LibItsGeoNetworking_Templates.ttcn 103 KB
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                in template (value) GN_Address p_gnAddress
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            ) := {
                lsRequestHeader := {
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                    seqNumber       := p_seqNumber,
                    reserved        := c_uInt8Zero,
                    srcPosVector    := p_sourceLongPosVec,
                    gnAddress       := p_gnAddress
             * @desc    Receive template for LS Request header
             * @param   p_seqNumber     Sequence number of LS Request packet
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             * @param   p_mid           Searched GN_Address MID
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            template ExtendedHeader mw_lsRequestHeader(
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                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
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                in template (present) GN_Address.mid p_mid
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            ) := {
                lsRequestHeader := {
                    seqNumber := p_seqNumber,
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                    reserved := ?,
                    srcPosVector := ?,
             * @desc    Send template for LS Request header type
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            template (value) HeaderTST m_lsRequestHeaderType := {
                lsHdr := {
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                    headerType := e_locationService,
                    headerSubType := e_lsRequest
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             * @desc    Receive template for LS Request header type
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            template HeaderTST mw_lsRequestHeaderType := {
                lsHdr := {
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                    headerType := e_locationService,
                    headerSubType := e_lsRequest
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        } // end lsRequestHeaderTemplates
             * @desc    Send template for LS Reply header
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
             * @param   p_destinationLongPosVec Long position vector of destination
             * @param   p_seqNumber             Sequence number of LS Reply packet
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            template (value) ExtendedHeader m_lsReplyHeader(
              in template (value) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
              in template (value) ShortPosVector p_destinationLongPosVec,
              in template (value) UInt16 p_seqNumber
            ) := {
                lsReplyHeader := {
                  seqNumber := p_seqNumber,
                  reserved := c_uInt8Zero,
                  srcPosVector := p_sourceLongPosVec,
                  dstPosVector := p_destinationLongPosVec
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             * @desc    Receive template for any LS Reply header
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            template ExtendedHeader mw_lsReplyHeaderAny := {
                reserved := ?,
                srcPosVector := ?,
                dstPosVector := ?
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             * @desc    Receive template for LS Reply header
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec      Long position vector of source
             * @param   p_destinationLongPosVec Short position vector of destination
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             * @see     mw_lsReplyHeaderAny
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            template ExtendedHeader mw_lsReplyHeader(
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                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec,
                in template (present) ShortPosVector p_destinationLongPosVec)
            modifies mw_lsReplyHeaderAny := {
                lsReplyHeader := {
                    srcPosVector := p_sourceLongPosVec,
                    dstPosVector := p_destinationLongPosVec
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             * @desc    Send template for LS Reply header type
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            template (value) HeaderTST m_lsReplyHeaderType := {
                lsHdr := {
                  headerType := e_locationService,
                  headerSubType := e_lsReply
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        } // end lsRequestHeaderTemplates
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        group beaconHeaderTemplates {
             * @desc    Send template for Beacon header
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             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec  Long position vector of source
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            template (value) ExtendedHeader m_beaconHeader(
                in template (value) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec
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            ) := {
                beaconHeader := {
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                    srcPosVector := p_sourceLongPosVec
             * @desc    Receive template for Beacon header
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             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec  Long position vector of source
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            template ExtendedHeader mw_beaconHeader(
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec
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            ) := {
                beaconHeader := {
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                    srcPosVector := p_sourceLongPosVec
             * @desc    Send template for Beacon header type
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            template (value) HeaderTST m_beaconHeaderType := {
                beaconHdr := {
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                    headerType := e_beacon,
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                    headerSubType := c_uInt4Zero
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             * @desc    Receive template for Beacon header type
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            template HeaderTST mw_beaconHeaderType := {
                beaconHdr := {
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                    headerType := e_beacon,
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                    headerSubType := ?
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        } // end beaconHeaderTemplates
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             * @desc    Send template for SHB header
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             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec  Long position vector of sender
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            template (value) ExtendedHeader m_shbHeader(
                in template (value) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec
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                    srcPosVector := p_sourceLongPosVec,
                    reserved := 0
             * @desc    Receive template for SHB header
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             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec  Long position vector of sender
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            template (present) ExtendedHeader mw_shbHeader(
                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec
            ) := {
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                    srcPosVector:= p_sourceLongPosVec,
                    reserved := ?
             * @desc    Send template for SHB header type
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            template (value) HeaderTST m_shbHeaderType := {
                tsbHdr := {
                  headerType := e_topologicallyScopedBroadcast,
                  headerSubType := e_singleHop
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        group tsbHeaderTemplates {
             * @desc    Send template for TSB header
             * @param   p_seqNumber         Sequence number of TSB packet
             * @param   p_srcPosVector      Long position vector of source
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            template ExtendedHeader m_tsbHeader(
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                in template (value) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
                in template (value) LongPosVector p_srcPosVector
            ) := {
                tsbHeader := {
                    seqNumber := p_seqNumber,
                    reserved := c_uInt8Zero,
                    srcPosVector := p_srcPosVector
             * @desc    Receive template for TSB header
             * @param   p_seqNumber         Sequence number of TSB packet
             * @param   p_sourceLongPosVec  Long position vector of source
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            template (present) ExtendedHeader mw_tsbHeader(
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                in template (present) UInt16 p_seqNumber,
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                in template (present) LongPosVector p_sourceLongPosVec
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            ) := {
                tsbHeader := {
                    seqNumber := p_seqNumber,
                    reserved := ?,
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                    srcPosVector := p_sourceLongPosVec
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             * @desc    Send template for TSB header type
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            template (value) HeaderTST m_tsbHeaderType := {
                tsbHdr := {
                  headerType := e_topologicallyScopedBroadcast,
                  headerSubType := e_multiHop
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             * @desc    Receive template for TSB header type
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            template (present) HeaderTST mw_tsbHeaderType := {
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                tsbHdr := {
                  headerType := e_topologicallyScopedBroadcast,
                  headerSubType := e_multiHop
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        } // end tsbHeaderTemplates
    } // end geoNwHeadersTemplates
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    group geoMiscTemplates {
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         * @desc    Receive template for GN_Address. Only M_ID field is discriminent
         * @param   p_mid Expected GN Address MID
        template GN_Address mw_gnAddressMid(in template (present) GN_Address.mid p_mid) := {
            typeOfAddress := ?,
            stationType := ?,
            stationCountryCode := ?,
            mid := p_mid
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        group geoDummyTemplates {
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             * @desc    Dummy template for GN_Address
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            template (value) GN_Address m_dummyGnAddr := {
                typeOfAddress := e_manual,
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                stationType := e_passengerCar,
                stationCountryCode := c_uInt10Zero,
             * @desc    Dummy template for long position vector
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            template (value) LongPosVector m_dummyLongPosVector := {
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                gnAddr := m_dummyGnAddr,
                latitude := c_uInt32Zero,
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                longitude := c_uInt32Zero,
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                pai := int2bit(1,1),
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                speed := c_uInt16Zero,
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                heading := c_uInt16Zero
             * @desc    Dummy template for Area
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            template (value) Area m_dummyArea := {
                geoAreaPosLatitude := c_uInt32Zero,
                geoAreaPosLongitude := c_uInt32Zero,
                distanceA := c_uInt16Zero,
                distanceB := c_uInt16Zero,
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                angle := c_uInt16Zero
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             * @desc    Dummy template for GeoBroadcastArea
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            template (value) GeoBroadcastArea m_dummyGeoBroadcastArea := {
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                geoBroadcastSubType := e_geoBroadcastRect,
                geoBroadcastArea := m_dummyArea
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        } // end geoDummyTemplates
    } // end geoMiscTemplates
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    group geoTemplateFunctions {
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        function f_adaptPayloadForUtInd_m(in template (omit) Payload p_gnPayload) return octetstring {
            if(not isvalue(p_gnPayload)) {
                testcase.stop(__SCOPE__ & " can handle payload values only");
            if(PX_BTP_IN_UT_IND == false) {
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                if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_btpA or PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_btpB) {
                    if( ispresent(p_gnPayload.decodedPayload) ){
                        return bit2oct(encvalue(p_gnPayload.decodedPayload.btpPacket.payload));
                    return valueof(p_gnPayload.rawPayload);
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            return bit2oct(encvalue(valueof(p_gnPayload)));
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        function f_adaptPayload_m(in template (value) octetstring p_finalPayload) return template (value) Payload {
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            var template (value) Payload v_payload;
            if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_any) {
                v_payload := { decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := p_finalPayload};
                return v_payload;
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            if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_ipv6) {
                v_payload := { decodedPayload := { ipv6Packet := m_ipv6Packet(c_unspecified, c_allNodesMca, c_noNextHdr, m_octetstringPayload(p_finalPayload))}, rawPayload := ''O};
                return v_payload;
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            if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_btpA) {
                v_payload := { decodedPayload := { btpPacket := m_btpA({ decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := p_finalPayload })}, rawPayload := ''O};
                return v_payload;
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            if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_btpB) {
                v_payload := { decodedPayload := { btpPacket := m_btpB({ decodedPayload := omit, rawPayload := p_finalPayload })}, rawPayload := ''O};
                return v_payload;
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            return v_payload;
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        function f_adaptPayload_mw(in template (present) octetstring p_finalPayload) return template (present) Payload {
            var template (present) Payload v_payload;
            if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_any) {
               v_payload := { decodedPayload := *, rawPayload := p_finalPayload};
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               return v_payload;
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            if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_ipv6) {
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               v_payload := { decodedPayload := { ipv6Packet := mw_ipv6Packet(?, ?, ?, mw_octetstringPayload(p_finalPayload))}, rawPayload := ?};
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               return v_payload;
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            if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_btpA) {
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               v_payload := { decodedPayload := { btpPacket := mw_btpA(?, ?, { decodedPayload := *, rawPayload := p_finalPayload } )}, rawPayload := ?};
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               return v_payload;
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            if(PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER == e_btpB) {
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               v_payload := { decodedPayload := { btpPacket := mw_btpB(?, ?, { decodedPayload := *, rawPayload := p_finalPayload })}, rawPayload := ?};
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               return v_payload;
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            return v_payload;
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    } // end geoTemplateFunctions
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} // end ItsGeoNetworking_Templates