LibItsGeoNetworking_Templates.ttcn 102 KB
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 *  @author     ETSI / STF405 / STF449 / STF484 / STF517
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 *  @version    $URL$
 *              $Id$
 *  @desc       GeoNetworking Templates
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 *  @copyright   ETSI Copyright Notification
 *               No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.
 *               The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
 *               All rights reserved.
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module LibItsGeoNetworking_Templates {
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    // Libcommon
    import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
    import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
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    // LibItsCommon
    import from LibItsCommon_TypesAndValues all;
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    import from LibItsExternal_TypesAndValues all;
    // LibItsBtp
    import from LibItsBtp_Templates all;
    // LibItsSecurity
    import from LibItsSecurity_TypesAndValues all;
    import from LibItsSecurity_Pixits all;
    // LibItsIpv6OverGeoNetworking
    import from LibItsIpv6OverGeoNetworking_TypesAndValues all;
    import from LibItsIpv6OverGeoNetworking_Templates all;
    // AtsGeoNetworking
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    import from LibItsGeoNetworking_TestSystem all;
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    import from LibItsGeoNetworking_TypesAndValues all;
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    import from LibItsGeoNetworking_Pixits all;
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    group geoNwPrimitivesTemplates {
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         * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking packet (GeonetworkingPort Primitive)
         * @param   p_geoNwMsg GeoNetworking packet to be sent
         * @param   p_its_aid  ITS-AID used in secured mode. Default: 0, means unused
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        template (omit) GeoNetworkingReq m_geoNwReq_linkLayerBroadcast(
            template (value) GeoNetworkingPdu p_geoNwMsg,
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            template (value) UInt32 p_its_aid := 0
            macDestinationAddress   := c_llBroadcast,
            its_aid                 := p_its_aid                
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         * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking packet (GeonetworkingPort Primitive)
         * @param   p_geoNwMsg              GeoNetworking packet to be sent
         * @param   p_its_aid               ITS-AID used in secured mode. Default: 0, means unused
         * @param   p_llDestinationAdress   Link-layer destination address
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        template (omit) GeoNetworkingReq m_geoNwReq_withLinkLayerDestination(
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            template (value) GeoNetworkingPdu p_geoNwMsg,
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            template (value) UInt32 p_its_aid := 0,
            template (value) MacAddress p_llDestinationAdress
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        ) modifies m_geoNwReq_linkLayerBroadcast := {
            macDestinationAddress := p_llDestinationAdress
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         * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking packet (GeonetworkingPort Primitive)
         * @param   p_geoNwMsg GeoNetworking packet to be received
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        template GeoNetworkingInd mw_geoNwInd(
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            template (present) GeoNetworkingPdu p_geoNwMsg
            msgIn                   := p_geoNwMsg,
            macDestinationAddress   := ?,
            ssp                     := *,
            its_aid                 := *
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         * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking packet (GeonetworkingPort Primitive)
         * @param   p_geoNwMsg              GeoNetworking packet to be received
         * @param   p_llDestinationAdress   Link-layer destination address
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        template GeoNetworkingInd mw_geoNwInd_withLinkLayerDestination(
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            template (present) GeoNetworkingPdu p_geoNwMsg,
            template (present) MacAddress p_llDestinationAdress
        ) modifies mw_geoNwInd := {
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            macDestinationAddress := p_llDestinationAdress
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        group utPrimitives {
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             * @desc Initializes the GN IUT.
            template (value) UtInitialize m_gnInitialize := {
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                hashedId8 := '0000000000000000'O
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoUnicast message to a specific destination
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             * @param   p_destinationGnAddr Destination of the GeoUnicast message
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoUnicastMessage(GN_Address p_destinationGnAddr) := {
                geoUnicast := {
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                    lifetime := c_lifetime,
                    trafficClass := m_trafficClass,
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                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := ''O} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoUnicast message to a specific destination with specific lifetime
             * @param   p_destinationGnAddr Destination of the GeoUnicast message
             * @param   p_trafficClass      TrafficClass of the GeoUnicast message
             * @see     m_generateGeoUnicastMessage
            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoUnicastMessageWithTrafficClass(
                GN_Address p_destinationGnAddr,
                TrafficClass p_trafficClass
            ) modifies m_generateGeoUnicastMessage := {
                geoUnicast := {
                    trafficClass := p_trafficClass
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoUnicast message to a specific destination with specific lifetime
             * @param   p_destinationGnAddr Destination of the GeoUnicast message
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             * @param   p_lifetime          Lifetime of the GeoUnicast message
             * @see     m_generateGeoUnicastMessage
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoUnicastMessageWithLifetime(
                GN_Address p_destinationGnAddr,
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                UInt16 p_lifetime
            ) modifies m_generateGeoUnicastMessage := {
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoUnicast message to a specific destination with a payload
             * @param   p_destinationGnAddr Destination of the GeoUnicast message
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             * @param   p_payload           Payload of the GeoUnicast message
             * @see     m_generateGeoUnicastMessage
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoUnicastMessageWithPayload(
                GN_Address p_destinationGnAddr,
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                octetstring p_payload
            ) modifies m_generateGeoUnicastMessage := {
                geoUnicast := {
                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := p_payload} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here
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             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoUnicast message to a specific destination with specific lifetime with specific payload
             * @param   p_destinationGnAddr Destination of the GeoUnicast message
             * @param   p_lifetime          Lifetime of the GeoUnicast message
             * @param   p_payload           Payload of the GeoUnicast message
             * @see     m_generateGeoUnicastMessage
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoUnicastMessageWithLifetimeWithPayload(
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                GN_Address p_destinationGnAddr,
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                UInt16 p_lifetime,
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                octetstring p_payload
            ) modifies m_generateGeoUnicastMessageWithLifetime := {
                geoUnicast := {
                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := p_payload} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here
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             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoBroadcast message to a specific area
             * @param   p_geoArea  Destination area of the message
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoBroadcastMessage(
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                    shape := p_geoArea.shape,
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                    lifetime := c_lifetime,
                    trafficClass := m_trafficClass,
                    reserved := c_uInt24Zero,
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                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := ''O} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here

             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoBroadcast message to a specific area
             * @param   p_geoArea           Destination area of the message
             * @param   p_trafficClass      TrafficClass of the GeoUnicast message
            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoBroadcastMessageWithTrafficClass(
                GeoArea p_geoArea,
                TrafficClass p_trafficClass
            ) modifies m_generateGeoBroadcastMessage := {
                geoBroadcast := {
                    trafficClass := p_trafficClass
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             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoBroadcast message to a specific area
             * @param   p_geoArea   Destination area of the message
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             * @param   p_lifetime  Packet's lifetime
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoBroadcastMessageWithLifetime(
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                UInt16 p_lifetime
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            ) modifies m_generateGeoBroadcastMessage := {
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoBroadcast message to a specific area with a payload
             * @param   p_geoArea   Destination area of the message
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             * @param   p_payload   Payload of the GeoBroadcast message
             * @see     m_generateGeoBroadcastMessage
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoBroadcastMessageWithPayload(
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                octetstring p_payload
            ) modifies m_generateGeoBroadcastMessage := {
                geoBroadcast := {
                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := p_payload} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoAnycast message to a specific area
             * @param   p_geoArea  Destination area of the message
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoAnycastMessage(
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                    shape := p_geoArea.shape,
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                    lifetime := c_lifetime,
                    trafficClass := m_trafficClass,
                    reserved := c_uInt24Zero,
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                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := ''O} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here

             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoAnycast message to a specific area with a payload
             * @param   p_geoArea           Destination area of the message
             * @param   p_trafficClass      TrafficClass of the GeoUnicast message
             * @see     m_generateGeoAnycastMessage
            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoAnycastMessageWithTrafficClass(
                GeoArea p_geoArea,
                TrafficClass p_trafficClass
            ) modifies m_generateGeoAnycastMessage := {
                geoAnycast := {
                    trafficClass := p_trafficClass
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a GeoAnycast message to a specific area with a payload
             * @param   p_geoArea   Destination area of the message
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             * @param   p_payload   Payload of the GeoAnycast message
             * @see     m_generateGeoAnycastMessage
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateGeoAnycastMessageWithPayload(
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                octetstring p_payload
            ) modifies m_generateGeoAnycastMessage := {
                geoAnycast := {
                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := p_payload} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a SHB message
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateShbMessage := {
                    trafficClass := m_trafficClass,
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                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := ''O} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a SHB message with a payload
             * @param   p_trafficClass      TrafficClass of the GeoUnicast message
             * @see     m_generateShbMessage
            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateShbMessageWithTrafficClass(
                TrafficClass p_trafficClass
            ) modifies m_generateShbMessage := {
                shb := {
                    trafficClass := p_trafficClass
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a SHB message with a payload
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             * @param   p_payload   Payload of the SHB message
             * @see     m_generateShbMessage
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateShbMessageWithPayload(
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                octetstring p_payload
            ) modifies m_generateShbMessage := {
                shb := {
                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := p_payload} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here
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             * @desc    Request IUT to send a TSB message
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            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateTsbMessage := {
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                    nbHops := 10,
                    lifetime := c_lifetime,
                    trafficClass := m_trafficClass,
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                    payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := ''O} // do not use f_adaptPayload_m here
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a TSB message
             * @param   p_lifetime  Packet's lifetime
            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateTsbMessageWithLifetime(
                UInt16 p_lifetime
            ) modifies m_generateTsbMessage := {
                tsb := {
                    lifetime := p_lifetime
             * @desc    Request IUT to send a TSB message
             * @param   p_trafficClass      TrafficClass of the GeoUnicast message
            template (value) UtGnTrigger m_generateTsbMessageWithTrafficClass(
                TrafficClass p_trafficClass
            ) modifies m_generateTsbMessage := {
                tsb := {
                    trafficClass := p_trafficClass
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             * @desc    Request IUT to change its position
            template (value) UtChangePosition m_changePosition := {
                latitude := 1000,
                longitude := 0,
                elevation := 0
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        } // end utPrimitives
        group taPrimitives {
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             * @desc Testsystem will start beaconing for the given neighbor
             * @param p_beaconHeader The neighbor information
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            template (value) AcGnPrimitive m_startBeaconing(
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                template (value) BeaconHeader p_beaconHeader
            ) := {
                startBeaconing := {
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                    beaconPacket := m_geoNwPdu(m_geoNwBeaconPacket(p_beaconHeader.srcPosVector), -, c_hopLimit1)
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             * @desc Testsystem will stop beaconing for the given neighbor
             * @param p_compName The neighbor
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            template AcGnPrimitive m_stopBeaconing := {
                stopBeaconing:= {
             * @desc Testsystem will pass received to the TTCN-3
             * @param p_beaconHeader The neighbor information
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            template AcGnPrimitive m_startPassBeaconing(
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                template (value) BeaconHeader p_beaconHeader
            ) := {
                startPassBeaconing := {
                    beaconHeader := p_beaconHeader
             * @desc Testsystem will stop passing beacon information to the TTCN-3
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            template AcGnPrimitive m_stopPassBeaconing := {
                stopPassBeaconing := {
             * @desc Testsystem will start beaconing for multiple neighbors
             * @param p_beaconHeader The neighbor information
             * @param p_numberOfNeighbour The number of ITS stations for which TS will send beacons
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            template (value) AcGnPrimitive m_startBeaconingMultipleNeighbour(
                template (value) BeaconHeader p_beaconHeader,
                integer p_numberOfNeighbour
            ) := {
                startBeaconingMultipleNeighbour := {
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                    beaconPacket := m_geoNwPdu(m_geoNwBeaconPacket(p_beaconHeader.srcPosVector), -, c_hopLimit1),
                    numberOfNeighbour := p_numberOfNeighbour
             * @desc Testsystem will stop beaconing for multiple neighbors
             * @param p_compName The neighbor
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            template AcGnPrimitive m_stopBeaconingMultipleNeighbour := {
                stopBeaconingMultipleNeighbour:= {
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             * @desc Testsystem will reply the LongPosVector including the requested GN address
             *       found in received beacon information to the TTCN-3
             * @param p_gnAddress The GN address included in the LongPosVector
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            template AcGnPrimitive m_getLongPosVector(GN_Address p_gnAddress) := {
                getLongPosVector := {
                    gnAddress := p_gnAddress
             * @desc    Receive template adapter control result for long position vector with specific GN_Address
             * @param   p_gnAddress GN_Address to be contained in the long position vector
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            template AcGnResponse mw_getLongPosVectorAny(template (present) GN_Address p_gnAddress) := {
                getLongPosVector := mw_longPosVectorAny(p_gnAddress)
        } // end taPrimitives
    } // geoNwPrimitivesTemplates
    group geoNwPduTemplates {
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         * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking PDU
         * @param   p_packet    GnNonSecuredPacket of GeoNetworking message
         * @param   p_lifeTime  Lifetime of GeoNetworking message (Default: m_defaultLifetime)
         * @param   p_hopLimit  Router Hop limit of GeoNetworking message (Default: c_defaultHopLimit)
        template (value) GeoNetworkingPdu m_geoNwPdu(
            in template (value) GnNonSecuredPacket p_packet,
            in template (value) Lifetime p_lifeTime := m_defaultLifetime,
            in template (value) UInt8 p_hopLimit := c_defaultHopLimit
        ) := {
            basicHeader := m_basicHeader(p_lifeTime, p_hopLimit),
            gnPacket := {
                packet := p_packet,
                securedMsg := omit
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         * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking PDU
         * @param   p_packet    GnNonSecuredPacket of GeoNetworking message
         * @param   p_lifeTime  Lifetime of GeoNetworking message (Default: ?)
         * @param   p_hopLimit  Router Hop limit of GeoNetworking message (Default: ?)
        template (present) GeoNetworkingPdu mw_geoNwPdu(
            in template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket p_packet,
            in template (present) Lifetime p_lifeTime := ?,
            in template (present) UInt8 p_hopLimit := ?
        ) := {
            basicHeader := mw_basicHeader(p_lifeTime, p_hopLimit),
            gnPacket := {

         * @desc    Receive template for secured GeoNetworking PDU
         * @param   p_secMsg    Secured message
         * @param   p_packet    Clear-text version of the packet
        template (present) GeoNetworkingPdu mw_geoNwSecPdu(
            in template (present) SecuredMessage p_secMsg,
            in template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket p_packet := ?
        ) := {
            basicHeader := mw_securedBasicHeader(),
            gnPacket := {
                packet := p_packet,
                securedMsg := p_secMsg
         * @desc    Send template for secured GeoNetworking PDU
         * @param   p_packet    Clear-text version of the packet
         * @param   p_secMsg    Secured message
        template (value) GeoNetworkingPdu m_geoNwSecPdu(
            in template (value) GnNonSecuredPacket p_packet,
            in template (value) SecuredMessage p_secMsg
            basicHeader := m_securedBasicHeader(),
            gnPacket := {
                packet := p_packet,
                securedMsg := p_secMsg
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    } // end geoNwPduTemplates
    group geoNwPacketTemplates {
         * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking Packet
         * @param   p_basicHeader   Common header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_extHeader     Extended header of GeoNetworking packet
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        template (value) GeoNetworkingPacket m_geoNwPacket(
            in template (value) CommonHeader p_commonHeader,
            in template (value) ExtendedHeader p_extHeader
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        ) := {
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            packet := {
                commonHeader := p_commonHeader,
                extendedHeader := p_extHeader,
                payload := f_adaptPayload_m(char2oct("DEFAULT_PAYLOAD"))
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            securedMsg := omit
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         * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking Packet with no payload
         * @param   p_basicHeader   Common header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_extHeader     Extended header of GeoNetworking packet
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         * @see m_geoNwPacket
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        template (value) GeoNetworkingPacket m_geoNwPacketNoPayload(
            in template (value) CommonHeader p_commonHeader,
            in template (value) ExtendedHeader p_extHeader
        ) modifies m_geoNwPacket := {
            packet := {
                payload := omit
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         * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking Packet with octetstring payload
         * @param   p_basicHeader   Common header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_extHeader     Extended header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_payload       Octetstring payload
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         * @see m_geoNwPacket
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        template (value) GeoNetworkingPacket m_geoNwPacketWithOctetstringPayload(
            in template (value) CommonHeader p_commonHeader,
            in template (value) ExtendedHeader p_extHeader,
            in template (value) octetstring p_payload
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        ) modifies m_geoNwPacket := {
            packet := {
                payload := f_adaptPayload_m(p_payload)
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         * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking Packet with payload
         * @param   p_basicHeader   Common header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_extHeader     Extended header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_payload       Payload
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         * @see m_geoNwPacket
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        template (value) GeoNetworkingPacket m_geoNwPacketWithPayload(
            in template (value) CommonHeader p_commonHeader,
            in template (value) ExtendedHeader p_extHeader,
            in template (value) Payload p_payload
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        ) modifies m_geoNwPacket := {
            packet := {
                payload := p_payload
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         * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Packet
         * @param   p_basicHeader   Common header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_extHeader     Extended header of GeoNetworking packet
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        template (present) GeoNetworkingPacket mw_geoNwPacket(
            in template (present) CommonHeader p_commonHeader,
            in template (present) ExtendedHeader p_extHeader
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        ) := {
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            packet := {
                commonHeader := p_commonHeader,
                extendedHeader := p_extHeader,
                payload := *
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         * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Packet with any payload
         * @param   p_basicHeader   Common header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_extHeader     Extended header of GeoNetworking packet
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         * @see     mw_geoNwPacket
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        template GeoNetworkingPacket mw_geoNwPduAnyPayload(
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            in template (present) CommonHeader p_commonHeader,
            in template (present) ExtendedHeader p_extHeader
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        ) modifies mw_geoNwPacket := {
            packet := {
                payload := ?
         * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking PDU with octetstring payload
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         * @param   p_basicHeader   Common header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_extHeader     Extended header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_payload       Octetstring payload
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         * @see     mw_geoNwPacket
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        template GeoNetworkingPacket mw_geoNwPduWithOctetstringPayload(
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            in template (present) CommonHeader p_commonHeader,
            in template (present) ExtendedHeader p_extHeader,
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            in template (present) octetstring p_payload
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        ) modifies mw_geoNwPacket := {
            packet := {
                payload := f_adaptPayload_mw(p_payload)
         * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking PDU with payload
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         * @param   p_basicHeader   Common header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_extHeader     Extended header of GeoNetworking packet
         * @param   p_payload       Payload
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         * @see     mw_geoNwPacket
        template GeoNetworkingPacket mw_geoNwPduWithPayload(
tepelmann's avatar
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            in template (present) CommonHeader p_commonHeader,
            in template (present) ExtendedHeader p_extHeader,
            in template (present) Payload p_payload
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        ) modifies mw_geoNwPacket := {
            packet := {
                payload := p_payload
        group geoNwPacketTemplates_ {
berge's avatar
berge committed
             * @desc    Receive template for any GeoNetworking Packet
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwAnyPacket := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeader(
                extendedHeader := *,
                payload := *
             * @desc    Receive template for any GeoNetworking Packet with Payload
             * @param   payload  Expected GN payload 
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwAnyPacket_withPayload(
                template (present) Payload p_payload
            ) := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeader(
                extendedHeader := *,
                payload := p_payload
        } // end group geoNwPacketTemplates_
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tepelmann's avatar
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        group geoNwPacketUnicastTemplates {
             * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking Unicast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec          Long position vector of source
             * @param   p_destinationShortPosVec    Short position vector of destination
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_seqNumber                 Sequence number of GeoUnicast packet
             * @param   p_hopLimit                  Maximum number of hops (Default: c_defaultHopLimit)
             * @param   p_trafficClass              Traffic Class 
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            template (value) GnNonSecuredPacket m_geoNwUnicastPacket(
                in template (value) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (value) ShortPosVector p_destinationShortPosVec,
                in template (value) UInt8 p_hopLimit := c_defaultHopLimit,
                in template (value) TrafficClass p_trafficClass := m_trafficClass
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tepelmann committed
            ) := {
                commonHeader := m_commonHeader(
tepelmann's avatar
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                extendedHeader := m_geoUnicastHeader(
                payload := f_adaptPayload_m(char2oct("DEFAULT_PAYLOAD"))
             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Unicast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_destinationShortPosVec    Short position vector of destination
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             * @param   p_seqNumber                 Sequence number of GeoUnicast packet
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwUnicastPacket(
                in template (present) ShortPosVector p_destinationShortPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber
            ) := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeader(
                extendedHeader := mw_geoUnicastHeader(
                payload := ?
             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Unicast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_destinationShortPosVec    Short position vector of destination
             * @param   p_seqNumber                 Sequence number of GeoUnicast packet
             * @param   p_hopLimit                  Maximum number of hops (Default: ?)
             * @see mw_geoNwUnicastPacket
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwUnicastPacketWithHl(
                in template (present) ShortPosVector p_destinationShortPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (present) UInt8 p_hopLimit := ?
            ) modifies mw_geoNwUnicastPacket := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeaderWithHopLimit(
                extendedHeader := mw_geoUnicastHeader(
                payload := ?
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Unicast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_destinationShortPosVec    Short position vector of destination
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_seqNumber                 Sequence number of GeoUnicast packet
             * @param   p_srcLongPosVec             Long position vector of source
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwUnicastPacketWithSourcePv(
                in template (present) ShortPosVector p_destinationShortPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_srcLongPosVec
            ) modifies mw_geoNwUnicastPacket := {
                extendedHeader := mw_geoUnicastHeaderWithSourcePv(
             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Unicast Packet
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             * @param   p_destinationShortPosVec    Short position vector of destination
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_seqNumber                 Sequence number of GeoUnicast packet
             * @param   p_nextHeader                Id of next header
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwUnicastPacketWithNextHeader(
                in template (present) ShortPosVector p_destinationShortPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (present) NextHeader p_nextHeader
            ) modifies mw_geoNwUnicastPacket := {
                commonHeader := {
                    nextHeader := p_nextHeader
        } // end group geoNwPacketUnicastTemplates
        group geoNwPacketAnycastTemplates {
             * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking Anycast Packet
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoAnycast packet
             * @param   p_anycastArea           Destination GeoArea
             * @param   p_hopLimit              Maximum number of hops (Default: c_defaultHopLimit)
             * @param   p_trafficClass          Traffic Class 
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            template (value) GnNonSecuredPacket m_geoNwAnycastPacket(
                in template (value) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (value) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (value) GeoAnycastArea p_anycastArea,
                in template (value) UInt8 p_hopLimit := c_defaultHopLimit,
                in template (value) TrafficClass p_trafficClass := m_trafficClass
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            ) := {
                commonHeader := m_commonHeader(
tepelmann's avatar
tepelmann committed
                extendedHeader := m_geoAnycastHeader(
                payload := f_adaptPayload_m(char2oct("DEFAULT_PAYLOAD"))
             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Anycast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
tepelmann committed
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoAnycast packet
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwAnycastPacket(
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber
            ) := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeader(
                extendedHeader := mw_geoAnycastHeader(
                payload := ?
             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Anycast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
tepelmann committed
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoAnycast packet
             * @param   p_anycastArea           Destination GeoArea
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwAnycastPacketWithArea(
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (present) GeoAnycastArea p_anycastArea
            ) := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeader(
                extendedHeader := mw_geoAnycastHeaderWithArea(
                payload := ?
             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Anycast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoAnycast packet
             * @param   p_anycastArea           Destination GeoArea
             * @param   p_maxHopLimit           Maximum number of hops (Default := ?)
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwAnycastPacketWithAreaAndHl(
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (present) GeoAnycastArea p_anycastArea,
                in template (present) UInt8 p_maxHopLimit := ?
            ) modifies mw_geoNwAnycastPacketWithArea := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeaderWithHopLimit(
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Anycast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoAnycast packet
             * @param   p_anycastArea           Destination GeoArea
             * @param   p_nextHeader            Id of next header
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwAnycastPacketWithAreaWithNextHeader(
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (present) GeoAnycastArea p_anycastArea,
                in template (present) NextHeader p_nextHeader
            ) modifies mw_geoNwAnycastPacketWithArea := {
                commonHeader := {
                    nextHeader := p_nextHeader
        } // end group geoNwPacketAnycastTemplates
        group geoNwPacketBroadcastTemplates {
             * @desc    Send template for GeoNetworking Broadcast Packet
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoBroadcast packet
             * @param   p_broadcastArea         Destination GeoArea
             * @param   p_hopLimit              Maximum number of hops (Default: c_defaultHopLimit)
             * @param   p_trafficClass          Traffic Class 
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            template (value) GnNonSecuredPacket m_geoNwBroadcastPacket(
                in template (value) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (value) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (value) GeoBroadcastArea p_broadcastArea,
                in template (value) UInt8 p_hopLimit := c_defaultHopLimit,
                in template (value) TrafficClass p_trafficClass := m_trafficClass
tepelmann's avatar
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            ) := {
                commonHeader := m_commonHeader(
tepelmann's avatar
tepelmann committed
                extendedHeader := m_geoBroadcastHeader(
                payload := f_adaptPayload_m(char2oct("DEFAULT_PAYLOAD"))
             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Broadcast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoBroadcast packet
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwBroadcastPacket(
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber
            ) := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeader(
                extendedHeader := mw_geoBroadcastHeader(
                payload := ?
             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Broadcast Packet
tepelmann's avatar
tepelmann committed
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoBroadcast packet
             * @param   p_nextHeader            Id of next header
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwBroadcastPacketWithNextHeader(
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (present) NextHeader p_nextHeader
            ) modifies mw_geoNwBroadcastPacket := {
                commonHeader := mw_commonHeader(
tepelmann's avatar
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             * @desc    Receive template for GeoNetworking Broadcast Packet
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of GeoBroadcast packet
             * @param   p_nextHeader            Id of next header
             * @param   p_payload               payload
            template (present) GnNonSecuredPacket mw_geoNwBroadcastPacketWithNextHeaderAndPayload(