LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.ttcn 52.3 KB
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      // [20.32]
      type record Require
        FieldName		fieldName (REQUIRE_E),
        OptionTag_List	optionsTags
      // [20.33]
      type record RetryAfter
        FieldName		fieldName (RETRY_AFTER_E),
        DeltaSec    	deltaSec,
        charstring		comment optional,
        SemicolonParam_List	retryParams optional
      // [20.34]
      type record Route
        FieldName		fieldName (ROUTE_E),
        RouteBody_List	routeBody
      // [20.35 RFC2616 14.38]
      type record Server
        FieldName		fieldName (SERVER_E),
        ServerVal_List	serverBody
      // [20.36]
      type record Subject
        FieldName		fieldName (SUBJECT_E),
        charstring		summary
      // [20.37]
      type record Supported
        FieldName		fieldName (SUPPORTED_E),
        OptionTag_List	optionsTags optional
      // [20.38]
      type record Timestamp
        FieldName		fieldName (TIMESTAMP_E),
        TimeValue		timeValue optional,
        TimeValue		delay optional
      // [20.39]
      type record To
        FieldName		fieldName (TO_E),
        Addr_Union      	addressField,
        SemicolonParam_List	toParams optional
      // [20.40]
      type record Unsupported
        FieldName		fieldName (UNSUPPORTED_E),
        OptionTag_List		optionsTags
      // Undefined header field
      type record UndefinedHeader
        charstring		headerName,
        charstring		headerValue
      type set of UndefinedHeader UndefinedHeader_List;
      // [20.41 RFC2616 14.43]
      type record UserAgent
        FieldName		fieldName (USER_AGENT_E),
        ServerVal_List 	userAgentBody
      // [20.42]
      type record Via
        FieldName		fieldName (VIA_E),
        ViaBody_List		viaBody
      // [20.43]
      type record Warning
        FieldName		fieldName (WARNING_E),
        WarningValue_List	warningValue
      // [20.44 RFC2616 14.47 RFC2617 1.2]
      type record WwwAuthenticate
        FieldName		fieldName (WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E),
        Challenge		challenge
      }//end group CommonHeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC3262HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3262/7.1]
	  type record RSeq {
		  FieldName fieldName(RSEQ_E),
		  integer responseNum

	  // [3262/7.2]
	  type record RAck {
		  FieldName fieldName(RACK_E),
		  integer responseNum,
		  integer seqNumber,
		  charstring method
	  }//end group RFC3262HeaderFieldTypes

	  group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3265/7.2]
	  type record AllowEvents {
		  FieldName fieldName(ALLOW_EVENTS_E),
		  EventType_List eventTypes
	  type set of EventType EventType_List;
	  type charstring EventType;
	  // [3265/7.2]
	  type record Event {
		  FieldName fieldName(EVENT_E),
		  EventType eventType,
		  SemicolonParam_List eventParams optional
	  // [3265/7.2]
	  type record SubscriptionState {
		  FieldName fieldName(SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_E),
		  SubState subState,
		  SemicolonParam_List substateParams optional
	  type charstring SubState;
	  }//end group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes	

	  group RFC3313HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3313/5]
	  type record PMediaAuthorization {
		  FieldName fieldName(P_MEDIA_AUTHORIZATION_E),
		  PMediaAuthorization_List pMediaAuthorizations
	  type charstring PMediaAuthValue; //HEXDIG "0"-"9", "A"-"F"
	  type record of PMediaAuthValue PMediaAuthorization_List;
	  }//end group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes

	  group RFC3323HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3323]
	  type record Privacy {
		  FieldName fieldName(PRIVACY_E),
		  PrivacyValue_List privValueList
	  }//end group RFC3323HeaderFieldTypes     

	  group RFC3325HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3325]
	  type record PAssertedID {
		  FieldName fieldName(P_ASSERTED_ID_E),
		  PAssertedIDValue_List pAssertedIDValueList

	  // [3325]
	  type record PPreferredID {
		  FieldName fieldName(P_PREFERRED_ID_E),
		  PPreferredIDValue_List pPreferredIDValueList
      }//end group RFC3325HeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC3326HeaderFieldTypes
	  type record of ReasonValue ReasonValues;
	  type record ReasonValue {
	  charstring token,
	  SemicolonParam_List reasonParams optional
	  type record Reason {
	  FieldName fieldName(REASON_E),
	  ReasonValues reasonValues
	  }//end group RFC3326HeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC3327HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3327]
	  type record Path {
		  FieldName fieldName(PATH_E),
		  PathValues pathValues
	  type record of PathValue PathValues;

	  type record PathValue {
		  NameAddr nameAddr,
		  SemicolonParam_List rrParam optional
	  }//end group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC3329HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [RFC3329/2.2]
	  type record SecurityMechanism {
		charstring mechName,
		SemicolonParam_List mechParams optional

	  type set of SecurityMechanism SecurityMechanism_List;
	  type record SecurityClient {
		FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_CLIENT_E),
		SecurityMechanism_List securityMech

	  type record SecurityServer {
		FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_SERVER_E),
		SecurityMechanism_List securityMech

	  type record SecurityVerify {
		FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_VERIFY_E),
		SecurityMechanism_List securityMech
	  }//end group RFC3329HeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC3455HeaderFieldTypes
	  type record of NameAddrParam NameAddrParam_List;

	  type record NameAddrParam {
		  NameAddr nameAddr,
		  SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional
	  type record PAssociatedURI {
		FieldName fieldName(P_ASSOCIATED_URI_E),
		NameAddrParam_List nameAddrList
	  type record PCalledPartyID {
		  FieldName fieldName(P_CALLED_PARTY_E),
		  NameAddrParam nameAddParams

	  type record of VnetworkSpec VnetworkSpec_List;

	  type record VnetworkSpec {
		charstring vNetworkSpecToken,
		SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional
	  type record PVisitedNetworkID {
		FieldName fieldName(P_VISITED_NETWORK_E),
		VnetworkSpec_List vNetWorkSpec
	  type record PAccessNetworkInfo {
		FieldName fieldName(P_ACCESS_NETWORK_INFO_E),
		charstring accessType,
		SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional
	  type record PChargingFunctionAddresses {
		SemicolonParam_List chargeAddrParams optional
	  type record PChargingVector {
		FieldName fieldName(P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E),
		SemicolonParam_List chargeParams optional
	  }//end group RFC33455HeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3515]
	  type record ReferTo {
		  FieldName fieldName(REFER_TO_E),
		  NameAddr nameAddr,
		  SemicolonParam_List referToParams optional
	  }//end group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes

	  group RFC3608HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3608]
	  type record ServiceRoute {
		FieldName fieldName(SERVICE_ROUTE_E),
		RouteBody_List	routeBody
	  }//end group RFC33608HeaderFieldTypes

	  group RFC3841HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3841]
	  type record AcceptContact {
		  FieldName fieldName(ACCEPT_CONTACT_E),
		  AcRcValue_List acValues
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	  type set of AcRcValue AcRcValue_List;

	  type record AcRcValue {
		  charstring wildcard(c_WILDCARD),
		  SemicolonParam_List acRcParams optional
	  }// end group RFC3841HeaderFieldTypes

	  group RFC3891HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3891]
      type record Replaces
        FieldName			fieldName (REPLACES_E),
		SemicolonParam_List replacesParams
      }// end group RFC3891HeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC3892HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [3892]
	  type record ReferredBy {
		  FieldName fieldName(REFERRED_BY_E),
		  NameAddr nameAddr,
		  SemicolonParam_List referredbyIdParams optional
	  }//end group RFC3892HeaderFieldTypes

	  group RFC4028HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [4028]				
	  type record MinSE {
		FieldName fieldName(MIN_SE_E),
		DeltaSec deltaSec,
		SemicolonParam_List minSeParam optional
	  // [4028]
	  type record SessionExpires {
		FieldName fieldName(SESSION_EXPIRES_E),
		DeltaSec deltaSec,
		SemicolonParam_List seParam optional
	  }//end group RFC4028HeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC4244HeaderFieldTypes
	  // [4244]
	  type record HistoryInfo {
		  FieldName fieldName(HISTORY_INFO_E),
		  HistoryInfo_List historyInfoList

	  type record of HistoryInfoEntry HistoryInfo_List;

	  type record of integer IntegerList;

	  type record HistoryInfoEntry {
		  NameAddr nameAddr,
		  IntegerList hiIndex optional,
		  SemicolonParam_List hiExtention optional
	  }//end group RFC4244HeaderFieldTypes
	  group RFC5009PEarlyMediaHeader
	  // [5009]
	  type record PEarlyMedia {
		  FieldName fieldName(P_EARLY_MEDIA_E),
		  EM_List em_param
	  type record of charstring EM_List; 
	  }//end group RFC5009PEarlyMediaHeader

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      //, expires 16.Aug.2009
      //Transporting User to User Call Control Information in SIP for ISDN Interworking
      //type definition of SIP header mechanism 
      group UserToUser_PreliminaryRFCDraft
      	type record UserToUser{
			FieldName fieldName (USER_TO_USER_E),
			charstring  uuiData length(256), /*length limitation due to ISDN, max of allowed 128 hex digits are represented by 256 characters*/
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			GenericParam uuiParam

      }//end group UserToUser_PreliminaryRFCDraft

	  type record PAssertedService {
		  FieldName fieldName(P_ASSERTED_SERVICE_E),
		  PAssertedServiceValue pAssertedServiceValue

    } // end group HeaderFieldTypes
    group MessageHeaderTypes
      // Message-Header for all SIP requests and responses [20]
      type set MessageHeader
        Accept				accept optional,
		AcceptContact		acceptContact optional,
        AcceptEncoding		acceptEncoding optional,
        AcceptLanguage		acceptLanguage optional,
        AlertInfo			alertInfo optional,
        Allow				allow optional,
		AllowEvents 		allowEvents optional, // 3265/7.2
        AuthenticationInfo	authenticationInfo optional, // only in responses
        Authorization		authorization optional, // only in requests
        CallId				callId optional, // optional only in Invalid test cases mandatory otherwise
        CallInfo			callInfo optional,
        Contact				contact optional, // optional in response and all requests except INVITE where mandatory
        ContentDisposition	contentDisposition optional,
        ContentEncoding		contentEncoding optional,
        ContentLanguage		contentLanguage optional,
        ContentLength		contentLength optional, // optional in responses and all requests except ACK where mandatory
        ContentType			contentType optional,
        CSeq				cSeq optional, // optional only in Invalid test cases mandatory otherwise
        Date				date optional,
        ErrorInfo 			errorInfo optional, // only in responses
		Event 				event optional, // 3265/7.2
        Expires 			expires optional,
        From				fromField,
		HistoryInfo 		historyInfo optional, // 4244
        InReplyTo 			inReplyTo optional, // only in requests
        MaxForwards			maxForwards optional, // mandatory in requests not required in responses!
        MimeVersion			mimeVersion optional,
        MinExpires			minExpires optional, // only in responses
		MinSE 				minSE optional, // 4028
        Organization		organization optional,
		PAccessNetworkInfo 	pAccessNetworkInfo optional, // 3455
		PAssertedID 		pAssertedID optional, // 3325
		PAssertedService	pAssertedService optional,
		PAssociatedURI		pAssociatedURI optional, // 3455
		Path 				path optional, // 3327
		PCalledPartyID 		pCalledPartyID optional, // 3455
		PChargingFunctionAddresses pChargingFunctionAddresses optional, // 3455
		PChargingVector 	pChargingVector optional, // 3455
		PEarlyMedia			pEarlyMedia	optional, // 5009
		PMediaAuthorization pMediaAuthorization optional, // 3313
		PPreferredID 		pPreferredID optional, // 3325
        Priority 			priority optional,  // only in requests
		Privacy 			privacy optional, // 3323
        ProxyAuthenticate	proxyAuthenticate optional, // only in responses
        ProxyAuthorization	proxyAuthorization optional, // only in requests
        ProxyRequire		proxyRequire optional, // only in requests
		PVisitedNetworkID 	pVisitedNetworkID optional, // 3455
		RAck 				rAck optional, // 3262/7.1
		RSeq 				rSeq optional, // 3262/7.1
		Reason 				reason optional, // 3326
        RecordRoute			recordRoute optional,
		ReferredBy 			referredBy optional, // 3892 - REFER method	
		ReferTo 			referTo optional, // 3515 - REFER method
		Replaces			replaces optional, // 3891
        ReplyTo				replyTo optional, // optional in responses and INVITE requests
        Require 			require optional,
        RetryAfter			retryAfter optional, // only in responses
        Route 				route optional, // only in requests
		SecurityClient 		securityClient optional, // 3329
		SecurityServer 		securityServer optional, // 3329
		SecurityVerify 		securityVerify optional, // 3329
        Server				server optional, // only in responses
		ServiceRoute 		serviceRoute optional, // 3608
		SessionExpires 		sessionExpires optional, // 4028
        Subject				subject optional, // only in requests
		SubscriptionState 	subscriptionState optional, // 3265/7.2
        Supported 			supported optional,
        Timestamp 			timestamp optional,
        To					toField,
        Unsupported			unsupported optional, // only in responses
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		UserToUser          userToUser optional,
        UserAgent 			userAgent optional,
        Via					via,
        Warning				warning optional, // only in responses
        WwwAuthenticate		wwwAuthenticate optional, // only in responses
        UndefinedHeader_List	undefinedHeader_List optional
    } // end group MessageHeaderTypes
    group StartLineTypes
      // Request-Line [7.1]
      type record RequestLine
        Method			method,
        SipUrl			requestUri,
        charstring		sipVersion
      // Status-Line [7.2]
      type record StatusLine
        charstring		sipVersion,
        integer			statusCode,
        charstring		reasonPhrase
    } // end group StartLineTypes
    group otherTypes{
    type record SipUserProfile
		/** @desc	integer for the userprofile identifier
		integer		id,

		/** @desc	integer for Port number to exchange SIP messages
		integer     currPort,

		/** @desc	charstring for IP address to exchange SIP messages
		charstring  currIpaddr,		
		/** @desc	integer for Port number to exchange SIP messages
		integer     contactPort,

		/** @desc	charstring for IP address to exchange SIP messages
		charstring  contactIpaddr,

		/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams
		charstring  bearerIpaddr,

		/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester local domain
		charstring  homeDomain,

		/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester local user
		charstring  publUsername,
		/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 3.2.1 qop options:
		* Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server. The
		* value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
		charstring qop,

		/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 3.2.2 username for authentication
		* The name of user in the specified realm
		charstring privUsername,

		/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username
		charstring passwd,

		/** @desc	charstring for registrar domain for authentication and request line
		charstring registrarDomain
    } // end group otherTypes
  }// end group Subtypes

  group MSGtypes{
    group RequestTypes
      // [7.1]

	* @desc generic type of a SIP request message
	* @member statusLine contains a method name, a Request-URI, and the protocol version
	* @member msgHeader include all possible header fields that are allowed to be present according to RFCs and other standards
	* @member messageBody depends on the request method, includes e.g. SDP message.
	* @member payload  contains the whole message as it has been received in its text format
      type record Request
        RequestLine		requestLine,
        MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody		messageBody optional,
        Payload			payload	    optional
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      } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
      // Note: the introduction of the following  specific types is to enable better means for logging
      //       on the other side the generic type is useful for functions dealing with multiple SIP message types
	  type record REGISTER_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
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	  } with { encode "SIPCodec"}

	  type record INVITE_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
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	  } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
	  type record OPTIONS_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
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	  } with { encode "SIPCodec"}

	  type record BYE_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
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	  } with { encode "SIPCodec"}

	  type record CANCEL_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
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	  } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
	  type record ACK_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
	  } with { encode "SIPCodec" }

	  // [3262/7.1]
	  type record PRACK_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
	  } with { encode "SIPCodec" }

	  // [3265/7.1]
	  type record NOTIFY_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
	  } with { encode "SIPCodec" }

	  // [3265/7.1]
	  type record SUBSCRIBE_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
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	  } with { encode "SIPCodec"}

	  // [3903/11.1]
	  type record PUBLISH_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
	  } with { encode "SIPCodec" }

	  //	[3311/7]
	  type record UPDATE_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
	  } with { encode "SIPCodec" }

	  type record REFER_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
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	  } with { encode "SIPCodec"}

	  type record MESSAGE_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
	  } with { encode "SIPCodec" }

	  type record INFO_Request {
		RequestLine 	requestLine,
		MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody 	messageBody optional,
		Payload 		payload optional
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	  } with { encode "SIPCodec"}

    }  //with { encode "SIPCodec" }// end group RequestTypes

	* @desc generic type of a SIP response message
	* @member statusLine consists of the protocol version followed by a numeric Status-Code and its associated textual phrase
	* @member msgHeader include all possible header fields that are allowed to be present according to RFCs and other standards
	* @member messageBody depends on the response method, includes e.g. SDP message.
	* @member payload  contains the whole message as it has been received in its text format
      type record Response
        StatusLine		statusLine,
        MessageHeader 	msgHeader,
		MessageBody		messageBody optional,
        Payload			payload	    optional
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      }  with { encode "SIPCodec"}
    } //with { encode "SIPCodec" }// end group ResponseTypes
    // This MSG type is defined for sending synctactic variations, ans syntactically
    // erroneous messages, and receving messages failed parsing.
    group SyntacticTypes
      type charstring Raw;
    } // end group SyntacticTypes
	// This type is defined for particular SIP message body types like SDP

	group MessageBodyTypes
	  type union MessageBody{
		SDP_Message sdpMessageBody, 	// if there is only SDP part
		XmlBody xmlBody,            	// if there is XML message body
		XMLMessage xmlMessage,          // if there is XML with header&body
		MIME_Message mimeMessageBody, 	//if there is SDP and encapsulated ISUP part
		charstring sipfrag, 			// if content-Type is message/sipfrag (cp. NOTIFY, cp TS124147 A.
		charstring textplain			// if content type is text/plain (for testing long messages)
	} // end group MessageBodyTypes
 	group MIMETypes
	  group SubMIMETypes
		type union MIME_Encapsulated_Parts {
		  SDP_Message 				sdpMessageBody,
		  XmlBody 					xmlBody,       	// if there is XML message body
		  XMLMessage 				xmlMessage		// if there is XML with header&body
		type record MIME_Encapsulated_Part {
		  charstring 				content_type,
		  charstring				content_disposition optional,
		  MIME_Encapsulated_Parts 	mime_encapsulated_part
	  }//end group SubMIMETypes

	  group MessageTypes {
	    type record MIME_Message {
		  charstring boundary, // len: 
		  MimeEncapsulatedList mimeEncapsulatedList
	    type record of MIME_Encapsulated_Part MimeEncapsulatedList;

	  } // group MessageTypes
    } // group MIMETypes
  }// end group MSGTypes
}// end group Types

} // end module LibSip_TypesAndValues