LibItsGeoNetworking_Functions.ttcn 1.46 KB
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 *	@author 	ETSI / STF405
 *  @version 	$URL$
 *				$Id$
 *	@desc		Module containing functions for GeoNetworking
module LibItsGeoNetworking_Functions {
    // LibIts
    import from LibIts_TestSystem all;
    import from LibIts_Interface all; 
     * @desc 	Create Facility component and connects GeoNetworking port
     * @param	p_ptcDenm returned Facility component variable
    function f_cfGeoNetworkingUp(out PtcNt p_ptcGeoNetworking) {
        // Create Facility component
        p_ptcGeoNetworking := PtcNt.create("GeoNetworking Tester");
        // map ports
        map(p_ptcGeoNetworking:geoNetworkingPort, system:geoNetworkingPort);
    } // end f_cfGeoNetworkingUp       
     * @desc 	Wait for component to finish and unmap GeoNetworking ports
     * @param	p_camPtc Facility component variable
    function f_cfGeoNetworkingDown(in PtcNt p_ptcGeoNetworking) runs on ItsMtc {    
        alt {
        	[] p_ptcGeoNetworking.done {
            [] tc_guard.timeout {
             	log("*** f_cfGeoNetworkingDown: ERROR: Timeout while waiting for component ***");
    } // end f_cfGeoNetworkingDown
} // end LibItsGeoNetworking_Functions