* @author ETSI / STF422_EETS
* @version $URL:$
* $Id:$
module LibItsMgt_Pixits {
// LibCommon
import from LibCommon_DataStrings {
type Bit4
// LibIts
import from CALMiitsscu language "ASN.1:1997" {
type ITS_SCUtype
import from CALMllsap language "ASN.1:1997" {
MedType, CIaClass, CIclass
import from CALMfntp language "ASN.1:1997" {
type PortNumber
import from CALMmanagement language "ASN.1:1997" {
type ITS_scuId
* @desc ITS-SCU-ID of the source ITS-SCU which produces the request
modulepar ITS_scuId PX_SRC_ITS_SCU_ID := 0;
* @desc ITS_SCUtype of the source ITS-SCU which produces the request
modulepar ITS_SCUtype PX_SRC_ITS_SCU_TYPE := 2; // router
* @desc ITS-SCU-ID of the destination ITS-SCU which shall evaluate the request
modulepar ITS_scuId PX_DST_ITS_SCU_ID := 0;
modulepar ITS_scuId PX_HOST_SCU_ID := 0;
* @desc Remote port number
modulepar PortNumber PX_REMOTE_PORT := { portShort := 0 };
* @desc Defines the value to set to fill field for PduRequest field
* @see ISO/WD 24102-4 - Clause 7
modulepar Bit4 PX_PDU_REQUEST_FILL_FIELD_VALUE := '0000'B;
* @desc Indicates type of access technology (medium)
* @see ISO 21218
modulepar MedType PX_MED_TYPE := 0; // MedType_unknown_
* @desc Indicates the CI access class
* @see ISO 21218
modulepar CIaClass PX_CIACLASS := 0; // CIaClass_unknown_
* @desc Indicates the CI class
* @see ISO 21218
modulepar CIclass PX_CICLASS := 0; // CIclass_unknown_