// LibCommon
import from LibCommon_Time all;
import from LibCommon_VerdictControl all;
import from LibCommon_Sync all;
// LibHttp
import from LibItsHttp_TypesAndValues all;
import from LibItsHttp_Pics all;
* @param p_certificate_id The certificate identifier the TA shall use in case of secured IUT
) runs on HttpComponent /* TITAN TODO: system HttpTestAdapter */ {
map(self:httpPort, system:httpPort);
} // End of function f_cfUp
} // End of group http_preambles
group http_postambles {
* @desc Deletes default configuration
function f_cfDown() runs on HttpComponent /* TITAN TODO: system HttpTestAdapter */ {
unmap(self:httpPort, system:httpPort);
} // End of function f_cfDown
} // End of group http_postambles
group http_headers {
function f_init_default_headers_list(
in charstring p_header_content_type := PICS_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE,
in charstring p_header_content_text := "",
var integer v_i := 0;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_host, { PICS_HEADER_HOST } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_content_type, { p_header_content_type } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
if (p_header_content_text != "") {
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_content_text, { p_header_content_text } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_content_length, { "0" } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_connection, { "keep-alive" } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_pragma, { "no-cache" } };
v_i := v_i + 1;
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_cache_control, { "no-cache" } };
p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_authorization, { PICS_TOKEN_HEADER } }; // aladdin:opensesame
v_i := v_i + 1;
//p_headers[v_i] := { c_header_accept, { "application/x-its-response" } };
function f_set_headers_list(
in charstring_list p_headers_to_set,
in charstring_list p_headers_value,
// Sanity checks
if (lengthof(p_headers_to_set) == 0) {
} else if (lengthof(p_headers) == 0) {
for (var integer v_idx := 0; v_idx < lengthof(p_headers_to_set); v_idx := v_idx + 1) {
var integer v_jdx;
for (v_jdx := 0; v_jdx < lengthof(p_headers); v_jdx := v_jdx + 1) {
if (p_headers[v_jdx].header_name == p_headers_to_set[v_idx]) {
p_headers[v_jdx].header_value := { p_headers_value[v_idx] }; // NOTE Codec won't encode it
} // End of 'for' statement
if (v_jdx == lengthof(p_headers)) {
p_headers[v_jdx].header_name := p_headers_to_set[v_idx];
p_headers[v_jdx].header_value := { p_headers_value[v_idx] };
function f_remove_headers_list(
in charstring_list p_headers_to_remove,
// Sanity checks
if (lengthof(p_headers_to_remove) == 0) {
} else if (lengthof(p_headers) == 0) {
for (var integer v_idx := 0; v_idx < lengthof(p_headers_to_remove); v_idx := v_idx + 1) {
for (var integer v_jdx := 0; v_jdx < lengthof(p_headers); v_jdx := v_jdx + 1) {
if (p_headers[v_jdx].header_name == p_headers_to_remove[v_idx]) {
p_headers[v_jdx].header_value := omit; // NOTE Codec won't encode it
} // End of function f_remove_headers_list
function f_get_header(
in charstring p_header_name := c_header_content_text,
out charstring_list p_header_value
) {
// Sanity checks
if (lengthof(p_header_name) == 0) {
} else if (lengthof(p_headers) == 0) {
for (var integer v_jdx := 0; v_jdx < lengthof(p_headers); v_jdx := v_jdx + 1) {
if (p_headers[v_jdx].header_name == p_header_name) {
p_header_value := p_headers[v_jdx].header_value; // NOTE Codec won't encode it
} // End of 'for' statement
} // End of function f_get_header