v_itsGnBeaconServiceRetransmitTimer := int2float(
return v_itsGnBeaconServiceRetransmitTimer;
* @desc Gets the beacon service retransmit timer for NetBeaconInterval = medium (cong. ctrl).
* @return Beacon service retransmit timer (medium)
function f_getBsRetransmitTimerMedium() return float {
var float v_itsGnBeaconServiceRetransmitTimerMedium; // timer value increased (medium)
(PX_GN_BEACON_SERVICE_TIMER_MEDIUM+float2int((f_getBsMaxJitter() - 0.0 +1.0)*rnd()) + 0)/1000);
* @desc Gets the beacon service retransmit timer for NetBeaconInterval = maximum (cong. ctrl).
* @return Beacon service retransmit timer (maximum)
function f_getBsRetransmitTimerMaximum() return float {
var float v_itsGnBeaconServiceRetransmitTimerMaximum; // timer value increased (maximum)
(PX_GN_BEACON_SERVICE_TIMER_MAXIMUM+float2int((f_getBsMaxJitter() - 0.0 +1.0)*rnd()) + 0)/1000);
* @desc Gets the maximum beacon service jitter.
* @return Maximum beacon service jitter
function f_getBsMaxJitter() return float {
var float v_itsGnBeaconServiceMaxJitter := int2float(PICS_GN_BEACON_SERVICE_MAX_JITTER)/1000.0;
return v_itsGnBeaconServiceMaxJitter;
* @desc Gets the Lifetime of a Location Table Entry.
* @return Lifetime of a Location Table Entry in seconds
function f_getLifetimeLocTableEntry() return float {
var float v_itsGnLifetimeLocTableEntry := int2float(PICS_GN_LIFETIME_LOC_TE);
return v_itsGnLifetimeLocTableEntry;
} // end f_getLifetimeLocTableEntry
* @desc Gets the maximum communication range for CBF algorithm
* @return Maximum communication range for CBF algorithm in meters
function f_getCbfMaxCommunicationRange() return integer {
var integer v_maxCommunicationRange := PICS_GN_DEFAULT_MAX_COMMUNICATION_RANGE;
return v_maxCommunicationRange;
} // end f_getCbfMaxCommunicationRange
function f_getGeoUnicastCbfMaxTime() return integer {
var integer v_cbfMaxTime := PICS_GN_GEOUNICAST_CBF_MAX_TIME;
function f_getGeoUnicastCbfMinTime() return integer {
var integer v_cbfMinTime := PICS_GN_GEOUNICAST_CBF_MIN_TIME;
return v_cbfMinTime;
} // end f_getGeoUnicastCbfMinTime
function f_getGnMaxAreaSize() return float {
var float v_maxAreaSize := PICS_GN_MAX_GEO_AREA_SIZE;
return v_maxAreaSize;
} // end f_getGnMaxAreaSize
function f_getAdvancedGbcForwardingMaxCounter() return integer {
return v_maxCounter;
* @desc Set the number of neighbour in the Location Table.
function f_setNrNeighbourLocTableDefault() runs on ItsGeoNetworking {
var integer v_nrNeighbour := f_random (0, PX_MIN_NR_NEIGHBOUR);
} // end f_setNrNeighbourLocTableDefault
* @desc Set the number of neighbour in the Location Table (medium).
function f_setNrNeighbourLocTableMedium() runs on ItsGeoNetworking {
var integer v_nrNeighbour := f_random (PX_MIN_NR_NEIGHBOUR, PX_MAX_NR_NEIGHBOUR);
} // end f_setNrNeighbourLocTableMedium
* @desc Set the number of neighbour in the Location Table (maximum).
function f_setNrNeighbourLocTableMaximum() runs on ItsGeoNetworking {
var integer v_nrNeighbour := f_random (PX_MAX_NR_NEIGHBOUR, (2*PX_MIN_NR_NEIGHBOUR));
} // end f_setNrNeighbourLocTableMaximum
} // end iutFunctions
* @desc Convert long position vector to short position vector
* @param p_longPosVector Long position vector to be converted
* @return Short position vector
function f_longPosVector2ShortPosVector(in LongPosVector p_longPosVector) return ShortPosVector {
var ShortPosVector v_shortPosVector;
v_shortPosVector := {
gnAddr := p_longPosVector.gnAddr,
timestamp := p_longPosVector.timestamp,
latitude := p_longPosVector.latitude,
longitude := p_longPosVector.longitude
* @desc Get IUT's long position vector
* @return IUT's long position vector
function f_getIutLongPosVector() runs on ItsBaseGeoNetworking return LongPosVector {
* @desc Get IUT's short position vector
* @return IUT's short position vector
function f_getIutShortPosVector() runs on ItsGeoNetworking return ShortPosVector {
var LongPosVector v_longPosVectorIut := f_getPosition(c_compIut);
if (v_longPosVectorIut == null) {
v_longPosVectorIut := f_getIutLongPosVector();
return f_longPosVector2ShortPosVector(v_longPosVectorIut);
* @desc Compute a position using a reference position, a distance and an orientation
* @param p_iutLongPosVector Reference position
* @param p_distance Distance to the reference position (in meter)
* @param p_orientation direction of the computed position (0 to 359; 0 means North)
* @return LongPosVector
function f_computePositionUsingDistance(in LongPosVector p_iutLongPosVector, in integer p_distance, in integer p_orientation)
return LongPosVector {
var LongPosVector v_result := p_iutLongPosVector;
log("*** f_computePositionUsingDistance: INFO: calling fx_computePositionUsingDistance() ***");
fx_computePositionUsingDistance(p_iutLongPosVector.latitude, p_iutLongPosVector.longitude, p_distance, p_orientation, v_result.latitude, v_result.longitude);
* @desc External function to compute timestamp based on current time
* @return Unix-Epoch-Time mod 2^32
external function fx_computeGnTimestamp() return UInt32;