IEEE1609dot2BaseTypes.asn 8.17 KB
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IEEE1609dot2BaseTypes {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) 
standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) wave-stds(1609)  
dot2(2) base(1) base-types(2) major-version-2(2)}

--  IEEE P1609.2 Base Data Types 

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-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Integers
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Uint3  ::= INTEGER (0..7)                    -- (hex)                      07
Uint8  ::= INTEGER (0..255)                  -- (hex)                      ff
Uint16 ::= INTEGER (0..65535)                -- (hex)                   ff ff
Uint32 ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)--<LONGLONG>-- -- (hex)             ff ff ff ff
Uint64 ::= INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615) -- (hex) ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
-- Uint64 ::= INTEGER  -- -- (hex) ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff

SequenceOfUint8  ::= SEQUENCE OF Uint8
SequenceOfUint16 ::= SEQUENCE OF Uint16

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------


HashedId10 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(10))
HashedId8  ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8))
HashedId3  ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(3))
SequenceOfHashedId3 ::= SEQUENCE OF HashedId3

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Time
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Time32 ::= Uint32
Time64 ::= Uint64

ValidityPeriod ::= SEQUENCE  {
    start          Time32,
    duration       Duration

Duration ::= CHOICE  {
    microseconds     Uint16,
    milliseconds     Uint16,
    seconds          Uint16,
    minutes          Uint16,
    hours            Uint16,
    sixtyHours       Uint16,
    years            Uint16

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Location
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

GeographicRegion ::= CHOICE  {
    circularRegion      CircularRegion,
    rectangularRegion   SequenceOfRectangularRegion,
    polygonalRegion     PolygonalRegion,
    identifiedRegion    SequenceOfIdentifiedRegion,

CircularRegion ::= SEQUENCE  {
    center          TwoDLocation,
    radius          Uint16

RectangularRegion ::= SEQUENCE  {
    northWest       TwoDLocation,
    southEast       TwoDLocation

SequenceOfRectangularRegion ::= SEQUENCE OF RectangularRegion

PolygonalRegion ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(3..MAX) OF TwoDLocation

TwoDLocation ::= SEQUENCE  {
    latitude      SecLatitude,
    longitude     SecLongitude
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IdentifiedRegion ::= CHOICE  {
    countryOnly           CountryOnly,
    countryAndRegions     CountryAndRegions,
    countryAndSubregions   CountryAndSubregions,

SequenceOfIdentifiedRegion ::= SEQUENCE OF IdentifiedRegion

CountryOnly ::= Uint16

CountryAndRegions ::= SEQUENCE  {
    countryOnly    CountryOnly,
    regions        SequenceOfUint8

CountryAndSubregions ::= SEQUENCE  {
    country             CountryOnly,
    regionAndSubregions  SequenceOfRegionAndSubregions

RegionAndSubregions ::= SEQUENCE  {
    region             Uint8,
    subregions         SequenceOfUint16

SequenceOfRegionAndSubregions ::= SEQUENCE OF RegionAndSubregions

ThreeDLocation ::= SEQUENCE  {
    latitude        SecLatitude,
    longitude       SecLongitude,
    elevation       SecElevation
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SecLatitude ::= NinetyDegreeInt
SecLongitude ::= OneEightyDegreeInt
SecElevation ::= ElevInt
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NinetyDegreeInt ::= INTEGER  {
    min 		(-900000000),
    max 		(900000000),
    unknown 	(900000001)
} (-900000000..900000001)

KnownLatitude ::= NinetyDegreeInt (min..max) -- Minus 90deg to +90deg in microdegree intervals
UnknownLatitude ::= NinetyDegreeInt (unknown)
OneEightyDegreeInt ::= INTEGER  {
    min      	(-1799999999),
    max      	(1800000000),
    unknown  	(1800000001)
} (-1799999999..1800000001)

KnownLongitude ::= OneEightyDegreeInt (min..max)
UnknownLongitude ::= OneEightyDegreeInt (unknown)
ElevInt ::= Uint16 -- Range is from -4096 to 61439 in units of one-tenth of a meter

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Crypto
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Signature ::= CHOICE  {
    ecdsaNistP256Signature        EcdsaP256Signature,
    ecdsaBrainpoolP256r1Signature EcdsaP256Signature,
    ecdsaBrainpoolP384r1Signature EcdsaP384Signature

EcdsaP256Signature ::= SEQUENCE  {
    rSig     EccP256CurvePoint,
    sSig     OCTET STRING (SIZE (32))

EcdsaP384Signature ::= SEQUENCE  {
    rSig     EccP384CurvePoint,
    sSig     OCTET STRING (SIZE (48))

EccP256CurvePoint ::= CHOICE  {
    x-only           OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)),
    fill             NULL,  -- consistency with 1363 / X9.62
    compressed-y-0   OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)),
    compressed-y-1   OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)),
    uncompressedP256 SEQUENCE  {
        x OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)),
        y OCTET STRING (SIZE (32))

EccP384CurvePoint::= CHOICE  {
    x-only           OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)),
    fill             NULL, -- consistency w 1363 / X9.62
    compressed-y-0   OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)),
    compressed-y-1   OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)),
    uncompressedP384 SEQUENCE  {
        x OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)),
        y OCTET STRING (SIZE (48))

SymmAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED  { 

HashAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED  { 

EciesP256EncryptedKey ::= SEQUENCE  {
    v               EccP256CurvePoint,
    c               OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)),
    t               OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))

EncryptionKey ::= CHOICE  {
    public               PublicEncryptionKey,
    symmetric            SymmetricEncryptionKey 

PublicEncryptionKey ::= SEQUENCE  { 
    supportedSymmAlg      SymmAlgorithm,
    publicKey             BasePublicEncryptionKey

BasePublicEncryptionKey ::= CHOICE  { 
    eciesNistP256             EccP256CurvePoint,
    eciesBrainpoolP256r1      EccP256CurvePoint,

PublicVerificationKey ::= CHOICE  { 
    ecdsaNistP256             EccP256CurvePoint,
    ecdsaBrainpoolP256r1      EccP256CurvePoint,
    ecdsaBrainpoolP384r1      EccP384CurvePoint

SymmetricEncryptionKey ::= CHOICE  {
    aes128Ccm     OCTET STRING(SIZE(16)),

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

PsidSsp ::= SEQUENCE  {
    psid                  Psid,
    ssp                   ServiceSpecificPermissions OPTIONAL

SequenceOfPsidSsp ::= SEQUENCE OF PsidSsp

Psid ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

SequenceOfPsid ::= SEQUENCE OF Psid

ServiceSpecificPermissions ::= CHOICE  {
    opaque              OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..MAX)),
    bitmapSsp           BitmapSsp

BitmapSsp ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..31))

PsidSspRange ::= SEQUENCE  {
    psid                Psid,
    sspRange            SspRange OPTIONAL

SequenceOfPsidSspRange ::= SEQUENCE OF PsidSspRange

SspRange ::= CHOICE  {
    opaque              SequenceOfOctetString,
    all                 NULL,
    ... ,
    bitmapSspRange      BitmapSspRange
BitmapSspRange ::= SEQUENCE  {
    sspValue            OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)),
    sspBitmask          OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32))

SequenceOfOctetString ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..MAX)) OF 

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Goes in certs
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

SubjectAssurance ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1))

CrlSeries ::= Uint16

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pseudonym Linkage
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

IValue ::= Uint16
Hostname ::= UTF8String (SIZE(0..255))
LinkageValue ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(9))
GroupLinkageValue ::= SEQUENCE  {
    jValue  OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)),
    value   OCTET STRING (SIZE(9))
LinkageSeed ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(16))