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SPAT_MAP_ISO_TS_19091.asn 83.3 KiB
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   -- Lane geometry details  (see standard for defined shapes)
   taperToLeft               , -- Used to control final path shape
   taperToRight              , -- Used to control final path shape
   taperToCenterLine         , -- Used to control final path shape

   -- Parking Lane and Curb Attributes
   parallelParking           , -- 
   headInParking             , -- Parking at an angle with the street
   freeParking               , -- no restriction on use of parking
   timeRestrictionsOnParking , -- Parking is not permitted at all times
                               -- typically used when the 'parking' lane 
                               -- becomes a driving lane at times
   costToPark                , -- Used where parking has a cost
   midBlockCurbPresent       , -- a protruding curb near lane edge
   unEvenPavementPresent     , -- a disjoint height at lane edge

SpeedAdvice ::= INTEGER (0..500) 
    -- LSB units are 0.1 m/s^2
    -- the value 499 shall be used for values at or greater than 49.9 m/s
    -- the value 500 shall be used to indicate that speed is unavailable

SummerTime ::= ENUMERATED {
    notInSummerTime   (0),
    inSummerTime      (1)
   -- Encoding as per above, in 1 bit

TenthSecond ::= INTEGER (0..9) 
   -- Unsigned units of 100 milliseconds, in 1 octet
   -- values from 10 to 254 shall not be sent
   -- the value 255 (0xFF) shall indicate an invalid value

TemporaryID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4))

TimeIntervalConfidence ::= INTEGER (0..15)   
   -- Value   Probability
   --   0         21%
   --   1         36%
   --   2         47%
   --   3         56%
   --   4         62%
   --   5         68%
   --   6         73%
   --   7         77%
   --   8         81%
   --   9         85%
   --   10        88%
   --   11        91%
   --   12        94%
   --   13        96%
   --   14        98%
   --   15        100%

TransitVehicleOccupancy ::= ENUMERATED {
    occupancyUnknown    (0),  
    occupancyEmpty      (1),  
    occupancyVeryLow    (2),  
    occupancyLow        (3),  
    occupancyMed        (4),  
    occupancyHigh       (5),  
    occupancyNearlyFull (6),  
    occupancyFull       (7)

TransitVehicleStatus ::= BIT STRING {
    loading     (0), -- parking and unable to move at this time
    anADAuse    (1), -- an ADA access is in progress (wheelchairs, kneeling, etc.)
    aBikeLoad   (2), -- loading of a bicycle is in progress
    doorOpen    (3), -- a vehicle door is open for passenger access
    charging    (4), -- a vehicle is connected to charging point
    atStopLine  (5)  -- a vehicle is at the stop line for the lane it is in
    } (SIZE(8))

TransmissionState ::= ENUMERATED {
   neutral      (0), -- Neutral
   park         (1), -- Park 
   forwardGears (2), -- Forward gears
   reverseGears (3), -- Reverse gears 
   reserved1    (4),      
   reserved2    (5),      
   reserved3    (6),      
   unavailable  (7)  -- not-equipped or unavailable value,
   -- Any related speed is relative to the vehicle reference frame used

VehicleType ::= ENUMERATED {
   none                 (0),  -- Not Equipped, Not known or unavailable
   unknown              (1),  -- Does not fit any other category    
   special              (2),  -- Special use    
   moto                 (3),  -- Motorcycle    
   car                  (4),  -- Passenger car    
   carOther             (5),  -- Four tire single units    
   bus                  (6),  -- Buses    
   axleCnt2             (7),  -- Two axle, six tire single units    
   axleCnt3             (8),  -- Three axle, single units    
   axleCnt4             (9),  -- Four or more axle, single unit    
   axleCnt4Trailer      (10), -- Four or less axle, single trailer    
   axleCnt5Trailer      (11), -- Five or less axle, single trailer    
   axleCnt6Trailer      (12), -- Six or more axle, single trailer    
   axleCnt5MultiTrailer (13), -- Five or less axle, multi-trailer    
   axleCnt6MultiTrailer (14), -- Six axle, multi-trailer    
   axleCnt7MultiTrailer (15),  -- Seven or more axle, multi-trailer    

Velocity ::= INTEGER (0..8191) -- Units of 0.02 m/s
    -- The value 8191 indicates that 
    -- velocity is unavailable

WaitOnStopline ::= BOOLEAN -- 
         -- True or False
         -- If "true", the vehicles on this specific connecting 
         -- maneuver have to stop on the stop-line
         -- and not to enter the collision area

Year ::= INTEGER (1..65535)
   -- BCD coding of four digits of the year A.D. in 2 octets 
   -- values with nibble values between 1010 and 1111 shall not be sent
   -- except that the value 65535 (0xFFFF) shall indicate an invalid value

ZoneLength ::= INTEGER (0..10000)
    -- Unit = 1 meter, 0 = unknown, 
    -- The value 10000 to be used for Distances >=10000 m
    -- (e.g. from known point to another point along a 
    -- known path, often against traffic flow direction 
    -- when used for measuring queues)