oct(charstring p_ASCII_String)
    return octetstring
        var integer i;
        var integer k;
        var integer v_Length := lengthof(p_ASCII_String);
    	var integer v_Temp;
        var octetstring v_Noctets :=''O; 
        var bitstring   v_TempBitSrc := ''B;
        var bitstring   v_TempBitDes := ''B;
        if ((v_Length<=0) or (v_Length>160) or (((v_Length *7) mod 8) != 0))	
           log("Invalid value of input string length.");
        for(i:=0; i<v_Length; i:=i+1)
            v_Temp := char2int(p_ASCII_String[i]);
    		v_TempBitSrc := int2bit(v_Temp, 8);
    		for(k:=1; k<=7; k:=k+1)
                v_TempBitDes := v_TempBitSrc[8-k] & v_TempBitDes;
                if(((7*i+k) mod 8) == 0)
                    v_Noctets := v_Noctets & bit2oct(v_TempBitDes);
                    v_TempBitDes := ''B;
        return v_Noctets;
    } // f_IA5_2oct
    external function fx_GetSC_TimeStamp(integer p_TimeZone) return TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type;
} // End of module LibSip_SMSFunctions