LibItsSecurity_Templates.ttcn3 95.8 KB
Newer Older
                        recipients := p_recipients
                } // End of template m_header_field_multiple_recipients
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_enc_params(
                                                                       in template (value) EncryptionParameters p_enc_params
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_encryption_parameters,
                    headerField := {
                        enc_params := p_enc_params
                } // End of template m_header_field_enc_params
            } // End of group headerFieldsSend
             * @desc Receive templates for HeaderField
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4 HeaderField
            group headerFieldsRecv {
berge's avatar
berge committed
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation time information
                 * @param p_headerType  Type id of the Header field
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_any(HeaderFieldType p_headerType) := {
                    type_       := p_headerType,
                    headerField := ?
                } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_time
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation time information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_time(
                                                                               in template (present) Time64 p_generation_time
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_time,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_time := p_generation_time
                } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_time
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation time and standard deviation information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation(
                                                                                                       in template (present) Time64WithStandardDeviation p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_time_standard_deviation,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_time_with_standard_deviation := p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with expiration time information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_expiry_time(
                                                                           in template (present) Time32 p_expiry_time
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_expiration,
                    headerField := {
                        expiry_time := p_expiry_time
                } // End of template mw_header_field_expiry_time
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation location information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_location(
                                                                                   in template (present) ThreeDLocation p_generation_location
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_location,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_location := p_generation_location
                } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_location
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation location information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_multiple_digests(
                                                                                in template (present) HashedId3s p_digests
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_request_unrecognized_certificate,
                    headerField := {
                        digests := p_digests
                } // End of template mw_header_field_multiple_digests
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info(
                                                                           in template (present) SignerInfo p_signer
                    headerField := {
                } // End of template mw_header_field_signerInfo_signer_info
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 *       containing certificate
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
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                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info_certificate (
                    template (present) Certificate p_cert := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_signer_info,
                    headerField := {
                        signer := {
                            type_ := e_certificate,
                            signerInfo := {
filatov's avatar
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                                certificate := p_cert
                } // End of template mw_header_field_signer_info_certificate

                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 *       containing certificate digest
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
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                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info_digest (
                    template (present) HashedId8 p_digest := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_signer_info,
                    headerField := {
                        signer := {
                            type_ := e_certificate_digest_with_ecdsap256,
                            signerInfo := {
filatov's avatar
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                                digest := p_digest
                } // End of template mw_header_field_signer_info_digest

filatov's avatar
filatov committed
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 *       containing certificate chain
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info_certificate_chain (
                    template (present) CertificateChain p_certs := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_signer_info,
                    headerField := {
                        signer := {
                            type_ := e_certificate_chain,
                            signerInfo := {
                                certificates := p_certs
                } // End of template mw_header_field_signer_info_certificate_chain

                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField mw_header_field_multiple_recipients(
                                                                                 in template (value) RecipientInfos p_recipients
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_recipient_info,
                    headerField := {
                        recipients := p_recipients
                } // End of template mw_header_field_multiple_recipients
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_enc_params(
                                                                          in template (present) EncryptionParameters p_enc_params
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_encryption_parameters,
                    headerField := {
                        enc_params := p_enc_params
                } // End of template mw_header_field_enc_params
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with message type
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_message_type(
                                                                         in template (present) UInt16 p_message_type
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_message_type,
                    headerField := {
                        message_type := p_message_type
                } // End of template mw_header_field_message_type

            } // End of group headerFieldsRecv
        } // End of group headerFields
         * @desc Send/Receive templates for TrailerField
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.6 TrailerField
        group trailerFields {
             * @desc Send template containing signature information used by the security layer after processing the payload
             * @param p_signature   The signature information
            template (value) TrailerField m_trailer_field_signature(
                                                                    in template (value) Signature p_signature
            ) := {
                type_           := e_signature,
                trailerField    := {
                    signature_ := p_signature
            } // End of template m_trailer_field_dummy
             * @desc Receive template containing signature information used by the security layer after processing the payload
             * @param p_signature   The signature information
            template (present) TrailerField mw_trailer_field_signature(
                                                                       in template (present) Signature p_signature
            ) := {
                type_           := e_signature,
                trailerField    := {
                    signature_ := ?
            } // End of template mw_trailer_field_dummy
        } // End of group trailerFields
         * @desc Send/Receive templates for RecipientInfo
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.8 RecipientInfo
             * @desc Send template containing information for a message's recipient
             * @param p_cert_id         The recipient's certificate identifier
             * @param p_pk_encryption   The encryption type
             * @param p_enc_key         The encrypted key contained in an EciesEncryptedKey structure 
            template (value) RecipientInfo m_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key(
                                                                         in template (value) HashedId8 p_cert_id,
                                                                         in template (value) PublicKeyAlgorithm p_pk_encryption,
                                                                         in template (value) EciesEncryptedKey p_enc_key
            ) := {
                cert_id         := p_cert_id,
                pk_encryption   := p_pk_encryption,
                enc_key         := {
                    enc_key := p_enc_key
                } // End of field enc_key
            } // End of template m_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key
            template (value) RecipientInfo m_recipientInfo_other_enc_key(
                                                                         in template (value) HashedId8 p_cert_id,
                                                                         in template (value) PublicKeyAlgorithm p_pk_encryption,
                                                                         in template (value) octetstring p_enc_key_other
            ) := {
                cert_id         := p_cert_id,
                pk_encryption   := p_pk_encryption,
                enc_key         := {
                    enc_key_other := p_enc_key_other
                } // End of field enc_key
            } // End of template m_recipientInfo_other_enc_key
             * @desc Receive template containing information for a message's recipient
             * @param p_cert_id         The recipient's certificate identifier
             * @param p_pk_encryption   The encryption type
             * @param p_enc_key         The encrypted key contained in an EciesEncryptedKey structure 
            template (present) RecipientInfo mw_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key(
                                                                            in template (present) HashedId8 p_cert_id,
                                                                            in template (present) PublicKeyAlgorithm p_pk_encryption,
                                                                            in template (present) EciesEncryptedKey p_enc_key
            ) := {
                cert_id         := p_cert_id,
                pk_encryption   := p_pk_encryption,
                enc_key         := {
                    enc_key := p_enc_key
                } // End of field enc_key
            } // End of template mw_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key
        } // End of group recipientInfo
         * @desc Send/Receive templates for EciesEncryptedKey
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey
        group eciesEncryptedKey {
                 * @desc Send template for an ECIES-encrypted symmetric key as defined in IEEE Std 1363a 2004 
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                 * @param p_ecc_key             The sender's EEC ephemeral key
                 * @param p_encrypted_key       The encrypted (AES) key 
                 * @param p_authentication_tag  The authentication tag vector
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey
                template (value) EciesEncryptedKey m_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm(
                                                                              in template (value) EccPoint p_ecc_key, 
                                                                              in template (value) octetstring p_encrypted_key, 
                                                                              in template (value) Oct20 p_authentication_tag
                ) := {
                    v               := p_ecc_key,
                    c               := p_encrypted_key,
                    t               := p_authentication_tag
                } // End of template m_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm
             * @desc Receive template for an ECIES-encrypted symmetric key as defined in IEEE Std 1363a 2004 
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
             * @param p_ecc_key             The sender's EEC ephemeral key
             * @param p_encrypted_key       The encrypted (AES) key 
             * @param p_authentication_tag  The authentication tag vector
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey
            template (present) EciesEncryptedKey mw_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm(
                                                                             in template (present) EccPoint p_ecc_key, 
                                                                             in template (present) octetstring p_encrypted_key, 
                                                                             in template (present) Oct20 p_authentication_tag
            ) := {
                v               := p_ecc_key,
                c               := p_encrypted_key,
                t               := p_authentication_tag
            } // End of template mw_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm
        } // End of group eciesEncryptedKey
    } // End of group messages
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     * @desc Dummy send/receive templates for certificates
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
    group dummyCertifices {
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         * @desc Dummy send templates for certificates
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
        group dummyCertificesSend {
        } // End of group dummyCertificesSend
garciay's avatar
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         * @desc Dummy receive templates for certificates
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
        group dummyCertificesRecv {
garciay's avatar
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             * @desc Dummy receive certificate template
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6.1    Certificate
            template (present) Certificate mw_certificate_dummy := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos            := ?,
                subject_info            := ?,
                subject_attributes      := ?,
                validity_restrictions   := ?,
                signature_              := ?
            } // End of template mw_certificate_dummy
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        } // End of group dummyCertificesRecv
    } // End of group dummyCertifices
     * @desc Send/receive templates for certificates
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
    group certificates {
         * @desc Send templates for certificates
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
        group certificatesSend {
             * @desc Send certificate template
             * @member p_signer_info            List of signer information
             * @member p_subject_info           The subject information
             * @member p_subject_attributes     List of subject attribute
             * @member p_validity_restrictions  List of validity restriction
             * @member p_signature              The signature
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6.1    Certificate
            template (value) Certificate m_certificate(
                                                       in template (value) SignerInfos p_signer_infos,
                                                       in template (value) SubjectInfo p_subject_info,
                                                       in template (value) SubjectAttributes p_subject_attributes,
                                                       in template (value) ValidityRestrictions p_validity_restrictions,
                                                       in template (value) Signature p_signature
            ) := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos             := p_signer_infos,
                subject_info            := p_subject_info,
                subject_attributes      := p_subject_attributes,
                validity_restrictions   := p_validity_restrictions,
                signature_              := p_signature
            } // End of template m_certificate
             * @desc Send templates for certificates
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6.2 SubjectInfo
            group subjectInfo {
                template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_root_ca(
                                                                    in template (value) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_root_ca,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template m_subject_info_root_ca
                template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_authorization_authority(
                                                                                    in template (value) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_authorization_authority,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template m_subject_info_authorization_authority
                template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_authorization_ticket := {
                    subject_type := e_authorization_ticket,
                    subject_name := ''O
                } // End of template m_subject_info_authorization_ticket
                template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_revocation(
                                                                       in template (value) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_crl_signer,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template m_subject_info_revocation
            } // End of group subjectInfo
            group subjectAttribute {
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_verification_key(
                                                                                       in template (value) PublicKey p_key
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_verification_key,
                    attribute   := {
                        key := p_key
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_verification_key
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_encryption_key(
                                                                                     in template (value) PublicKey p_key
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_encryption_key,
                    attribute   := {
                        key := p_key
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_encryption_key
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_reconstruction_value(
                                                                                     in template (value) EccPoint p_rv
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_reconstruction_value,
                    attribute   := {
                        rv := p_rv
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_reconstruction_value
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_assurance_level(
                                                                                      in template (value) SubjectAssurance p_assurance_level
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_assurance_level,
                    attribute   := {
                        assurance_level := p_assurance_level
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_assurance_level
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_its_aid_list(
                                                                                           in template (value) IntXs p_its_aid_list
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid_list,
                    attribute   := {
                        its_aid_list := p_its_aid_list
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_its_aid_list
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_its_aid_ssp_list(
                                                                                       in template (value) ItsAidSsps p_its_aid_ssp_list
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid_ssp_list,
                    attribute   := {
                        its_aid_ssp_list := p_its_aid_ssp_list
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_its_aid_ssp_list
            } // End of group subjectAttribute
            group subjectAssurance {
                template (value) SubjectAssurance m_subjectAssurance(
                                                                     in template (value) Bit3 p_levels,
                                                                     in template (value) Bit2 p_confidence
                ) := {
                    levels      := p_levels,
                    reserved    := '000'B,
                    confidence  := p_confidence
                } // End of template m_subjectAssurance
            } // End of group subjectAssurance
            group validityRestriction {
                template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_time_end(
                                                                                     in template (value) Time32 p_end_validity
                 ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_end,
                    validity    :=  {
                        end_validity := p_end_validity
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template m_validity_restriction_time_end
                template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_time_start_and_end(
                                                                                               in template (value) Time32 p_start_validity,
                                                                                               in template (value) Time32 p_end_validity
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_start_and_end,
                    validity    :=  {
                        time_start_and_end := {
                            start_validity  := p_start_validity,
                            end_validity    := p_end_validity
                        } // End of field time_start_and_end
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template m_validity_restriction_time_start_and_end
                template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_time_start_and_duration(
                                                                                                    in template (value) Time32 p_start_validity,
                                                                                                    in template (value) Duration p_duration
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_start_and_duration,
                    validity    :=  {
                        time_start_and_duration := {
                            start_validity  := p_start_validity,
                            duration        := p_duration
                        } // End of field time_start_and_duration
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template m_validity_restriction_time_start_and_duration
                template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_region(
                                                                                   in template (value) GeographicRegion p_region
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_region,
                    validity    :=  {
                        region := p_region
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template m_validity_restriction_region
            } // End of group validityRestriction
        } // End of group certificatesSend
         * @desc Receive templates for certificates
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
        group certificatesRecv {
            template (present) Certificate mw_certificate(
filatov's avatar
filatov committed
                                                          in template (present) SignerInfo p_signer_info :=?,
                                                          in template (present) SubjectInfo p_subject_info :=?,
                                                          in template (present) SubjectAttributes p_subject_attributes :=?,
                                                          in template (present) ValidityRestrictions p_validity_restrictions :=?,
                                                          in template (present) Signature p_signature :=?
            ) := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos            := { p_signer_info },
                subject_info            := p_subject_info,
                subject_attributes      := p_subject_attributes,
                validity_restrictions   := p_validity_restrictions,
                signature_              := p_signature
            } // End of template m_certificate
filatov's avatar
filatov committed

            template (present) Certificate mw_aa_certificate(
                                                          in template (present) SignerInfo p_signer_info :=?,
                                                          in template (present) SubjectAttributes p_subject_attributes :=?,
                                                          in template (present) ValidityRestrictions p_validity_restrictions :=?,
                                                          in template (present) Signature p_signature :=?
            ) := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos            := { p_signer_info },
                subject_info            := {
                    subject_type := e_authorization_authority,
                    subject_name := ?
                subject_attributes      := p_subject_attributes,
                validity_restrictions   := p_validity_restrictions,
                signature_              := p_signature
            } // End of template m_aa_certificate
            template (present) Certificate mw_at_certificate(
                                                          in template (present) SignerInfo p_signer_info :=?,
                                                          in template (present) SubjectAttributes p_subject_attributes :=?,
                                                          in template (present) ValidityRestrictions p_validity_restrictions :=?,
                                                          in template (present) Signature p_signature :=?
            ) := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos            := { p_signer_info },
                subject_info            := {
                    subject_type := e_authorization_ticket,
                    subject_name := ?
                subject_attributes      := p_subject_attributes,
                validity_restrictions   := p_validity_restrictions,
                signature_              := p_signature
            } // End of template m_at_certificate
            group subjectInfo {
                template (present) SubjectInfo mw_subject_info_root_ca(
                                                                       in template (present) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_root_ca,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template mw_subject_info_root_ca
                template (present) SubjectInfo mw_subject_info_revocation(
                                                                          in template (present) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_crl_signer,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template mw_subject_info_revocation
            } // End of group subjectInfo
            group subjectAttribute {
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_verification_key(
                                                                                          in template (present) PublicKey p_key
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_verification_key,
                    attribute   := {
                        key := p_key
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_verification_key
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_encryption_key(
                                                                                        in template (present) EccPoint p_rv
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_verification_key,
                    attribute   := {
                        rv := p_rv
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_encryption_key
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_assurance_level(
                                                                                         in template (present) SubjectAssurance p_assurance_level
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_assurance_level,
                    attribute   := {
                        assurance_level := p_assurance_level
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_assurance_level
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_reconstruction_value(
                                                                                              in template (present) IntXs p_its_aid_list
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_reconstruction_value,
                    attribute   := {
                        its_aid_list := p_its_aid_list
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_reconstruction_value
            } // End of group subjectAttribute
            group subjectAssurance {
                template (present) SubjectAssurance mw_subjectAssurance(
                                                                        in template (present) Bit3 p_levels,
                                                                        in template (present) Bit2 p_confidence
                ) := {
                    levels      := p_levels,
                    reserved    := '000'B,
                    confidence  := p_confidence
                } // End of template mw_subjectAssurance
            } // End of group subjectAssurance
            group validityRestriction {
                template (present) ValidityRestriction mw_validity_restriction_time_end(
                                                                                        in template (present) Time32 p_end_validity
                 ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_end,
                    validity    :=  {
                        end_validity := p_end_validity
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template mw_validity_restriction_time_end
                template (present) ValidityRestriction mw_validity_restriction_time_start_and_end(
                                                                                                  in template (present) Time32 p_start_validity,
                                                                                                  in template (present) Time32 p_end_validity
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_start_and_end,
                    validity    :=  {
                        time_start_and_end := {
                            start_validity  := p_start_validity,
                            end_validity    := p_end_validity
                        } // End of field time_start_and_end
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template mw_validity_restriction_time_start_and_end
                template (present) ValidityRestriction mw_validity_restriction_time_start_and_duration(
                                                                                                       in template (present) Time32 p_start_validity,
                                                                                                       in template (present) Duration p_duration
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_start_and_duration,
                    validity    :=  {
                        time_start_and_duration := {
                            start_validity  := p_start_validity,
                            duration        := p_duration
                        } // End of field time_start_and_duration
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template mw_validity_restriction_time_start_and_duration
                template (present) ValidityRestriction mw_validity_restriction_region(
                                                                                      in template (present) GeographicRegion p_region
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_region,
                    validity    :=  {
                        region := p_region
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template mw_validity_restriction_region
            } // End of group validityRestriction
        } // End of group certificatesRecv
    } // End of group certificates
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    group securityProfiles {
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berge committed
        group camSecurityProfiles {
            group securityProfilesCAMsSend {
                 * @desc Generic send template for Security profile for CAMs with several payloads
                template (value) SecuredMessage md_secureMessage_profileCam(
                    in template (value) HeaderFields p_header_fields,
                    in template (omit) SecPayloads p_payload_fields,
                    in template (value) TrailerFields p_trailer_fields
                ) modifies m_secureMessage := {
                    security_profile    := c_security_profileCAMs,
                    header_fields       := p_header_fields,
                    payload_fields      := p_payload_fields,
                    trailer_fields      := p_trailer_fields
                } // End of template md_secureMessage_profileCam
            } // End of group securityProfilesCAMsSend
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            group securityProfilesCAMsRecv {
                 * @desc Generic received template for Security profile for CAMs
                template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_secureMessageCAMs_dummy
                modifies mw_securedMessage_dummy := {
                    security_profile    := c_security_profileCAMs
                } // End of template mdw_secureMessageCAMs_dummy
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berge committed

                 * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage
                template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessageCAM(
                    template (present) HeaderFields    p_header := ?,
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                    template (present) SecPayloads     p_payloads := ?, 
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                    template (present) TrailerFields   p_trailer := ? 
                modifies mw_securedMessage := {
                    security_profile    := c_security_profileCAMs
                } // End of template mdw_securedMessageCAMs
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garciay committed
                 * @desc Generic received template for Security profile for CAMs
                template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_secureMessageCAMs
                modifies mdw_secureMessageCAMs_dummy := { // TODO To be continued
                    header_fields       := ?,
                    payload_fields      := ?,
                    trailer_fields      := ?
                } // End of template mdw_secureMessageCAMs
            } // End of group securityProfilesCAMsRecv
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        } // End of group securityProfilesCAMs
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        group denmSecurityProfiles {
                 * @desc Generic send template for Security profile for CAMs with several payloads
                template (value) SecuredMessage md_secureMessage_profileDenm(
                    in template (value) HeaderFields p_header_fields,
                    in template (omit) SecPayloads p_payload_fields,
                    in template (value) TrailerFields p_trailer_fields
                ) modifies m_secureMessage := {
                    security_profile    := c_security_profileDENMs,
                    header_fields       := p_header_fields,
                    payload_fields      := p_payload_fields,
                    trailer_fields      := p_trailer_fields
                } // End of template md_secureMessage_profileDenm
            } // End of group securityProfilesDENMsSend
            group securityProfilesDENMsRecv {
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                 * @desc Generic received template for Security profile for DENMs
                template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_secureMessageDENMs_dummy
                modifies mw_securedMessage_dummy := {
                    security_profile    := c_security_profileDENMs
                } // End of template mdw_secureMessageDENMs_dummy
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                 * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage in DENM profile
                template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessageDENM(
                    template (present) HeaderFields    p_header := ?,
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                    template           SecPayloads     p_payloads := ?, 
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                    template (present) TrailerFields   p_trailer := ? 
                modifies mw_securedMessage := {
                    security_profile    := c_security_profileDENMs
                } // End of template mdw_securedMessageDENMs
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        } // End of group denmSecurityProfiles
        group otherSecurityProfiles {
                template (value) SecuredMessage md_securedMessage_profileOther(
                    in template (value) HeaderFields p_header_fields,
                    in template (omit) SecPayloads p_payload_fields,
                    in template (value) TrailerFields p_trailer_fields
                ) modifies m_secureMessage := {
                    security_profile    := c_security_profileOthers,
                    header_fields       := p_header_fields,
                    payload_fields      := p_payload_fields,
                    trailer_fields      := p_trailer_fields
                } // End of template md_securedMessage_profileOther
            } // End of group m_securedMessage_profileOther
            group otherSecurityProfilesRecv {
                 * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage in DENM profile
                template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessageOther(
                    template (present) HeaderFields    p_header := ?,
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                    template           SecPayloads     p_payloads := *,
                    template (present) TrailerFields   p_trailer := ? 
                modifies mw_securedMessage := {
                    security_profile    := c_security_profileOthers
                } // End of template mdw_securedMessageOther
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        } // End of group otherSecurityProfiles
    } // End of group securityProfiles
     * @desc Send/receive templates for profiles for certificates
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7.4    Profiles for certificate
    group profileCertificates {
         * @desc SecuredMesage payload to be signed
         * @member p_security_profile   The secury profile 
         * @member p_header_fields      The headers list
         * @member p_payload_fields     The payloads list 
         * @member p_trailer_field_type The trailer type
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7    Security profiles 
        template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage(
            in UInt8 p_security_profile,
            in template (value) HeaderFields p_header_fields,
            in template (value) SecPayloads p_payload_fields,
            in template (value) TrailerFieldType p_trailer_field_type
        ) := {
            protocol_version        := c_protocol_version,
            security_profile        := p_security_profile,
            header_fields           := p_header_fields,
            payload_fields          := p_payload_fields,
            trailer_fieldsLength    := 67, // 43h = lengthof(trailer_fields) // FIXME To be enhanced
            trailerFieldType        := p_trailer_field_type
        } // End of template m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage
         * @desc The certificate paylaod to be signed
         * @member p_certificate    The signed certificate to be verified
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.6 Clause 7.4    Profiles for certificate
        template (value) ToBeSignedCertificate m_toBeSignedCertificate(
                                                                       in template (value) Certificate p_certificate
        ) := {
            version                 := p_certificate.version, 
            signer_infos            := p_certificate.signer_infos,
            subject_info            := p_certificate.subject_info,
            subject_attributes      := p_certificate.subject_attributes,
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            validity_restrictions   := p_certificate.validity_restrictions
        } // End of template m_toBeSignedCertificate
    } // End of group profileCertificates
    group taPrimitives {
         * @desc Enable security support
        template (value) AcEnableSecurity m_enableSecurity(
                                                           in Oct32 p_signingPrivateKey,
                                                           in Oct32 p_signingPublicKeyX,
                                                           in Oct32 p_signingPublicKeyY,
                                                           in Oct32 p_encryptPrivateKey,
                                                           in Oct32 p_encryptPublicKeyX,
                                                           in Oct32 p_encryptPublicKeyY,
                                                           in octetstring p_ToBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplate
            signingPrivateKey                   := p_signingPrivateKey,
            signingPublicKeyX                   := p_signingPublicKeyX,
            signingPublicKeyY                   := p_signingPublicKeyY,
            encryptPrivateKey                   := p_encryptPrivateKey,
            encryptPublicKeyX                   := p_encryptPublicKeyX,
            encryptPublicKeyY                   := p_encryptPublicKeyY,
            ToBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplate    := p_ToBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplate
        } // End of template m_enableSecurity
         * @desc Disable security support
        template (value) AcDisableSecurity m_disableSecurity := {
            disable := true
        } // End of template m_disableSecurity
    } // End of group taPrimitives
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    group utPrimitives {
    } // End of group utPrimitives
} // End of module LibItsSecurity_Templates