* @author ETSI / STF481 / STF507 / STF517 / STF538
* @version $URL$
* $Id$
* @desc Module containing functions for Security Protocol
* @copyright ETSI Copyright Notification
* No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.
* The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
* All rights reserved.
import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
// LibIts
import from IEEE1609dot2BaseTypes language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from IEEE1609dot2 language "ASN.1:1997" all;
import from EtsiTs103097Module language "ASN.1:1997" all;
// LibItsCommon
import from LibItsCommon_Functions all;
import from LibItsCommon_TypesAndValues all;
import from LibItsSecurity_TypesAndValues all;
import from LibItsSecurity_Templates all;
import from LibItsSecurity_Pixits all;
import from LibItsSecurity_TestSystem all;
* @desc Produces a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value
* @param p_toBeHashedData Data to be used to calculate the hash value
* @return The hash value
function f_hashWithSha256(
) return Oct32 {
return fx_hashWithSha256(p_toBeHashedData);
} // End of function f_hashWithSha256
* @desc Produces a 384-bit (48-byte) hash value
* @param p_toBeHashedData Data to be used to calculate the hash value
* @return The hash value
function f_hashWithSha384(
in octetstring p_toBeHashedData
) return Oct48 {
return fx_hashWithSha384(p_toBeHashedData);
} // End of function f_hashWithSha256
* @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signature
* @param p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage The data to be signed
* @return The signature value
function f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
in octetstring p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage,
in Oct32 p_privateKey
return fx_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256(
} // End of function f_signWithEcdsaNistp256WithSha256
* @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signature
* @param p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage The data to be signed
* @param p_privateKey The private key
* @return The signature value
function f_signWithEcdsaBrainpoolp256WithSha256(
in octetstring p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage,
in Oct32 p_privateKey
return fx_signWithEcdsaBrainpoolp256WithSha256(
} // End of function f_signWithEcdsaBrainpoolp256WithSha256
* @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signature
* @param p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage The data to be signed
* @param p_privateKey The private key
* @return The signature value
function f_signWithEcdsaBrainpoolp384WithSha384(
in octetstring p_toBeSignedSecuredMessage,
in Oct48 p_privateKey
return fx_signWithEcdsaBrainpoolp384WithSha384(
} // End of function f_signWithEcdsaBrainpoolp384WithSha384
function f_decrypt(
in EtsiTs103097Data p_encrypedSecuredMessage,
out EtsiTs103097Data p_decrypedSecuredMessage
) return boolean {
if (not(ischosen(p_encrypedSecuredMessage.content.encryptedData))) {
var PKRecipientInfo v_pKRecipientInfo;
var RecipientInfo v_recipientInfo := p_encrypedSecuredMessage.content.encryptedData.recipients[0];
if (ischosen(v_recipientInfo.certRecipInfo)) {
v_pKRecipientInfo := p_encrypedSecuredMessage.content.encryptedData.recipients[0].certRecipInfo;
// Read the certificate based on the recipientId
} else if (ischosen(v_recipientInfo.signedDataRecipInfo)) {
v_pKRecipientInfo := p_encrypedSecuredMessage.content.encryptedData.recipients[0].signedDataRecipInfo;
// Read the certificate based on the recipientId
} else {
return false;
if (ischosen(v_pKRecipientInfo.encKey.eciesNistP256)) {
var octetstring v_decryptedSecuredMessage;
var SymmetricCiphertext v_ciphertext := p_encrypedSecuredMessage.content.encryptedData.ciphertext;
// FIXME Add the private encryption key
/*v_decryptedSecuredMessage := f_decryptWithEciesNistp256WithSha256(
if (isbound(v_decryptedSecuredMessage)) {
var bitstring v_decode := oct2bit(v_decryptedSecuredMessage);
if (decvalue(v_decode, p_decrypedSecuredMessage) == 0) {
return true;
} else if (ischosen(v_pKRecipientInfo.encKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1)) {
return false;
} // End of function f_signWithEcdsaBrainpoolp384WithSha384
* @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Encrytion Algorithm (ECIES) encryption
* @param p_toBeEncryptedSecuredMessage The data to be encrypted
* @param p_recipientsPublicKeyX The Recipient's public encryption key X-coordinate
* @param p_recipientsPublicKeyY The Recipient's public encryption key Y-coordinate
* @param p_publicEphemeralKeyX The generated ephemeral key X-coordinate
* @param p_publicEphemeralKeyY The generated ephemeral key Y-coordinate
* @param p_encrypted_sym_key The encrypted AES 128 CCM symmetric key
* @param p_authentication_vector The tag of the AES 128 CCM symmetric key encryption
* @param p_nonce The nonce vector of the AES 128 CCM symmetric key encryption
* @return The encrypted message
function f_encryptWithEciesNistp256WithSha256(
in octetstring p_toBeEncryptedSecuredMessage,
in Oct32 p_recipientsPublicKeyX,
in Oct32 p_recipientsPublicKeyY,
out Oct12 p_nonce
) return octetstring {
return fx_encryptWithEciesNistp256WithSha256(
} // End of function f_encryptWithEciesNistp256WithSha256
* @desc Produces a Elliptic Curve Digital Encrytion Algorithm (ECIES) decryption
* @param p_encryptedSecuredMessage The data to be decrypted
* @param p_publicEphemeralKeyX The generated ephemeral key X-coordinate
* @param p_publicEphemeralKeyY The generated ephemeral key Y-coordinate
* @param p_encrypted_sym_key The encrypted AES 128 CCM symmetric key
* @param p_authentication_vector The tag of the AES 128 CCM symmetric key encryption
* @param p_nonce The nonce vector of the AES 128 CCM symmetric key encryption
* @return The decrypted message
function f_decryptWithEciesNistp256WithSha256(
in octetstring p_encryptedSecuredMessage,
in Oct32 p_privateEncKey,
in Oct32 p_publicEphemeralKeyX,
in Oct32 p_publicEphemeralKeyY,
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