LibItsSecurity_Templates.ttcn3 115 KB
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 *  @version  $URL$
 *            $Id$
 *  @desc     Module containing templates for Security Protocol
module LibItsSecurity_Templates {
    // LibCommon
    import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
    import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
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    // LibItsSecurity
    import from LibItsSecurity_TypesAndValues all;
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     * @desc Constants declaration
    group constants {
         * @desc Protocol version
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.1 SecuredMessage
        const UInt8 c_protocol_version := 2;
         * @desc Certificate version
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6.1 Certificate
        const UInt8 c_certificate_version := 2;
         * @desc Its AID for CAM
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 7.1 Security profile for CAMs
        const IntX c_its_aid_CAM := 16512;
         * @desc Its AID for DENM
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 7.2 Security profile for DENMs
        const IntX c_its_aid_DENM := 16513;
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         * @desc Minimal value of Longitude
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        const Int32 c_minLongitude := -1800000000;
         * @desc Maximal value of Longitude
        const Int32 c_maxLongitude :=  1800000000;
         * @desc Minimal value of Latitude
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        const Int32 c_minLatitude  := -900000000; 
         * @desc Maximal value of Latitude
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        const Int32 c_maxLatitude  :=  900000000;
         * @desc List of ISO-3166 country codes
        const RegionIdentifiers c_iso3166Codes := {
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            4,   8,  10,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,  31,  32,  36,  40,  44,  48,  50,  51,  52,  56,
           60,  64,  68,  70,  72,  74,  76,  84,  86,  90,  92,  96, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120,
          124, 132, 136, 140, 144, 148, 152, 156, 158, 162, 166, 170, 174, 175, 178, 180, 184, 188,
          191, 192, 196, 203, 204, 208, 212, 214, 218, 222, 226, 231, 232, 233, 234, 238, 239, 242,
          246, 248, 250, 254, 258, 260, 262, 266, 268, 270, 275, 276, 288, 292, 296, 300, 304, 308,
          312, 316, 320, 324, 328, 332, 334, 336, 340, 344, 348, 352, 356, 360, 364, 368, 372, 376,
          380, 384, 388, 392, 398, 400, 404, 408, 410, 414, 417, 418, 422, 426, 428, 430, 434, 438,
          440, 442, 446, 450, 454, 458, 462, 466, 470, 474, 478, 480, 484, 492, 496, 498, 499, 500,
          504, 508, 512, 516, 520, 524, 528, 531, 533, 534, 535, 540, 548, 554, 558, 562, 566, 570,
          574, 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 585, 586, 591, 598, 600, 604, 608, 612, 616, 620, 624, 626,
          630, 634, 638, 642, 643, 646, 652, 654, 659, 660, 662, 663, 666, 670, 674, 678, 682, 686,
          688, 690, 694, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 710, 716, 724, 728, 729, 732, 740, 744, 748, 752,
          756, 760, 762, 764, 768, 772, 776, 780, 784, 788, 792, 795, 796, 798, 800, 804, 807, 810,
          818, 826, 831, 832, 833, 834, 840, 850, 854, 858, 860, 862, 876, 882, 887, 894 
         * @desc List of United Nations Statistics Division country codes
        const RegionIdentifiers c_unStatsAdditionalCodes := {
            1,   2,   5,   9,  11,  13,  14,  15,  17,  18,  19,  21,  29,  30,  34,  35,  39,  53,
           54,  57,  61, 142, 143, 145, 150, 151, 154, 155, 199, 419, 432, 680, 722, 830
    } // End of group constants
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     * @desc Dummy send/receive templates for security headers
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4   Basic format elements
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    group dummyBasicFormatElements {
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         * @desc Dummy send templates for security headers
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2    Specification of basic format elements
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        group dummyBasicFormatElementsSend {
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             * @desc Generic Send/Receive templates for security algorithm descriptions
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            group dummyAlgorithms {
            } // End of group dummyAlgorithms
        } // End of group dummyBasicFormatElementsSend 
         * @desc Dummy receive templates for security headers
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2    Specification of basic format elements
        group dummyBasicFormatElementsRecv {
             * @desc Dummy receive template for PublicKey/EccPoint
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.4    PublicKey
            template (present) PublicKey mw_publicKey_eccPoint_dummy := {
                algorithm   := e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256,
                public_key  := {
                    eccPoint := ?
                } // End of field public_key
            } // End of template PublicKey
             * @desc Dummy send template for PublicKey/AES CCM
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.4    PublicKey
            template (present) PublicKey mw_publicKey_aesccm_dummy := {
                algorithm   := e_ecies_nistp256,
                public_key  := {
                    aesCcm := ?
                } // End of field public_key
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            } // End of template mw_publicKey_aesccm_dummy
             * @desc Dummy receive template for Time64WithStandardDeviation
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.17    Time64WithStandardDeviation
            template (present) Time64WithStandardDeviation mw_time64WithStandardDeviation_dummy := {
                time        := ?,
                log_std_dev := ?
            } // End of template mw_time64WithStandardDeviation_dummy
             * @desc Dummy receive template for TwoDLocation
             * @param p_latitude    Latitude range from  900 000 000 to +900 000 000
             * @param p_longitude   Longitude range from  1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.19    TwoDLocation
            template (present) TwoDLocation mw_twoDLocation_dummy := {
                latitude    := ?,
                longitude   := ?
            } // End of template mw_twoDLocation_dummy
             * @desc Dummy send template for ThreeDLocation
             * @param p_latitude    Latitude range from  900 000 000 to +900 000 000
             * @param p_longitude   Longitude range from  1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000
             * @param p_elevation   Elevation relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid in decimetres
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.20    ThreeDLocation
            template (present) ThreeDLocation mdw_threeDLocation_dummy := {
                latitude    := ?,
                longitude   := ?,
                elevation   := ?
            } // End of template mdw_threeDLocation_dummy
        } // End of group dummyBasicFormatElementsRecv
    } // End of group dummyBasicFormatElements 
     * @desc Send/receive templates for security headers
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4   Basic format elements
    group basicFormatElements {
         * @desc Send templates for security headers
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2    Specification of basic format elements
        group basicFormatElementsSend {
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             * @desc Send/Receive templates for security algorithm descriptions
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                 * @desc Send template for EccPoint description based on x_coordinate_only type
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.5   EccPoint
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Table 2: Derivation of field sizes depending on the used algorithm
                template (value) EccPoint m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_x_coordinate_only(
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                                                                                                  in template (value) octetstring p_x
                ) := { 
                    type_           := e_x_coordinate_only,
                    x               := p_x,
                    y               := omit
                } // End of template m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_x_coordinate_only
                 * @desc Send template for EccPoint description based on y_coordinate_only type
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.5   EccPoint
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Table 2: Derivation of field sizes depending on the used algorithm
                template (value) EccPoint m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_y_coordinate_only(
                                                                                                  in template (value) octetstring p_x
                ) := { 
                    type_           := e_compressed_lsb_y_0,
                    x               := p_x,
                    y               := omit
                } // End of template m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_y_coordinate_only
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                 * @desc Send template for EccPoint description based on uncompressed type
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.5   EccPoint
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Table 2: Derivation of field sizes depending on the used algorithm
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                template (value) EccPoint m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_uncompressed(
                                                                                            in template (value) octetstring p_x,
                                                                                            in template (value) octetstring p_y
                ) := {
                    type_           := e_uncompressed,
                    x               := p_x,
                    y               := {
                        y := p_y
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                } // End of template m_eccPointecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256_uncompressed
                 * @desc Information regarding AES CCM encryption
                 * @param p_eccPoint   The EccPoint used in the PublicKey
                template (value) AesCcm m_aesccm(
                                                 in template (value) EccPoint p_eccPoint
                ) := {
                    supported_symm_alg  := e_aes_128_ccm,
                    eccPoint            := p_eccPoint
                } // End of template m_aesccm
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                 * @desc Send template for AES CCM encryption parameters
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.7    EncryptionParameters
                template (value) EncryptionParameters m_encryptionParameters_aes_128_ccm(
                                                                                         in template (value) Oct12 p_nonce
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                ) := {
                    symm_algorithm := e_aes_128_ccm,
                    public_key := {
                        nonce := p_nonce
                } // End of template m_encryptionParameters_aes_128_ccm
            } // End of group algorithms
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             * @desc Send template for PublicKey/EccPoint
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.4    PublicKey
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            template (value) PublicKey m_publicKey_eccPoint(
                                                            in template (value) EccPoint p_eccPoint
            ) := {
                algorithm   := e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256,
                public_key  := {
                    eccPoint := p_eccPoint
                } // End of field public_key
            } // End of template m_publicKey_eccPoint
             * @desc Send template for PublicKey/AES CCM
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.4    PublicKey
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            template (value) PublicKey m_publicKey_aesccm(
                                                          in template (value) AesCcm p_aesCcm
            ) := {
                algorithm   := e_ecies_nistp256,
                public_key  := {
                    aesCcm := p_aesCcm
                } // End of field public_key
            } // End of template m_publicKey_aesccm
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             * @desc Send/receive templates for Signature description
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.9   Signature
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Table 2: Derivation of field sizes depending on the used algorithm
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            group signatures {
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                 * @desc Send template for signatures based on ECDSA algorithm
                 * @member p_ecdsaSignature The ECDSA based signature
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.9   Signature
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                template (value) Signature m_signature(
                                                       in template (value) EcdsaSignature p_ecdsaSignature
                ):= {
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                    algorithm   := e_ecdsa_nistp256_with_sha256,
                    signature_  := {
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                        ecdsa_signature := p_ecdsaSignature
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                    } // End of field signature_
                } // End of template m_signature_ecdsa
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                 * @desc Send template for ECDSA based signature
                 * @member p_r          The coordinate of the elliptic curve point resulting from multiplying the generator element by the ephemeral private key
                 * @member p_s          The signature
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.10   EcdsaSignature
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                template (value) EcdsaSignature m_ecdsaSignature(
                                                                 in template (value) EccPoint p_r,
                                                                 in template (value) octetstring p_s
                ) := {
                    r           := p_r,
                    s           := p_s
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                } // End of template m_ecdsaSignature
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            } // End of group signatures 
            group signerInfos {
                 * @desc Send template for self signed message
                template (value) SignerInfo m_signerInfo_self := {
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                    type_         := e_self,
                    signerInfo    := omit
                } // End of template m_signerInfo_self
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                 * @desc Send template for self signed message
                template (value) SignerInfo m_signerInfo_digest(
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                                                                in template (value) HashedId8 p_digest
                ) := {
                    type_         := e_certificate_digest_with_sha256,
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                    signerInfo    := {
                        digest := p_digest
                    } // End of field signerInfo 
                } // End of template m_signerInfo_digest
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                template (value) SignerInfo m_signerInfo_certificate(
                                                                     in template (value) Certificate p_certificate
                ) := {
                    type_         := e_certificate,
                    signerInfo    := {
                        certificate := p_certificate
                    } // End of field signerInfo 
                } // End of template m_signerInfo_certificate
                template (value) SignerInfo m_signerInfo_certificates(
                                                                      in template (value) CertificateChain p_certificates
                ) := {
                    type_         := e_certificate_chain,
                    signerInfo    := {
                        certificates := p_certificates
                    } // End of field signerInfo
                } // End of template m_signerInfo_certificates
            } // End of group signerInfos
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             * @desc Send template for Time64WithStandardDeviation
             * @param p_time        TODO
             * @param p_log_std_dev TODO
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.17    Time64WithStandardDeviation
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            template (value) Time64WithStandardDeviation m_time64WithStandardDeviation(
                                                                                       in template (value) Time64 p_time,
                                                                                       in template (value) UInt8 p_log_std_dev
            ) := {
                time        := p_time,
                log_std_dev := p_log_std_dev
            } // End of template m_time64WithStandardDeviation
             * @desc Send template for Duration (in seconds)
             * @param p_duration    The duration value
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.18  Duration
            template (value) Duration m_duration_in_seconds(
                                                            in template (value) Int13 p_duration
            ) := {
                unit        := e_seconds,
                duration    := p_duration
            } // End of template m_duration_in_seconds
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             * @desc Send template for TwoDLocation
             * @param p_latitude    Latitude range from  900 000 000 to +900 000 000
             * @param p_longitude   Longitude range from  1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.19    TwoDLocation
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            template (value) TwoDLocation m_twoDLocation(
                                                         in template (value) WGSLatitude p_latitude,
                                                         in template (value) WGSLongitude p_longitude
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            ) := {
                latitude    := p_latitude,
                longitude   := p_longitude
            } // End of template m_twoDLocation
             * @desc Send template for ThreeDLocation
             * @param p_latitude    Latitude range from  900 000 000 to +900 000 000
             * @param p_longitude   Longitude range from  1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000
             * @param p_elevation   Elevation relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid in decimetres
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.20    ThreeDLocation
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            template (value) ThreeDLocation m_threeDLocation(
                                                             in template (value) WGSLatitude p_latitude,
                                                             in template (value) WGSLongitude p_longitude,
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                                                             in template (value) Oct2 p_elevation
            ) := {
                latitude    := p_latitude,
                longitude   := p_longitude,
                elevation := p_elevation
            } // End of template m_threeDLocation
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             * @desc Send template circular geographic region
             * @param p_center  Circle center 
             * @param p_radius  Circle radius
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
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            template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_circle(
                                                                        in template (value) TwoDLocation p_center,
                                                                        in template (value) UInt16 p_radius
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            ) := {
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                region_type := e_circle,
                region := {
                    circular_region := {
                        center := p_center,
                        radius := p_radius 
                    } // End of field circular_region
                } // End of field region
            } // End of template m_geographicRegion_circle
             * @desc Send template rectangular geographic region
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             * @param p_northwest  Upper left corner 
             * @param p_southeast  Lower rigth corner
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
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            template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_rectangle(
                                                                           in template (value) TwoDLocation p_northwest,
                                                                           in template (value) TwoDLocation p_southeast
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            ) := {
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                region_type := e_rectangle,
                region := {
                    rectangular_region := {
                            northwest := p_northwest,
                            southeast := p_southeast 
                    } // End of field rectangular_region
                } // End of field region
            } // End of template m_geographicRegion_rectangle
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             * @desc Send template polygonial geographic region
             * @param p_polygonal_region  Polygonial region description
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
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            template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_polygonial(
                                                                            in template (value) PolygonalRegion p_polygonal_region
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            ) := {
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                region_type := e_polygon,
                region := {
                    polygonal_region := p_polygonal_region
                } // End of field region
            } // End of template m_geographicRegion_polygonial
             * @desc Send template for geographic identified region
             * @param p_id_region  Indentified region
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
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            template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_identifiedRegion(
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                                                                                  in template (value) IdentifiedRegion p_id_region
            ) := {
                region_type := e_id,
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                region := {
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                    id_region := p_id_region
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                } // End of field region
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            } // End of template m_geographicRegion_identifiedRegion
             * @desc Send template for not specified geographic region
             * @param p_id_region  Indentified region
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
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            template (value) GeographicRegion m_geographicRegion_nonce := {
                region_type := e_none,
                region := omit
            } // End of template m_geographicRegion_nonce
        } // End of group basicFormatElementsSend 
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         * @desc Receive templates for security headers
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2    Specification of basic format elements
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        group basicFormatElementsRecv {
            group signerInfos {
                 * @desc Recv template for message signed with digest 
                template (present) SignerInfo mw_signerInfo_digest(
                                                                   in template (present) HashedId8 p_digest  := ?
                    type_         := e_certificate_digest_with_sha256,
                    signerInfo    := {
                        digest := p_digest
                    } // End of field signerInfo 
                } // End of template mw_signerInfo_digest
                template (present) SignerInfo mw_signerInfo_certificate(
                                                                        in template (present) Certificate p_certificate  := ?
                ) := {
                    type_         := e_certificate,
                    signerInfo    := {
                        certificate := p_certificate
                    } // End of field signerInfo 
                } // End of template m_signerInfo_certificate
                template (present) SignerInfo mw_signerInfo_certificates(
                                                                         in template (present) CertificateChain p_certificates := ?
                ) := {
                    type_         := e_certificate_chain,
                    signerInfo    := {
                        certificates := p_certificates
                    } // End of field signerInfo
                } // End of template m_signerInfo_certificates
            } // End of group signerInfos
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             * @desc Receive template for Time64WithStandardDeviation
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.17    Time64WithStandardDeviation
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            template (present) Time64WithStandardDeviation mw_time64WithStandardDeviation(
                                                                                          in template (present) Time64 p_time,
                                                                                          in template (present) UInt8 p_log_std_dev
            ) := {
                time        := p_time,
                log_std_dev := p_log_std_dev
            } // End of template mw_time64WithStandardDeviation
             * @desc Receive template for Duration (in seconds)
             * @param p_duration    The duration value
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.18  Duration
            template (present) Duration mw_duration_in_seconds(
                                                               in template (present) Int13 p_duration
            ) := {
                unit        := e_seconds,
                duration    := p_duration
            } // End of template mw_duration_in_seconds
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             * @desc Receive template for TwoDLocation
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             * @param p_latitude    Latitude range from  900 000 000 to +900 000 000
             * @param p_longitude   Longitude range from  1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.19    TwoDLocation
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            template (present) TwoDLocation mw_twoDLocation(
                                                            in template (present) WGSLatitude p_latitude,
                                                            in template (present) WGSLongitude p_longitude
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            ) := {
                latitude    := p_latitude,
                longitude   := p_longitude
            } // End of template mw_twoDLocation
             * @desc Receive template for ThreeDLocation
             * @param p_latitude    Latitude range from  900 000 000 to +900 000 000
             * @param p_longitude   Longitude range from  1 800 000 000 to +1 800 000 000
             * @param p_elevation   Elevation relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid in decimetres
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.20    ThreeDLocation
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            template (present) ThreeDLocation mw_threeDLocation(
                                                                in template (present) WGSLatitude p_latitude,
                                                                in template (present) WGSLongitude p_longitude,
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                                                                in template (present) Oct2 p_elevation
            ) := {
                latitude    := p_latitude,
                longitude   := p_longitude,
                elevation   := p_elevation
            } // End of template mw_threeDLocation
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             * @desc Receive template circular geographic region
             * @param p_center  Circle center 
             * @param p_radius  Circle radius
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
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            template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_circle(
                                                                           in template (present) TwoDLocation p_center := ?,
                                                                           in template (present) UInt16 p_radius := ?
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            ) := {
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                region_type := e_circle,
                region := {
                    circular_region := {
                        center := p_center,
                        radius := p_radius 
                    } // End of field circular_region
                } // End of field region
            } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_circle
             * @desc Basic receive template rectangular geographic region
             * @param p_northwest  Upper left corner 
             * @param p_southeast  Lower rigth corner
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
            template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_rectangular(
                                                                                in template (present) TwoDLocation p_northwest := ?,
                                                                                in template (present) TwoDLocation p_southeast := ?
            ) := {
                region_type := e_rectangle,
                region := {
                    rectangular_region := {
                            northwest := p_northwest,
                            southeast := p_southeast 
                    } // End of field rectangular_region
                } // End of field region
            } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_rectangular
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             * @desc Receive template polygonial geographic region
             * @param p_polygonal_region  Polygonial region description
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
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            template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_polygonal(
                                                                              in template (present) PolygonalRegion p_polygonal_region := ?
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            ) := {
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                region_type := e_polygon,
                region := {
                    polygonal_region := p_polygonal_region
                } // End of field region
            } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_polygonial
             * @desc Receive template for geographic identified region
             * @param p_id_region  Indentified region
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
            template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_identified(
                                                                               in template (present) IdentifiedRegion p_id_region := ?
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            ) := {
                region_type := e_id,
                region := {
                    id_region := p_id_region
                } // End of field region
            } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_identifiedRegion
             * @desc Receive template for not specified geographic region
             * @param p_id_region  Indentified region
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 4.2.21  GeographicRegion
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            template (present) GeographicRegion mw_geographicRegion_none := {
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                region_type := e_none,
                region := omit
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            } // End of template mw_geographicRegion_nonce
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            template (present) IdentifiedRegion mw_identifiedRegion_iso3166_any
            := {
                region_dictionary := e_iso_3166_1,
                region_identifier := (all from c_iso3166Codes),
                local_region := ?
            template (present) IdentifiedRegion mw_identifiedRegion_un_stats_any
            := {
                region_dictionary := e_un_stats,
                region_identifier := ((all from c_iso3166Codes), (all from c_unStatsAdditionalCodes)),
                local_region := ?
        } // End of group basicFormatElementsRecv
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garciay's avatar
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    } // End of group dummyBasicFormatElements 
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     * @desc Dummy send/receive templates for security headers
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5   Specification of security header
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    group dummyMessages {
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         * @desc Dummy send templates for security headers
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5   Specification of security header
        group dummyMessagesSend {
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             * @desc Generic send template for Security profile for other messages
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 7.3    Generic security profile for other signed messages
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            template (value) SecuredMessage m_secureMessage_dummy := {
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                protocol_version     := c_protocol_version,
                header_fields        := { 
                payload_field        := m_payload_signed_external,
                trailer_fields       := { }
            } // End of template m_secureMessage_dummy
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        } // End of group dummyMessagesSend
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         * @desc Dummy receive templates for security headers
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5   Specification of security header
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        group dummyMessagesRecv {
             * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage
            template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessage_dummy := {
                protocol_version    := c_protocol_version, 
garciay's avatar
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                header_fields       := ?,
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                trailer_fields      := ?
            } // End of template mdw_securedMessage_dummy
        } // End of group dummyMessagesRecv 
        group dummyPayloads {
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             * @desc Generic received template for unsecured payload
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            template (present) SecPayload mw_unsecuredPayload_dummy := {
garciay's avatar
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                type_   := e_unsecured, 
                data    := ?
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            } // End of template mw_unsecuredPayload_dummy
             * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage
            template (present) SecPayload mw_signedPayload_dummy := {
                type_   := e_signed, 
            } // End of template mw_signedPayload_dummy
        } // End of group payloads
        group dummyEciesEncryptedKey {
            group dummyEciesEncryptedKeyRecv {
                 * @desc Basic receive template for an ECIES-encrypted symmetric key as defined in IEEE Std 1363a 2004 
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey
                template (present) EciesEncryptedKey mw_eciesEncryptedKey_dummy := {
                    v               := ?,
                    c               := ?,
                    t               := ?
                } // End of template mw_eciesEncryptedKey_dummy
            } // End of group dummyEciesEncryptedKeyRecv
        } // End of group dummyEciesEncryptedKey
    } // End of group dummyMessages
     * @desc Send/receive templates for security headers
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5   Specification of security header
    group messages {
         * @desc Send templates for security headers
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5   Specification of security header
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             * @desc Generic send template for secured message
            template (value) SecuredMessage m_securedMessage(
                                                             in template (value) HeaderFields p_header_fields,
                                                             in template (value) SecPayload p_payload_field,
                                                             in template (value) TrailerFields p_trailer_fields
            ) := {
                protocol_version    := c_protocol_version,
                header_fields       := p_header_fields,
                payload_field       := p_payload_field,
                trailer_fields      := p_trailer_fields
            } // End of template m_securedMessage
        } // End of group messagesSend
         * @desc Receive templates for security headers
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5   Specification of security header
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             * @desc Generic received template for SecuredMessage
            template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessage(
                                                                 in template (present) HeaderFields p_header := ?,
                                                                 in template (present) SecPayload p_payload := ?, 
                                                                 in template (present) TrailerFields p_trailer := ? 
            ) modifies mdw_securedMessage_dummy := {
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                header_fields       := p_header,
                payload_field       := p_payload,
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                trailer_fields      := p_trailer
            } // End of template mdw_securedMessage
            template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessage_CAMs(
                                                                      in template (present) HeaderField p_header := ?,
                                                                      in template (present) SecPayload p_payload := ?, 
                                                                      in template (present) TrailerFields p_trailer := ? 
            ) modifies mdw_securedMessage_dummy := {
                header_fields       := superset(mw_header_field_its_aid_CAM, p_header),
                payload_field       := p_payload,
                trailer_fields      := p_trailer
            } // End of template mdw_securedMessage_CAMs
            template (present) SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessage_DENMs(
                                                                       in template (present) HeaderField p_header := ?,
                                                                       in template (present) SecPayload p_payload := ?, 
                                                                       in template (present) TrailerFields p_trailer := ? 
            ) modifies mdw_securedMessage_dummy := {
                header_fields       := superset(mw_header_field_its_aid_DENM, p_header),
                payload_field       := p_payload,
                trailer_fields      := p_trailer
            } // End of template mdw_securedMessage_DENMs
            template SecuredMessage mdw_securedMessage_Others(
                                                              in template (present) HeaderField p_header := ?,
                                                              in template (present) SecPayload p_payload := ?, 
                                                              in template (present) TrailerFields p_trailer := ? 
            ) := {
                protocol_version    := c_protocol_version, 
                header_fields       := superset(
                payload_field       := p_payload,
                trailer_fields      := p_trailer
            } // End of template mdw_securedMessage_Others
        } // End of group messagesRecv 
         * @desc Send/Receive templates for Payload
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
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             * @desc Send templates for Payload
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
            group payloadsSend {
                 * @desc Send template for 'unsecured' Payload 
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
                template (value) SecPayload m_payload_unsecured(
                                                                in template (value) octetstring p_data
                ) := {
                    type_   := e_unsecured,
                    data    := p_data
                } // End of template m_payload_signed
                 * @desc Send template for 'signed' Payload 
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
                template (value) SecPayload m_payload_signed(
                                                             in template (value) octetstring p_data
                ) := {
                    type_   := e_signed,
                    data    := p_data
                } // End of template m_payload_signed
                 * @desc Send template for 'signed_external' Payload 
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
                template (value) SecPayload m_payload_signed_external := {
                    type_   := e_signed_external,
                    data    := omit
                } // End of template m_payload_signed_external
                 * @desc Send template for 'encrypted' Payload 
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
                template (value) SecPayload m_payload_encrypted(
                                                                in template (value) octetstring p_data
                ) := {
                    type_   := e_encrypted,
                    data    := p_data
                } // End of template m_payload_encrypted
                 * @desc Send template for 'signed_external' Payload 
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
                template (value) SecPayload m_payload_signed_and_encrypted(
                                                                           in template (value) octetstring p_data
                ) := {
                    type_   := e_signed_and_encrypted,
                    data    := p_data
                } // End of template m_payload_signed_and_encrypted
            } // End of group payloadsSend 
             * @desc Receive templates for Payload
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
            group payloadsRecv {
             * @desc Receive template for SecPayload 
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.2 Payload
            template (present) SecPayload mw_payload (
                                                      in template (present) SecPayloadType p_type,
                                                      in template (present) octetstring p_data := ?
            ):= {
                type_   := p_type,
                data    := p_data
            } // End of template mw_payload
            } // End of group payloadsRecv 
        } // End of group payloads
         * @desc Send/Receive templates for HeaderField
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4 HeaderField
        group headerFields {
             * @desc Send templates for HeaderField
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4 HeaderField
            group headerFieldsSend {
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation time information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_generation_time(
                                                                            in template (value) Time64 p_generation_time
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_time,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_time := p_generation_time
                } // End of template m_header_field_generation_time
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation time and standard deviation information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation(
                                                                                                    in template (value) Time64WithStandardDeviation p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_time_standard_deviation,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_time_with_standard_deviation := p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                } // End of template m_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with expiration time information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_expiry_time(
                                                                        in template (value) Time32 p_expiry_time
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_expiration,
                    headerField := {
                        expiry_time := p_expiry_time
                } // End of template m_header_field_expiry_time
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation location information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_generation_location(
                                                                                in template (value) ThreeDLocation p_generation_location
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_location,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_location := p_generation_location
                } // End of template m_header_field_generation_location
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation location information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_unrecognised_certificate(
                                                                   in template (value) HashedId3 p_digest
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_request_unrecognized_certificate,
                    headerField := {
                        digests := { p_digest }
                } // End of template m_header_field_digest
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with generation location information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_unrecognised_certificates(
                                                                                      in template (value) HashedId3s p_digests
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_request_unrecognized_certificate,
                    headerField := {
                        digests := p_digests
                } // End of template m_header_field_multiple_digests
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with VerificationAdvice set to recommended
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_verification_advice_recommended := {
                    type_       := e_verification_advice,
                    headerField := {
                        verification_advice := e_recommended
                } // End of template m_header_field_verification_advice_recommended
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with VerificationAdvice set to required
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_verification_advice_required := {
                    type_       := e_verification_advice,
                    headerField := {
                        verification_advice := e_required
                } // End of template m_header_field_verification_advice_required
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with ItsAid information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_its_aid(
                                                                    in template (value) IntX p_its_aid
                    headerField := {
                } // End of template m_header_field_its_aid
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with CAM ItsAid identifier
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_its_aid_CAM := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid,
                    headerField := {
                        its_aid := c_its_aid_CAM
                } // End of template m_header_field_its_aid_CAM
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with CAM ItsAid identifier
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_its_aid_DENM := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid,
                    headerField := {
                        its_aid := c_its_aid_DENM
                } // End of template m_header_field_its_aid_DENM
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_signer_info(
                                                                        in template (value) SignerInfo p_signer
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_signer_info,
                    headerField := {
                        signer := p_signer
                } // End of template m_header_field_signerInfo_signer_info
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_recipient(
                                                                      in template (value) RecipientInfo p_recipient
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_recipient_info,
                    headerField := {
                        recipients := { p_recipient }
                } // End of template m_header_field_recipient
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_multiple_recipients(
                                                                                in template (value) RecipientInfos p_recipients
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_recipient_info,
                    headerField := {
                        recipients := p_recipients
                } // End of template m_header_field_multiple_recipients
                 * @desc Send template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField m_header_field_enc_params(
                                                                       in template (value) EncryptionParameters p_enc_params
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_encryption_parameters,
                    headerField := {
                        enc_params := p_enc_params
                } // End of template m_header_field_enc_params
            } // End of group headerFieldsSend
             * @desc Receive templates for HeaderField
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4 HeaderField
            group headerFieldsRecv {
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                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation time information
                 * @param p_headerType  Type id of the Header field
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field(
                                                               in HeaderFieldType p_headerType
                ) := {
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                    type_       := p_headerType,
                    headerField := ?
                } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_time
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation time information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_time(
                                                                               in template (present) Time64 p_generation_time := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_time,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_time := p_generation_time
                } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_time
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation time and standard deviation information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation(
                                                                                                       in template (present) Time64WithStandardDeviation p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_time_standard_deviation,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_time_with_standard_deviation := p_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_time_with_standard_deviation
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with expiration time information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_expiry_time(
                                                                           in template (present) Time32 p_expiry_time
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_expiration,
                    headerField := {
                        expiry_time := p_expiry_time
                } // End of template mw_header_field_expiry_time
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation location information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_generation_location(
                                                                                   in template (present) ThreeDLocation p_generation_location
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_generation_location,
                    headerField := {
                        generation_location := p_generation_location
                } // End of template mw_header_field_generation_location
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with generation location information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_multiple_digests(
                                                                                in template (present) HashedId3s p_digests
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_request_unrecognized_certificate,
                    headerField := {
                        digests := p_digests
                } // End of template mw_header_field_multiple_digests
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info(
                                                                           in template (present) SignerInfo p_signer
                    headerField := {
                } // End of template mw_header_field_signerInfo_signer_info
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 *       containing certificate
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
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                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info_certificate (
                                                                                        in template (present) Certificate p_cert := ?
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                ) := {
                    type_       := e_signer_info,
                    headerField := {
                        signer := mw_signerInfo_certificate(p_cert)
                } // End of template mw_header_field_signer_info_certificate
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 *       containing certificate digest
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
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                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info_digest (
                                                                                   in template (present) HashedId8 p_digest := ?
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                ) := {
                    type_       := e_signer_info,
                    headerField := {
                        signer := mw_signerInfo_digest(p_digest)
                } // End of template mw_header_field_signer_info_digest
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                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 *       containing certificate chain
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
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                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_signer_info_certificate_chain (
                                                                                              in template (present) CertificateChain p_certs := ?
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                ) := {
                    type_       := e_signer_info,
                    headerField := {
                        signer := mw_signerInfo_certificates(p_certs)
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                } // End of template mw_header_field_signer_info_certificate_chain
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField mw_header_field_multiple_recipients(
                                                                                 in template (value) RecipientInfos p_recipients
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_recipient_info,
                    headerField := {
                        recipients := p_recipients
                } // End of template mw_header_field_multiple_recipients
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with signer information
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_enc_params(
                                                                          in template (present) EncryptionParameters p_enc_params
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_encryption_parameters,
                    headerField := {
                        enc_params := p_enc_params
                } // End of template mw_header_field_enc_params
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with request for unrecognized certificate
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_request_unrecognized_certificate(
                                                                                                in template (present) HashedId3s p_digests := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_request_unrecognized_certificate,
                    headerField := {
                        digests := p_digests
                } // End of template mw_header_field_signer_info_digest
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with VerificationAdvice set to recommended
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField mw_header_field_verification_advice_recommended := {
                    type_       := e_verification_advice,
                    headerField := {
                        verification_advice := e_recommended
                } // End of template mw_header_field_verification_advice_recommended
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with VerificationAdvice set to required
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField mw_header_field_verification_advice_required := {
                    type_       := e_verification_advice,
                    headerField := {
                        verification_advice := e_required
                } // End of template mw_header_field_verification_advice_required
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with ItsAid identifier
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (present) HeaderField mw_header_field_its_aid(
                                                                     in template (present) IntX p_its_aid := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid,
                    headerField := {
                        its_aid := p_its_aid
                } // End of template mw_header_field_its_aid
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with CAM ItsAid identifier
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField mw_header_field_its_aid_CAM := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid,
                    headerField := {
                        its_aid := c_its_aid_CAM
                } // End of template mw_header_field_its_aid_CAM
                 * @desc Receive template for HeaderField with CAM ItsAid identifier
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.4    HeaderField
                template (value) HeaderField mw_header_field_its_aid_DENM := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid,
                    headerField := {
                        its_aid := c_its_aid_DENM
                } // End of template mw_header_field_its_aid_DENM
            } // End of group headerFieldsRecv
        } // End of group headerFields
         * @desc Send/Receive templates for TrailerField
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.6 TrailerField
        group trailerFields {
             * @desc Send template containing signature information used by the security layer after processing the payload
             * @param p_signature   The signature information
            template (value) TrailerField m_trailer_field_signature(
                                                                    in template (value) Signature p_signature
            ) := {
                type_           := e_signature,
                trailerField    := {
                    signature_ := p_signature
            } // End of template m_trailer_field_dummy
             * @desc Receive template containing signature information used by the security layer after processing the payload
             * @param p_signature   The signature information
            template (present) TrailerField mw_trailer_field_signature(
                                                                       in template (present) Signature p_signature
            ) := {
                type_           := e_signature,
                trailerField    := {
                    signature_ := ?
            } // End of template mw_trailer_field_dummy
        } // End of group trailerFields
         * @desc Send/Receive templates for RecipientInfo
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.8 RecipientInfo
             * @desc Send template containing information for a message's recipient
             * @param p_cert_id         The recipient's certificate identifier
             * @param p_pk_encryption   The encryption type
             * @param p_enc_key         The encrypted key contained in an EciesEncryptedKey structure 
            template (value) RecipientInfo m_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key(
                                                                         in template (value) HashedId8 p_cert_id,
                                                                         in template (value) PublicKeyAlgorithm p_pk_encryption,
                                                                         in template (value) EciesEncryptedKey p_enc_key
            ) := {
                cert_id         := p_cert_id,
                pk_encryption   := p_pk_encryption,
                enc_key         := {
                    enc_key := p_enc_key
                } // End of field enc_key
            } // End of template m_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key
            template (value) RecipientInfo m_recipientInfo_other_enc_key(
                                                                         in template (value) HashedId8 p_cert_id,
                                                                         in template (value) PublicKeyAlgorithm p_pk_encryption,
                                                                         in template (value) octetstring p_enc_key_other
            ) := {
                cert_id         := p_cert_id,
                pk_encryption   := p_pk_encryption,
                enc_key         := {
                    enc_key_other := p_enc_key_other
                } // End of field enc_key
            } // End of template m_recipientInfo_other_enc_key
             * @desc Receive template containing information for a message's recipient
             * @param p_cert_id         The recipient's certificate identifier
             * @param p_pk_encryption   The encryption type
             * @param p_enc_key         The encrypted key contained in an EciesEncryptedKey structure 
            template (present) RecipientInfo mw_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key(
                                                                            in template (present) HashedId8 p_cert_id,
                                                                            in template (present) PublicKeyAlgorithm p_pk_encryption,
                                                                            in template (present) EciesEncryptedKey p_enc_key
            ) := {
                cert_id         := p_cert_id,
                pk_encryption   := p_pk_encryption,
                enc_key         := {
                    enc_key := p_enc_key
                } // End of field enc_key
            } // End of template mw_recipientInfo_ecies_enc_key
        } // End of group recipientInfo
         * @desc Send/Receive templates for EciesEncryptedKey
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey
        group eciesEncryptedKey {
                 * @desc Send template for an ECIES-encrypted symmetric key as defined in IEEE Std 1363a 2004 
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                 * @param p_ecc_key             The sender's EEC ephemeral key
                 * @param p_encrypted_key       The encrypted (AES) key 
                 * @param p_authentication_tag  The authentication tag vector
                 * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey
                template (value) EciesEncryptedKey m_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm(
                                                                              in template (value) EccPoint p_ecc_key, 
                                                                              in template (value) octetstring p_encrypted_key, 
                                                                              in template (value) Oct16 p_authentication_tag
                ) := {
                    v               := p_ecc_key,
                    c               := p_encrypted_key,
                    t               := p_authentication_tag
                } // End of template m_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm
             * @desc Receive template for an ECIES-encrypted symmetric key as defined in IEEE Std 1363a 2004 
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
             * @param p_ecc_key             The sender's EEC ephemeral key
             * @param p_encrypted_key       The encrypted (AES) key 
             * @param p_authentication_tag  The authentication tag vector
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 5.9 EciesEncryptedKey
            template (present) EciesEncryptedKey mw_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm(
                                                                             in template (present) EccPoint p_ecc_key, 
                                                                             in template (present) octetstring p_encrypted_key, 
                                                                             in template (present) Oct16 p_authentication_tag
            ) := {
                v               := p_ecc_key,
                c               := p_encrypted_key,
                t               := p_authentication_tag
            } // End of template mw_eciesEncryptedKey_aesccm
        } // End of group eciesEncryptedKey
    } // End of group messages
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
     * @desc Dummy send/receive templates for certificates
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
    group dummyCertifices {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
         * @desc Dummy send templates for certificates
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
        group dummyCertificesSend {
        } // End of group dummyCertificesSend
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
         * @desc Dummy receive templates for certificates
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
        group dummyCertificesRecv {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
             * @desc Dummy receive certificate template
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6.1    Certificate
garciay's avatar
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            template (present) Certificate mw_certificate_dummy := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                subject_info            := ?,
                subject_attributes      := ?,
                validity_restrictions   := ?,
                signature_              := ?
            } // End of template mw_certificate_dummy
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        } // End of group dummyCertificesRecv
    } // End of group dummyCertifices
     * @desc Send/receive templates for certificates
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
    group certificates {
         * @desc Send templates for certificates
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
        group certificatesSend {
             * @desc Send certificate template
             * @member p_signer_info            List of signer information
             * @member p_subject_info           The subject information
             * @member p_subject_attributes     List of subject attribute
             * @member p_validity_restrictions  List of validity restriction
             * @member p_signature              The signature
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6.1    Certificate
            template (value) Certificate m_certificate(
                                                       in template (value) SignerInfos p_signer_infos,
                                                       in template (value) SubjectInfo p_subject_info,
                                                       in template (value) SubjectAttributes p_subject_attributes,
                                                       in template (value) ValidityRestrictions p_validity_restrictions,
                                                       in template (value) Signature p_signature
            ) := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos            := p_signer_infos,
                subject_info            := p_subject_info,
                subject_attributes      := p_subject_attributes,
                validity_restrictions   := p_validity_restrictions,
                signature_              := p_signature
            } // End of template m_certificate
             * @desc Send templates for certificates
             * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6.2 SubjectInfo
            group subjectInfo {
                template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_root_ca(
                                                                    in template (value) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_root_ca,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template m_subject_info_root_ca
                template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_authorization_authority(
                                                                                    in template (value) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_authorization_authority,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template m_subject_info_authorization_authority
                template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_authorization_ticket := {
                    subject_type := e_authorization_ticket,
                    subject_name := ''O
                } // End of template m_subject_info_authorization_ticket
                template (value) SubjectInfo m_subject_info_revocation(
                                                                       in template (value) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_crl_signer,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template m_subject_info_revocation
            } // End of group subjectInfo
            group subjectAttribute {
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_verification_key(
                                                                                       in template (value) PublicKey p_key
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_verification_key,
                    attribute   := {
                        key := p_key
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_verification_key
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_encryption_key(
                                                                                     in template (value) PublicKey p_key
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_encryption_key,
                    attribute   := {
                        key := p_key
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_encryption_key
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_reconstruction_value(
                                                                                     in template (value) EccPoint p_rv
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_reconstruction_value,
                    attribute   := {
                        rv := p_rv
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_reconstruction_value
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_assurance_level(
                                                                                      in template (value) SubjectAssurance p_assurance_level
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_assurance_level,
                    attribute   := {
                        assurance_level := p_assurance_level
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_assurance_level
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_its_aid_list(
                                                                                           in template (value) IntXs p_its_aid_list
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid_list,
                    attribute   := {
                        its_aid_list := p_its_aid_list
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_its_aid_list
                template (value) SubjectAttribute m_subject_attribute_its_aid_ssp_list(
                                                                                       in template (value) ItsAidSsps p_its_aid_ssp_list
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid_ssp_list,
                    attribute   := {
                        its_aid_ssp_list := p_its_aid_ssp_list
                } // End of template m_subject_attribute_its_aid_ssp_list
            } // End of group subjectAttribute
            group subjectAssurance {
                template (value) SubjectAssurance m_subjectAssurance(
                                                                     in template (value) Bit3 p_levels,
                                                                     in template (value) Bit2 p_confidence
                ) := {
                    levels      := p_levels,
                    reserved    := '000'B,
                    confidence  := p_confidence
                } // End of template m_subjectAssurance
            } // End of group subjectAssurance
            group validityRestriction {
                template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_time_end(
                                                                                     in template (value) Time32 p_end_validity
                 ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_end,
                    validity    :=  {
                        end_validity := p_end_validity
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template m_validity_restriction_time_end
                template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_time_start_and_end(
                                                                                               in template (value) Time32 p_start_validity,
                                                                                               in template (value) Time32 p_end_validity
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_start_and_end,
                    validity    :=  {
                        time_start_and_end := {
                            start_validity  := p_start_validity,
                            end_validity    := p_end_validity
                        } // End of field time_start_and_end
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template m_validity_restriction_time_start_and_end
                template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_time_start_and_duration(
                                                                                                    in template (value) Time32 p_start_validity,
                                                                                                    in template (value) Duration p_duration
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_start_and_duration,
                    validity    :=  {
                        time_start_and_duration := {
                            start_validity  := p_start_validity,
                            duration        := p_duration
                        } // End of field time_start_and_duration
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template m_validity_restriction_time_start_and_duration
                template (value) ValidityRestriction m_validity_restriction_region(
                                                                                   in template (value) GeographicRegion p_region
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_region,
                    validity    :=  {
                        region := p_region
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template m_validity_restriction_region
            } // End of group validityRestriction
        } // End of group certificatesSend
         * @desc Receive templates for certificates
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 6   Specification of certificate format
        group certificatesRecv {
            template (present) Certificate mw_certificate(
                                                          in template (present) SignerInfos p_signer_infos := ?,
                                                          in template (present) SubjectInfo p_subject_info := ?,
                                                          in template (present) SubjectAttributes p_subject_attributes := ?,
                                                          in template (present) ValidityRestrictions p_validity_restrictions := ?,
filatov's avatar
filatov committed
                                                          in template (present) Signature p_signature :=?
            ) := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos            := p_signer_infos,
                subject_info            := p_subject_info,
                subject_attributes      := p_subject_attributes,
                validity_restrictions   := p_validity_restrictions,
                signature_              := p_signature
            } // End of template m_certificate
filatov's avatar
filatov committed

            template (present) Certificate mw_aa_certificate(
                                                          in template (present) SignerInfo p_signer_info := ?,
                                                          in template (present) SubjectAttributes p_subject_attributes := ?,
                                                          in template (present) ValidityRestrictions p_validity_restrictions := ?,
filatov's avatar
filatov committed
                                                          in template (present) Signature p_signature :=?
            ) := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos            := { p_signer_info },
filatov's avatar
filatov committed
                subject_info            := {
                    subject_type := e_authorization_authority,
                    subject_name := ?
                subject_attributes      := p_subject_attributes,
                validity_restrictions   := p_validity_restrictions,
                signature_              := p_signature
            } // End of template m_aa_certificate
            template (present) Certificate mw_at_certificate(
                                                          in template (present) SignerInfo p_signer_info := ?,
                                                          in template (present) SubjectAttributes p_subject_attributes := ?,
                                                          in template (present) ValidityRestrictions p_validity_restrictions := ?,
filatov's avatar
filatov committed
                                                          in template (present) Signature p_signature :=?
            ) := {
                version                 := c_certificate_version,
                signer_infos            := { p_signer_info },
filatov's avatar
filatov committed
                subject_info            := {
                    subject_type := e_authorization_ticket,
                    subject_name := ?
                subject_attributes      := p_subject_attributes,
                validity_restrictions   := p_validity_restrictions,
                signature_              := p_signature
            } // End of template m_at_certificate
            group subjectInfo {
                template (present) SubjectInfo mw_subject_info_root_ca(
                                                                       in template (present) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_root_ca,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template mw_subject_info_root_ca
                template (present) SubjectInfo mw_subject_info_revocation(
                                                                          in template (present) Oct0to31 p_subject_name
                ) := {
                    subject_type := e_crl_signer,
                    subject_name := p_subject_name
                } // End of template mw_subject_info_revocation
            } // End of group subjectInfo
            group subjectAttribute {
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_verification_key(
                                                                                          in template (present) PublicKey p_key := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_verification_key,
                    attribute   := {
                        key := p_key
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_verification_key
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_encryption_key(
                                                                                        in template (present) EccPoint p_rv := ?
                    type_       := e_encryption_key,
                    attribute   := {
                        rv := p_rv
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_encryption_key
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_assurance_level(
                                                                                         in template (present) SubjectAssurance p_assurance_level := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_assurance_level,
                    attribute   := {
                        assurance_level := p_assurance_level
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_assurance_level
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_reconstruction_value(
                                                                                              in template (present) IntXs p_its_aid_list := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_reconstruction_value,
                    attribute   := {
                        its_aid_list := p_its_aid_list
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_reconstruction_value
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_its_aid_list(
                                                                                      in template (present) IntXs p_its_aid_list := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid_list,
                    attribute   := {
                        its_aid_list := p_its_aid_list
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_its_aid_list
                template (present) SubjectAttribute mw_subject_attribute_its_aid_ssp_list(
                                                                                              in template (present) ItsAidSsps p_its_aid_ssp_list := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_its_aid_ssp_list,
                    attribute   := {
                        its_aid_ssp_list := p_its_aid_ssp_list
                } // End of template mw_subject_attribute_its_aid_ssp_list
            } // End of group subjectAttribute
            group subjectAssurance {
                template (present) SubjectAssurance mw_subjectAssurance(
                                                                        in template (present) Bit3 p_levels,
                                                                        in template (present) Bit2 p_confidence
                ) := {
                    levels      := p_levels,
                    reserved    := '000'B,
                    confidence  := p_confidence
                } // End of template mw_subjectAssurance
            } // End of group subjectAssurance
            group validityRestriction {
                template (present) ValidityRestriction mw_validity_restriction_time_end(
                                                                                        in template (present) Time32 p_end_validity := ?
                 ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_end,
                    validity    :=  {
                        end_validity := p_end_validity
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template mw_validity_restriction_time_end
                template (present) ValidityRestriction mw_validity_restriction_time_start_and_end(
                                                                                                  in template (present) Time32 p_start_validity := ?,
                                                                                                  in template (present) Time32 p_end_validity := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_start_and_end,
                    validity    :=  {
                        time_start_and_end := {
                            start_validity  := p_start_validity,
                            end_validity    := p_end_validity
                        } // End of field time_start_and_end
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template mw_validity_restriction_time_start_and_end
                template (present) ValidityRestriction mw_validity_restriction_time_start_and_duration(
                                                                                                       in template (present) Time32 p_start_validity := ?,
                                                                                                       in template (present) Duration p_duration := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_time_start_and_duration,
                    validity    :=  {
                        time_start_and_duration := {
                            start_validity  := p_start_validity,
                            duration        := p_duration
                        } // End of field time_start_and_duration
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template mw_validity_restriction_time_start_and_duration
                template (present) ValidityRestriction mw_validity_restriction_region(
                                                                                      in template (present) GeographicRegion p_region := ?
                ) := {
                    type_       := e_region,
                    validity    :=  {
                        region := p_region
                    } // End of field validity
                } // End of template mw_validity_restriction_region
            } // End of group validityRestriction
        } // End of group certificatesRecv
        group ssp {
            group sspTest {
                template (present) ServiceSpecificPermissions m_sspTest := {
                    version         := '00'O,
                    sspContainer    := omit
                } // End of template mw_sspTest
                template (present) ServiceSpecificPermissions mw_sspTest := {
                    version         := '00'O,
                    sspContainer    := *
                } // End of template mw_sspTest
            } // End of group sspTest 
            group sspDenm {
                group sspDenmSend {
                     * @desc 
                    template (value) SspDENM m_sspDENMContainer_sign_all := {
                        trafficCondition                                := '1'B,
                        accident                                        := '1'B,
                        roadworks                                       := '1'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Adhesion                := '1'B,
                        hazardousLocation_SurfaceCondition              := '1'B,
                        hazardousLocation_ObstacleOnTheRoad             := '1'B,
                        hazardousLocation_AnimalOnTheRoad               := '1'B,
                        humanPresenceOnTheRoad                          := '1'B,
                        wrongWayDriving                                 := '1'B,
                        rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress                 := '1'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_ExtremeWeatherCondition := '1'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Visibility              := '1'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Precipitation           := '1'B,
                        slowVehicle                                     := '1'B,
                        dangerousEndOfQueue                             := '1'B,
                        vehicleBreakdown                                := '1'B,
                        postCrash                                       := '1'B,
                        humanProblem                                    := '1'B,
                        stationaryVehicle                               := '1'B,
                        emergencyVehicleApproaching                     := '1'B,
                        hazardousLocation_DangerousCurve                := '1'B,
                        collisionRisk                                   := '1'B,
                        signalViolation                                 := '1'B,
                        dangerousSituation                              := '1'B
                    } // End of template m_sspDENMContainer_sign_all
                     * @desc 
                    template (value) SspDENM m_sspDENMContainer_vehicle 
                    modifies m_sspDENMContainer_sign_all:= {
                        trafficCondition                                := '0'B,
                        accident                                        := '0'B,
                        roadworks                                       := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Adhesion                := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_SurfaceCondition              := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_ObstacleOnTheRoad             := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_AnimalOnTheRoad               := '0'B,
                        slowVehicle                                     := '0'B,
                        dangerousEndOfQueue                             := '0'B,
                        vehicleBreakdown                                := '0'B,
                        stationaryVehicle                               := '0'B
                    } // End of template m_sspDENMContainer_sign_all
                     * @desc 
                    template (value) SspDENM m_sspDENMContainer_roadSideUnit 
                    modifies m_sspDENMContainer_sign_all:= {
                        trafficCondition                                := '0'B,
                        accident                                        := '0'B,
                        roadworks                                       := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Adhesion                := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_SurfaceCondition              := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_ObstacleOnTheRoad             := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_AnimalOnTheRoad               := '0'B,
                        humanPresenceOnTheRoad                          := '0'B,
                        wrongWayDriving                                 := '0'B,
                        rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress                 := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_ExtremeWeatherCondition := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Visibility              := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Precipitation           := '0'B,
                        postCrash                                       := '0'B,
                        humanProblem                                    := '0'B,
                        stationaryVehicle                               := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_DangerousCurve                := '0'B,
                        collisionRisk                                   := '0'B,
                        dangerousSituation                              := '0'B
                    } // End of template m_sspDENMContainer_roadSideUnit
                     * @desc 
                    template (value) ServiceSpecificPermissions m_sspDENM_sign_all := {
                        version         := '01'O,
                        sspContainer    := {
                            sspDENM := m_sspDENMContainer_sign_all
                        } // End of field sspContainer
                    } // End of template m_sspDENM_sign_all
                     * @desc 
                    template (value) ServiceSpecificPermissions m_sspDENM_vehicle 
                    modifies m_sspDENM_sign_all := {
                        sspContainer    := {
                            sspDENM := m_sspDENMContainer_vehicle
                        } // End of field sspContainer
                    } // End of template m_sspDENM_vehicle
                     * @desc 
                    template (value) ServiceSpecificPermissions m_sspDENM_roadSideUnit 
                    modifies m_sspDENM_sign_all := {
                        sspContainer    := {
                            sspDENM := m_sspDENMContainer_vehicle
                        } // End of field sspContainer
                    } // End of template m_sspDENM_roadSideUnit
                } // End of group sspDenmSend
                group sspDenmRecv {
                     * @desc 
                    template (present) SspDENM mw_sspDENMContainer_dummy := {
                        trafficCondition                                := ?,
                        accident                                        := ?,
                        roadworks                                       := ?,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Adhesion                := ?,
                        hazardousLocation_SurfaceCondition              := ?,
                        hazardousLocation_ObstacleOnTheRoad             := ?,
                        hazardousLocation_AnimalOnTheRoad               := ?,
                        humanPresenceOnTheRoad                          := ?,
                        wrongWayDriving                                 := ?,
                        rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress                 := ?,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_ExtremeWeatherCondition := ?,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Visibility              := ?,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Precipitation           := ?,
                        slowVehicle                                     := ?,
                        dangerousEndOfQueue                             := ?,
                        vehicleBreakdown                                := ?,
                        postCrash                                       := ?,
                        humanProblem                                    := ?,
                        stationaryVehicle                               := ?,
                        emergencyVehicleApproaching                     := ?,
                        hazardousLocation_DangerousCurve                := ?,
                        collisionRisk                                   := ?,
                        signalViolation                                 := ?,
                        dangerousSituation                              := ?
                    } // End of template mw_sspDENMContainer_dummy
                     * @desc 
                    template (present) SspDENM mw_sspDENMContainer_vehicle
                    modifies mw_sspDENMContainer_dummy := {
                        trafficCondition                                := '0'B,
                        accident                                        := '0'B,
                        roadworks                                       := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Adhesion                := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_SurfaceCondition              := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_ObstacleOnTheRoad             := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_AnimalOnTheRoad               := '0'B,
                        slowVehicle                                     := '0'B,
                        dangerousEndOfQueue                             := '0'B,
                        vehicleBreakdown                                := '0'B,
                        stationaryVehicle                               := '0'B
                    } // End of template mw_sspDENMContainer_vehicle
                     * @desc 
                    template (present) SspDENM mw_sspDENMContainer_roadSideUnit
                    modifies mw_sspDENMContainer_dummy := {
                        trafficCondition                                := '0'B,
                        accident                                        := '0'B,
                        roadworks                                       := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Adhesion                := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_SurfaceCondition              := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_ObstacleOnTheRoad             := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_AnimalOnTheRoad               := '0'B,
                        humanPresenceOnTheRoad                          := '0'B,
                        wrongWayDriving                                 := '0'B,
                        rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress                 := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_ExtremeWeatherCondition := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Visibility              := '0'B,
                        adverseWeatherCondition_Precipitation           := '0'B,
                        postCrash                                       := '0'B,
                        humanProblem                                    := '0'B,
                        stationaryVehicle                               := '0'B,
                        hazardousLocation_DangerousCurve                := '0'B,
                        collisionRisk                                   := '0'B,
                        dangerousSituation                              := '0'B
                    } // End of template m_sspDENMContainer_roadSideUnit
                     * @desc 
                    template (present) ServiceSpecificPermissions mw_sspDENM_dummy := {
                        version         := '01'O,
                        sspContainer    := {
                            sspDENM := mw_sspDENMContainer_dummy
                    } // End of template mw_sspDENM_dummy
                     * @desc 
                    template (present) ServiceSpecificPermissions mw_sspDENM_vehicle
                    modifies mw_sspDENM_dummy := {
                        sspContainer    := {
                            sspDENM := mw_sspDENMContainer_vehicle
                    } // End of template mw_sspDENM_vehicle
                     * @desc 
                    template (present) ServiceSpecificPermissions mw_sspDENM_roadSideUnit
                    modifies mw_sspDENM_dummy := {
                        sspContainer    := {
                            sspDENM := mw_sspDENMContainer_roadSideUnit
                    } // End of template mw_sspDENM_roadSideUnit
                } // End of group sspDenmRecv
            } // End of group sspDenm
        } // End of group ssp
    } // End of group certificates
     * @desc Send/receive templates for profiles for certificates
     * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 7.4    Profiles for certificate
    group profileCertificates {
         * @desc SecuredMesage payload to be signed
         * @member p_security_profile   The secury profile 
         * @member p_header_fields      The headers list
         * @member p_payload_field     The payloads list 
         * @member p_trailer_field_type The trailer type
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 7    Security profiles 
        template (value) ToBeSignedSecuredMessage m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage(
            in template (value) HeaderFields p_header_fields,
            in template (value) SecPayload p_payload_field,
            in template (value) TrailerFieldType p_trailer_field_type
        ) := {
            protocol_version        := c_protocol_version,
            header_fields           := p_header_fields,
            payload_field           := p_payload_field,
            trailer_fieldsLength    := 67, // 43h = lengthof(trailer_fields) // FIXME To be enhanced due to multiple signature
            trailerFieldType        := p_trailer_field_type
        } // End of template m_toBeSignedSecuredMessage
         * @desc The certificate paylaod to be signed
         * @member p_certificate    The signed certificate to be verified
         * @see Draft ETSI TS 103 097 V1.1.9 Clause 7.4    Profiles for certificate
        template (value) ToBeSignedCertificate m_toBeSignedCertificate(
                                                                       in template (value) Certificate p_certificate
        ) := {
            version                 := p_certificate.version, 
            signer_infos            := p_certificate.signer_infos,
            subject_info            := p_certificate.subject_info,
            subject_attributes      := p_certificate.subject_attributes,
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            validity_restrictions   := p_certificate.validity_restrictions
        } // End of template m_toBeSignedCertificate
    } // End of group profileCertificates
    group taPrimitives {
         * @desc Enable security support
        template (value) AcEnableSecurity m_enableSecurity(
                                                           in Oct32 p_signingPrivateKey,
                                                           in Oct32 p_signingPublicKeyX,
                                                           in Oct32 p_signingPublicKeyY,
                                                           in Oct32 p_encryptPrivateKey,
                                                           in Oct32 p_encryptPublicKeyX,
                                                           in Oct32 p_encryptPublicKeyY,
                                                           in octetstring p_toBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplateDigest,
                                                           in octetstring p_toBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplateCertificate
            signingPrivateKey                           := p_signingPrivateKey,
            signingPublicKeyX                           := p_signingPublicKeyX,
            signingPublicKeyY                           := p_signingPublicKeyY,
            encryptPrivateKey                           := p_encryptPrivateKey,
            encryptPublicKeyX                           := p_encryptPublicKeyX,
            encryptPublicKeyY                           := p_encryptPublicKeyY,
            toBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplateDigest      := p_toBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplateDigest,
            toBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplateCertificate := p_toBeSignedSecuredMessageTemplateCertificate
        } // End of template m_enableSecurity
         * @desc Disable security support
        template (value) AcDisableSecurity m_disableSecurity := {
            disable := true
        } // End of template m_disableSecurity
    } // End of group taPrimitives
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    group utPrimitives {
    } // End of group utPrimitives
} // End of module LibItsSecurity_Templates