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LibItsCommon_Functions.ttcn 7.73 KiB
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 *    @author     ETSI / STF405
 *    @version    $URL$
 *                $Id$
 *    @desc       Module containing common functions for ITS
module LibItsCommon_Functions {

    // LibCommon
    import from LibCommon_Sync all;
    import from LibCommon_VerdictControl all;
    // LibIts
    import from DENM_PDU_Descriptions language "ASN.1:1997" all; 
    import from LibItsCommon_Pixits all;
    import from LibIts_Interface all;
    import from LibItsCommon_TypesAndValues all;
    group upperTester {
         * @desc    Requests to bring the IUT in an initial state
         * @param   p_init The initialisation to trigger.
        function f_utInitializeIut(template (value) UtInitialize p_init) runs on ItsAdapterComponent {
            alt {
                [] utPort.receive(UtResult:true) {
                    log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT initialized ***");
                [] utPort.receive {
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                    log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
                [] tc_wait.timeout {
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                    log("*** f_utInitializeIut: INFO: IUT could not be initialized in time ***");
                    f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_timeout);
         * @desc    Triggers event from the application layer
         * @param   p_event The event to trigger.
        function f_utTriggerEvent(template (value) UtEvent p_event) runs on ItsAdapterComponent {
            var template (value) UtTrigger v_utMsg := { p_event };
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            alt {
                [] utPort.receive(UtResult:true) {
                [] utPort.receive {
                [] tc_wait.timeout {
         * @desc Checks that the event was indicated at the application layer
         * @param p_event The event to check.
         * @param   p_discard The event should not appear. Default value: FALSE.
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        function f_utCheckEvent(template (value) UtEvent p_event, boolean p_discard) runs on ItsAdapterComponent {
            var template (value) UtCheck v_utMsg := { p_event };
            alt {
                [] utPort.receive(UtResult:true) {
                    if (p_discard == false) {
                        log("*** f_utCheckEvent: INFO: Event correctly indicated at application layer ***");
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                        log("*** f_utCheckEvent: ERROR: Event indicated at application layer where it should be discarded ***");
                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
                [] utPort.receive {
                    if (p_discard == false) {
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                        log("*** f_utCheckEvent: ERROR: Event not correctly indicated at application layer ***");
                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
                        log("*** f_utCheckEvent: INFO: Another event indicated at application layer, repeating check ***");
                [] tc_wait.timeout {
                    if (p_discard == false) {
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                        log("*** f_utCheckEvent: ERROR: Timeout while waiting for event check result ***");
                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_timeout);
                        log("*** f_utCheckEvent: INFO: Event not indicated at application layer ***");
    } // end of group upper tester    
         * @desc    function to generate integer random values
         * @see        ttcn-3 - rnd()
         * @param     p_lowerbound lowest number in range
         * @param     p_upperbound highest number in range
         * @return     random integer
        function f_random(    in integer p_lowerbound,
                            in integer p_upperbound )
        return integer {
            var integer v_random := 0;
            v_random := float2int(int2float(p_upperbound - p_lowerbound +1)*rnd()) + p_lowerbound;
            log("*** f_random: INFO: OK - random value = " & int2str(v_random) & " ***");
        } // end function f_random
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         * @desc    Computes the absolute value of an integer 
         * @param   p_number    the number
         * @return  Absolute value of the number
        function f_abs(in integer p_number) 
        return integer {
            if(p_number < 0) {
            	return 0 - p_number;
            return p_number;	

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         * @desc    Removes unsignificant right-most 0 bits of a bitstring
         * @param     p_bitstring Bitstring to be reduced
         * @return    Reduced bitstring
        function f_removeUnsignificantBits(in bitstring p_bitstring)
        return bitstring {
        	var integer i, len;
        	len := lengthof(p_bitstring);
        	for(i:=len-1; i >=0 and p_bitstring[i] == '0'B; i:=i-1) {}
        	return substr(p_bitstring, 0, i + 1);
         * @desc    Gets the current time
         * @return  Timestamp - current time in Epoch format
        function f_getCurrentTime() return TimeStamp {
            var TimeStamp v_timeStamp := 0;
            log("*** f_getCurrentTime: INFO: calling fx_getCurrentTime() ***");
            v_timeStamp := fx_getCurrentTime();
            return v_timeStamp;
    } // end generalFunctions  
    group itsFunctions { 

         * @desc    Gets the station identifier of test system
         * @return  Test system's station ID
         * @see     PX_TESTER_STATION_ID
        function f_getTsStationId()
        return StationID {
            return PX_TESTER_STATION_ID;
        } // end f_getTsStationId
         * @desc    Gets the current position of test system
         * @return  Test system's position
        function f_getTsCurrentPosition() return ReferencePosition {
            /* TODO: consider getting position from TA (as it is done for GN) */
            return PX_TS_POSITION;
        } // end f_getTsCurrentPosition
    } // end itsFunctions       
    group externalFunctions {
         * @desc    This external function gets the current time    
         * @return  Timestamp - current time in Epoch format
        external function fx_getCurrentTime() return TimeStamp;
    } // end externalFunctions

} // end of module