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        v_encrypted_data_encryption_key := valueof(
      } else if (PX_EC_ALG == e_brainpool_p256_r1) {
        v_encrypted_data_encryption_key := valueof(
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      p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data := valueof(
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      // The 'p_request_hash' shall be the SHA256 digest of the OER representation of the topmost EtsiTs103097Data-Encoded structure
      v_enc_value := encvalue(p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data);
      if (PICS_SEC_FIXED_KEYS) {
        p_request_hash := '10ED97A2F2933DD3AC55F47022D125E18F5E1AA024613E616A75BA4979EFE318'O;
      } else {
        p_request_hash := f_hashWithSha256(bit2oct(v_enc_value));
      log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: p_request_hash= ", p_request_hash);
      log("<<< f_build_pki_secured_request_message: ", p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data);
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      return true;
    } // End of function f_build_pki_secured_request_message
    function f_build_pki_secured_request_message_for_authorization(
                                                                   in HashedId8 p_recipientId,
                                                                   in octetstring p_public_key_compressed,
                                                                   in integer p_compressed_mode,
                                                                   in octetstring p_salt,
                                                                   in octetstring p_pki_message,
                                                                   out Ieee1609Dot2Data p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data,
                                                                   out Oct16 p_aes_sym_key,
                                                                   out Oct16 p_encrypted_sym_key,
                                                                   out Oct16 p_authentication_vector,
                                                                   out Oct12 p_nonce,
                                                                   out Oct32 p_request_hash
                                                                   ) return boolean {
      // Local variables
      var Ieee1609Dot2Data v_unsecured_data;
      var octetstring v_pki_message;
      var template (value) EccP256CurvePoint v_eccP256_curve_point;
      var HashedId8 v_recipientId;
      var octetstring v_public_compressed_ephemeral_key;
      var integer v_public_compressed_ephemeral_mode;
      var octetstring v_encrypted_request;
      var EncryptedDataEncryptionKey v_encrypted_data_encryption_key;
      var bitstring v_enc_value;
      log(">>> f_build_pki_secured_request_message");

      // Add Ieee1609Dot2Data layer
      v_unsecured_data := valueof(m_etsiTs103097Data_unsecured(p_pki_message));
      v_pki_message := bit2oct(encvalue(v_unsecured_data));
      // Encrypt encode EtsiTs103097Data-Signed data structure
      if (PICS_SEC_FIXED_KEYS) {
        p_salt := '77C0637C3558B3238FDE1EEC376DA080BE4076FB8491CA0F8C19FD34DF298CEB'O;
      if (PX_EC_ALG == e_nist_p256) {
        v_encrypted_request := f_encryptWithEciesNistp256WithSha256(v_pki_message, p_public_key_compressed, p_compressed_mode, p_salt, v_public_compressed_ephemeral_key, v_public_compressed_ephemeral_mode, p_aes_sym_key, p_encrypted_sym_key, p_authentication_vector, p_nonce, PICS_SEC_FIXED_KEYS);
      } else if (PX_EC_ALG == e_brainpool_p256_r1) {
        v_encrypted_request := f_encryptWithEciesBrainpoolp256WithSha256(v_pki_message, p_public_key_compressed, p_compressed_mode, p_salt, v_public_compressed_ephemeral_key, v_public_compressed_ephemeral_mode, p_aes_sym_key, p_encrypted_sym_key, p_authentication_vector, p_nonce, PICS_SEC_FIXED_KEYS);
      } else {
        log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: Wrong encryption variant");
        return false;
      log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: p_aes_sym_key= ", p_aes_sym_key);
      log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: p_encrypted_sym_key= ", p_encrypted_sym_key);
      log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: p_authentication_vector= ", p_authentication_vector);
      log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: p_nonce= ", p_nonce);
      log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: p_recipientId= ", p_recipientId);
      if (p_recipientId == int2oct(0, 8)) {
        log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: f_hashWithSha256(v_encrypted_sym_key)= ", f_hashWithSha256(p_encrypted_sym_key));
        v_recipientId := f_HashedId8FromSha256(f_hashWithSha256(p_encrypted_sym_key));
      } else {
        v_recipientId := p_recipientId;
      log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: v_recipientId= ", v_recipientId);
      // Fill Certificate template with the public compressed keys (canonical form)
      if (v_public_compressed_ephemeral_mode == 0) {
        v_eccP256_curve_point := valueof(m_eccP256CurvePoint_compressed_y_0(v_public_compressed_ephemeral_key));
      } else {
        v_eccP256_curve_point := valueof(m_eccP256CurvePoint_compressed_y_1(v_public_compressed_ephemeral_key));
      if (PX_EC_ALG == e_nist_p256) {
        v_encrypted_data_encryption_key := valueof(
      } else if (PX_EC_ALG == e_brainpool_p256_r1) {
        v_encrypted_data_encryption_key := valueof(
      p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data := valueof(
      // The 'p_request_hash' shall be the SHA256 digest of the OER representation of the topmost EtsiTs103097Data-Encoded structure
      v_enc_value := encvalue(p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data);
      if (PICS_SEC_FIXED_KEYS) {
        p_request_hash := '10ED97A2F2933DD3AC55F47022D125E18F5E1AA024613E616A75BA4979EFE318'O;
      } else {
        p_request_hash := f_hashWithSha256(bit2oct(v_enc_value));
      log("f_build_pki_secured_request_message: p_request_hash= ", p_request_hash);
      log("<<< f_build_pki_secured_request_message: ", p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data);
      return true;
    } // End of function f_build_pki_secured_request_message_for_authorization
     * @desc Build a signed and encrypted PKI response message
     * @param p_private_key         Private key for signature
     * @param p_signer_identifier   Signer identifier for signature, could be self or certificate HashedId8
     * @param p_recipientId         Recipient identifier to be inclued in encrypted layer.
     *                              If value is int2oct(0. 8), the recipient id is the HashedId8 of the symmetric key used by the sender to encrypt the message to which the response is built
     * @param p_public_key_compressed The public compressed key (canonical form) for encryption
     * @param p_compressed_mode      The compressed mode of the public compressed key (canonical form) for encryption
     * @param p_pki_message         The PKI message to be secured
     * @param p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data The secured message
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
    function f_build_pki_secured_response_message(
                                                 in octetstring p_private_key,
                                                 in SignerIdentifier p_signer_identifier,
                                                 in octetstring p_pki_message,
                                                 in Oct16 p_aes_sym_key,
                                                 in Oct12 p_nonce,
                                                 out Ieee1609Dot2Data p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data
                                                 ) return boolean {
      // Local variables
      var template (value) ToBeSignedData v_tbs;
      var octetstring v_tbs_signed;
      var template (value) Ieee1609Dot2Data v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data;
      var octetstring v_encoded_inner_ec_response;
      var HashedId8 v_recipientId;
      var octetstring v_encrypted_inner_ec_response;
      // Signed the encoded PKI message
      v_tbs := m_toBeSignedData(
                                m_headerInfo_inner_pki_response(-, f_getCurrentTimeUtc())
      if (ischosen(p_signer_identifier.self_)) {
        v_tbs_signed := f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(bit2oct(encvalue(v_tbs)), int2oct(0, 32), p_private_key);
      } else {
        var charstring v_certificate_id;
        var octetstring v_hash;
        fx_readCertificateFromDigest(p_signer_identifier.digest, v_certificate_id); // TODO Add a wrapper function
        f_getCertificateHash(v_certificate_id, v_hash);
        v_tbs_signed := f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(bit2oct(encvalue(v_tbs)), v_hash, p_private_key);
      // Add the signature and create EtsiTs103097Data-Signed data structure
      v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data := m_etsiTs103097Data_signed(
                                                                                                                                                     substr(v_tbs_signed, 0, 32)
                                                                                                                          substr(v_tbs_signed, 32, 32)
      // Encode EtsiTs103097Data-Signed data structure
      v_encoded_inner_ec_response := bit2oct(encvalue(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data));
      v_encrypted_inner_ec_response := fx_encrypt_aes_128_ccm_test(p_aes_sym_key, p_nonce, v_encoded_inner_ec_response);
      v_recipientId := f_HashedId8FromSha256(f_hashWithSha256(p_aes_sym_key));
      log("v_recipientId= ", v_recipientId);
      // Fill Certificate template with the public compressed keys (canonical form)
      p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data := valueof(
      log("<<< f_build_pki_secured_response_message: ", p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data);
      return true;
    } // End of function f_build_pki_secured_response_message
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     * @desc Verify the protocol element of the Pki message. 
     *       If p_check_security is set to false, only decryption and decoding of the outer message are verified.
     * @param p_private_enc_key     Private key for decryption
     * @param p_salt
     * @param p_p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data
     * @param p_check_security      Set to true to verify PKI protocol element such as signatures...
     * @param p_request_hash        The request hash for to be used to build the response
     * @param p_etsi_ts_102941_data The EtsiTs102941Data message
     * @param p_aes_enc_key         The AES 128 encrytion key to be used to encrypt the response
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
    function f_verify_pki_request_message(
                                          in Oct32 p_private_enc_key,
                                          in Oct32 p_salt,
                                          in octetstring p_issuer,
                                          in Ieee1609Dot2Data p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data,
                                          in boolean p_check_security := true,
                                          out Oct16 p_request_hash,
                                          out EtsiTs102941Data p_etsi_ts_102941_data,
                                          out Oct16 p_aes_enc_key
                                          ) return boolean {
      // Local variables
      var bitstring v_msg_bit;
      var octetstring v_msg;
      var Ieee1609Dot2Data v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data;
      var Certificate v_certificate;

      log(">>> f_verify_pki_request_message: p_private_enc_key= ", p_private_enc_key);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_request_message: p_salt= ", p_salt);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_request_message: p_issuer= ", p_issuer);
      // 1. Calculate the request Hash
      v_msg := bit2oct(encvalue(p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data));
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: Encoded request: ", v_msg);
      p_request_hash := substr(f_hashWithSha256(v_msg), 0, 16);
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_request_hash= ", p_request_hash);
      // 2. Decrypt the InnerEcRequest
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: p_private_enc_key= ", p_private_enc_key);
      if (f_decrypt(p_private_enc_key, p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data, p_salt, v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data, p_aes_enc_key) == false) {
        log("f_verify_pki_request_message: Failed to decrypt message");
        return false;
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data= ", v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data);
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: p_aes_enc_key= ", p_aes_enc_key);

      // 3. Check basics security
      if (match(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data, mw_etsiTs103097Data_signed(mw_signedData(-, mw_toBeSignedData(mw_signedDataPayload)))) == false) {
        log("f_verify_pki_request_message: Failed to check basic security");
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
      // 4. Verifiy signature
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData= ", v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData);
      v_msg := bit2oct(encvalue(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData));
      if (f_getCertificateFromDigest(f_HashedId8FromSha256(p_issuer), v_certificate) == false) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
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      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_certificate= ", v_certificate);
      if (f_verifyEcdsa(v_msg, p_issuer, v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.signature_, v_certificate.toBeSigned.verifyKeyIndicator.verificationKey) == false) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
      // 4. Return the PKI message
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: ",;
      v_msg_bit := oct2bit(;
      if (decvalue(v_msg_bit, p_etsi_ts_102941_data) != 0) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
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      if (p_etsi_ts_102941_data.version != PkiProtocolVersion) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
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      log("<<< f_verify_pki_request_message: true");
      return true;
    } // End of function f_verify_pki_request_message
     * @desc Verify the protocol element of the Pki message. 
     *       If p_check_security is set to false, only decryption and decoding of the outer message are verified.
     * @param p_private_key         Private key for decryption
     * @param p_publicEphemeralCompressedKey
     * @param p_publicEphemeralCompressedKeyMode
     * @param p_issuer              Issuer
     * @param p_certificate         Certificate to use for verification key
     * @param p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data The received encrypted and signed data
     * @param p_check_security      Set to true to verify PKI protocol element such as signatures...
     * @param p_etsi_ts_102941_data The EtsiTs102941Data message
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
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    function f_verify_pki_response_message(
                                           in octetstring p_private_enc_key,
                                           in Oct16 p_aes_sym_key,
                                           in Oct16 p_authentication_vector, // TODO Tobe removed
                                           in octetstring p_issuer,
                                           in Ieee1609Dot2Data p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data,
                                           in boolean p_check_security := true,
                                           out EtsiTs102941Data p_etsi_ts_102941_data
                                           ) return boolean {
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      // Local variables
      var octetstring v_public_enc_key;
      var integer v_compressed_enc_key_mode;
      var octetstring v_plain_message;
      var Ieee1609Dot2Data v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data;
      var Certificate v_certificate;
      var bitstring v_etsi_ts_102941_data_msg;
      var bitstring v_tbs;
      var boolean v_ret;
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      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_private_enc_key= ", p_private_enc_key);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_aes_sym_key= ", p_aes_sym_key);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_authentication_vector= ", p_authentication_vector);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_issuer= ", p_issuer);
      // TODO Check p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data.content.encryptedData.recipients[0].pskRecipInfo. See IEEE Std 1609.2-2017 Clause 6.3.34 PreSharedKeyRecipientInfo
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      v_plain_message := fx_decrypt_aes_128_ccm_test(p_aes_sym_key, p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data.content.encryptedData.ciphertext.aes128ccm.nonce, p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data.content.encryptedData.ciphertext.aes128ccm.ccmCiphertext);
      if (isbound(v_plain_message) == false) {
        return false;
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      log("f_verify_pki_response_message: v_plain_message= ", v_plain_message);

      // 2. Decode it
      v_tbs := oct2bit(v_plain_message);
      if (decvalue(v_tbs, v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data) != 0) {
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      log("f_verify_pki_response_message: v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data= ", v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data);
      // 3. Check the signature
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      log("f_verify_pki_response_message: v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData= ", v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData);
      v_tbs := encvalue(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData);
      if (f_getCertificateFromDigest(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.signer.digest, v_certificate) == false) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
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      if (f_verifyEcdsa(bit2oct(v_tbs), p_issuer, v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.signature_, v_certificate.toBeSigned.verifyKeyIndicator.verificationKey) == false) {
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        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
      // 4. Return the PKI message
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      log("f_verify_pki_response_message: ",;
      v_etsi_ts_102941_data_msg := oct2bit(;
      if (decvalue(v_etsi_ts_102941_data_msg, p_etsi_ts_102941_data) != 0) {
        return false;

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      if (p_etsi_ts_102941_data.version != PkiProtocolVersion) {
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        return false;
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      return true;
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    } // End of function f_verify_pki_response_message
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     * @desc Verify the EC certificate generated by the EA entity
     * @param p_ec_certificate        The new EC certificate
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     * @param p_ea_certificate        The certificate issuer
     * @param p_public_key_compressed The public compressed key (canonical form) generated for the InnerEcRequest
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     * @param p_compressed_mode       The public compressed key mode
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
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    function f_verify_ec_certificate(
                                     in Certificate p_ec_certificate,
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                                     in Certificate p_ea_certificate,
                                     in octetstring p_public_key_compressed,
                                     in integer p_compressed_mode
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      var bitstring v_encoded_cert;
      var Oct32 v_ec_cert_hash;
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      var HashedId8 v_ec_cert_hashed_id8;
      // Calculate the HashedId8 of the whole certificate
      v_encoded_cert := encvalue(p_ec_certificate);
      v_ec_cert_hash := f_hashWithSha256(bit2oct(v_encoded_cert));
      log("f_verify_ec_certificate: ==> EC certificate Hash: ", v_ec_cert_hash);
      v_ec_cert_hashed_id8 := f_HashedId8FromSha256(v_ec_cert_hash);
      log("f_verify_ec_certificate: ==> EC certificate HashedId8: ", v_ec_cert_hashed_id8);
      log("f_verify_ec_certificate: ", match(p_ec_certificate.issuer, mw_issuerIdentifier_sha256AndDigest));
      if (match(p_ec_certificate.issuer, mw_issuerIdentifier_sha256AndDigest)) {
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        return false;
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      // Check EC certificate signature
      // TODO Who sign the EC certificate?
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      if (f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey(p_ec_certificate, p_ea_certificate.toBeSigned.verifyKeyIndicator.verificationKey) == false) {
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        log("f_verify_ec_certificate: Signature not verified");
        return false;

      // TODO Check that requested information are present
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      return true;
    } // End of function f_verify_ec_certificate
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     * @desc Verify the generated AT certificate 
     * @param p_at_certificate        The new AT certificate
     * @param p_ea_certificate        The certificate issuer
     * @param p_public_key_compressed The public compressed key (canonical form) generated for the InnerAtRequest
     * @param p_compressed_mode       The public compressed key mode
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
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    function f_verify_at_certificate(
                                     in Certificate p_at_certificate,
                                     in Certificate p_aa_certificate,
                                     in octetstring p_public_key_compressed,
                                     in integer p_compressed_mode
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      var bitstring v_encoded_cert;
      var HashedId8 v_at_cert_hashed_id8;
      // Calculate the HashedId8 of the whole certificate
      v_encoded_cert := encvalue(p_at_certificate);
      v_at_cert_hashed_id8 := f_HashedId8FromSha256(f_hashWithSha256(bit2oct(v_encoded_cert)));
      log("f_verify_at_certificate: EC certificate HashedId8: ", v_at_cert_hashed_id8);
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      log("f_verify_at_certificate: ", match(p_at_certificate.issuer, mw_issuerIdentifier_self()));
      if (match(p_at_certificate.issuer, mw_issuerIdentifier_self)) {
        return false;
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      // Check EC certificate signature
      // TODO Who sign the EC certificate?
      if (f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey(p_at_certificate, p_aa_certificate.toBeSigned.verifyKeyIndicator.verificationKey) == false) {
        log("f_verify_at_certificate: Signature not verified");
        return false;
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      return true;
    } // End of function f_verify_at_certificate
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  } // End of group inner_ec_xxx
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  group security_function { // TODO To be moved in LibItsSecurity_Function module

    function f_extract_enc_key(
                               in Certificate p_certificate,
                               out octetstring p_public_enc_key,
                               out integer p_compressed_enc_key_mode
                               ) return boolean {
      log(">>> f_extract_enc_key: ", p_certificate);
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      if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256)) {
        if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256.compressed_y_0)) {
          p_public_enc_key := p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256.compressed_y_0;
          p_compressed_enc_key_mode := 0;
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        } else if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256.compressed_y_1)) {
          p_public_enc_key := p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256.compressed_y_1;
          p_compressed_enc_key_mode := 1;
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        } else {
          log("f_extract_enc_key: Non canonical certificate: ", p_certificate);
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          return false;
      } else if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1)) {
        if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_0)) {
          p_public_enc_key := p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_0;
          p_compressed_enc_key_mode := 0;
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        } else if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_1)) {
          p_public_enc_key := p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_1;
          p_compressed_enc_key_mode := 0;
        } else {
          log("f_extract_enc_key: Non canonical certificate: ", p_certificate);
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
          return false;
      } else {
        log("f_extract_enc_key: Invalid certificate: ", p_certificate);
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        return false;

      return true;
    } // End of function f_extract_enc_key
  } // End of group security_function
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
  group altsteps {
    altstep a_default_pki_http() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
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Yann Garcia committed
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(
                                                                       )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http
    altstep a_default_pki_http_ec() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(
                                                                    )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http_ec
    altstep a_default_pki_http_atv() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(
                                                                    )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http_atv
    altstep a_default_pki_http_at() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(
                                                                    )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http_at

    altstep a_await_ec_http_response_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_ec_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_ec_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpEcPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_ec_http_response_from_iut
    altstep a_await_at_http_response_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_at_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_at_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpAtPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_at_http_response_from_iut
    altstep a_await_avt_http_response_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_avt_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_avt_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpAtVPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_avt_http_response_from_iut
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Yann Garcia committed
  } // End of group altsteps
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Yann Garcia committed
} // End of module LibItsPki_Functions