* @author ETSI / STF422_EETS
* @version $URL:$
* $Id:$
module LibItsMgt_Functions {
// LibCommon
import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues {
import from LibCommon_Sync {
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict, f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble
import from LibCommon_VerdictControl all;
// LibIts
import from CALMiitsscu language "ASN.1:1997" {
import from CALMllsap language "ASN.1:1997" {
MedType, CIaClass, CIclass
import from CALMmanagement language "ASN.1:1997" {
import from CALMmsap language "ASN.1:1997" {
MN_Request_request, FWTupdate,
// import from CALMfsap language "ASN.1:1997" {
// type
// GCregServer, GCregClient, GCderegClient, GCctxTxCmd, CTXrxNot
// };
import from LibItsMgt_Templates all;
import from LibItsMgt_Pixits all;
group functions {
* @desc Triggers a request command event in the test system adaptation.
* @param p_requestRequest The remote commad to trigger
* @return FncRetCode
function f_mgtMfTriggerRequest(
in template (value) MF_Request_request p_requestRequest
) runs on ItsMgt return FncRetCode {
var FncRetCode v_ret := e_success;
* @desc Triggers a request command event in the test system adaptation.
* @param p_requestRequest The remote commad to trigger
* @return FncRetCode
function f_mgtMnTriggerRequest(
in template (value) MN_Request_request p_requestRequest
) runs on ItsMgt return FncRetCode {
var FncRetCode v_ret := e_success;
return v_ret;
} // End of group functions
group mgtAltsteps {
group mfSap {
* @desc The base default.
altstep a_mgtMfSapPortDefault() runs on ItsMgt {
[] mgtMfSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMfSapCommandReq(mw_mfCommandRequest_any)) { // Receive any MF-COMMAND.request message
log("*** a_mgtMfSapPortDefault: INFO: MF-SAP service primitive received in default ***");
[] mgtMfSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMfSapRequestReq(mw_mfRequestRequest_any)) { // Receive any MF-COMMAND.request message
log("*** a_mgtMfSapPortDefault: INFO: MF-SAP service primitive received in default ***");
[] mgtMfSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMfSapCommandConfirm(mdw_mfCommandConfirm(0))) { // Receive any MF-REQUEST.confirm message with success status
log("*** a_mgtMfSapPortDefault: INFO: MF-SAP service primitive received in default ***");
[] mgtMfSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMfSapCommandConfirm(mdw_mfCommandConfirm(?))) { // Receive any MF-REQUEST.confirm message with error status
log("*** a_mgtMfSapPortDefault: INFO: MF-SAP/MF-COMMAND.Confirm error status ***");
[] mgtMfSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMfSapRequestConfirm(mw_mfRequestConfirm(0))) { // Receive any MF-REQUEST.confirm message with success status
log("*** a_mgtMfSapPortDefault: INFO: MF-SAP service primitive received in default ***");
[] mgtMfSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMfSapRequestConfirm(mw_mfRequestConfirm(?))) { // Receive any MF-REQUEST.confirm message with error status
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
log("*** a_mgtMfSapPortDefault: ERROR: Received MF-SAP/MF-REQUEST.Confirm error status ***");
[] mgtMfSapPort.receive { // Receive unknown message
log("*** a_mgtMfSapPortDefault: ERROR: Event received on MgtMfSapPort port in default ***");
} // End of altstep a_mgtMfSapPortDefault
} // End of group mfSap
group mnSap {
* @desc The base default.
altstep a_mgtMnSapPortDefault() runs on ItsMgt {
[] mgtMnSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMnSapCommandConfirm(mw_mnCommandConfirm_any)) { // Receive any MF-COMMAND.confirm message
log("*** a_mgtMnSapPortDefault: INFO: MN-SAP service primitive MF-COMMAND.confirm received in default ***");
[] mgtMnSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMnSapRequestConfirm(mw_mnRequestConfirm_any)) { // Receive any MF-REQUEST.confirm message
log("*** a_mgtMnSapPortDefault: INFO: MN-SAP service primitive MF-REQUEST.confirm received in default ***");
[] mgtMnSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMnSapRequestReq(mw_mnRequestRequest_any)) { // Receive any MF-REQUEST.request message
log("*** a_mgtMnSapPortDefault: INFO: MN-SAP service primitive MF-REQUEST.request received in default ***");
[] mgtMnSapPort.receive { // Receive unknown message
log("*** a_mgtMnSapPortDefault: ERROR: event received on MgtMnSapPort port in default ***");
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
} // End of altstep a_mgtMnSapPortDefault
* @desc Wait for MN_COMMAND/FWTupdate message
* @see ISO/WD 24102-3 - Clause D.2.4 FWTupdate
altstep a_mgtSapAwaitFwtUpdate() runs on ItsMgt {
var MgtMnSapCommandReq v_fwtUpdate;
[] mgtMnSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMnSapCommandReq(mw_fwtUpdateCommandReq)) -> value v_fwtUpdate {
log("*** a_mgtSapAwaitFwtUpdate: INFO: MN-SAP FWTupdate service primitive received: vc_noFntpFwtEntry=" & int2str(vc_noFntpFwtEntry) & " ***");
* @desc Wait for a notification of creation of an entry in a forwarding table.
* @see ISO/WD 24102-3 Clause E.2.2 FWTsetNot
altstep a_mgtAwaitFwtSetNot() runs on ItsMgt {
[] mgtMnSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMnSapRequestReq(mdw_fwtSetNotRequestReq)) {
log("*** a_mgtAwaitFwtSetNot: INFO: MN-SAP FWTupdateNot service primitive received ***");
* @desc Wait for creation of an entry in a forwarding table.
* @see ISO/WD 24102-4 Clause D.2.3 FWTset
* @verdict Unchanged
[] mgtMnSapPort.receive(mw_mgtMnSapCommandReq(mw_fwtSetCommandReq)) {
log("*** a_mgtAwaitFwtSet: INFO: MN-SAP FWTupdateNot service primitive received ***");
} // End of group mnSap
} // End of group mgtAltsteps
group preambule {
} // End of group preambule
group testerFunctions {
* @desc Increments the pdu counter and returns the new even value
function f_getNextPduCounter() runs on ItsMgt return PduCounter {
vc_pduCounter := (vc_pduCounter + 2) mod (c_uInt8Max - 1); // ISO/WD 24102-4 - Clause 6.2.1: modulus 254
return vc_pduCounter;
} // End of function f_getNextPduCounter
* @desc Increments the commandRef value and returns it
* @return The new commandRef value
function f_getNextCommandRef() runs on ItsMgt return CommandRef {
vc_commandRef := (vc_commandRef + 1) mod (c_uInt8Max + 1);
return vc_commandRef;
} // End of function f_getNextCommandRef
} // End of group testerFunctions
group iutFunctions {
* @desc Get the ITS-SCU-ID of the source ITS-SCU which produces the request
* @return The ITS-SCU-ID of the source ITS-SCU which produces the request
function f_getIutSourceItsScuId() return ITS_scuId {
* @desc Get the Host ITS-SCU-ID
* @return The Host ITS-SCU-ID
function f_getIutDestItsScuId() return ITS_scuId {
* @desc Get an other ITS-SCU-ID
* @return The other ITS-SCU-ID
function f_getIutOtherItsScuId() return ITS_scuId {
* @desc Get the type of access technology (medium)
* @return The type of access technology (medium)
* @see PX_MED_TYPE
function f_getIutMedType() return MedType {
return PX_MED_TYPE;
* @desc Get the CI access class
* @return The CI access class
function f_getIutCiAccessClass() return CIaClass {
* @desc Get the CI class
* @return The CI class
return PX_CICLASS;
} // End of group iutFunctions
} // End of module LibItsMgt_Functions