DSRC_REG_D.asn 86.1 KB
Newer Older
    -- If a preemption: to follow the 
    -- preemptState object of NTCIP 1202 v2.19f  
    -- See PreemptState for bit definitions.
    -- If a prioirty to follow the 
    -- tspInputStatus object utilized in the 
    -- NYC ASTC2 traffic controller
    -- See PriorityState for bit definitions

-- =============================================================================
-- DE_SignalGroupID (Desc Name) Record 121
SignalGroupID ::= INTEGER (0..255) 
    -- The value 0 shall be used when the ID is
    -- not available or not known
    -- the value 255 is reserved to indicate a 
    -- permanent green movement state
    -- therefore a simple 8 phase signal controller 
    -- device might use 1..9 as its groupIDs

-- =============================================================================
-- DE_SpeedAdvice CHANGED (Desc Name) Record 127
SpeedAdvice ::= INTEGER (0..500) -- Units of 0.1 m/s
         -- The value 500 indicates that 
         -- speed is unavailable

-- =============================================================================
-- DE_SpeedLimitType (Desc Name) Record 129
SpeedLimitType ::= ENUMERATED {
    unknown,                    -- Speed limit type not available
    maxSpeedInSchoolZone,       -- Only sent when the limit is active
    maxSpeedInSchoolZoneWhenChildrenArePresent, -- Sent at any time
    maxSpeedInConstructionZone, -- Used for work zones, incident zones, etc.
                                -- where a reduced speed is present
    vehicleMaxSpeed,            -- Regulatory speed limit for general traffic



-- =============================================================================
-- DE_TimeIntervalConfidence (Desc Name) Record 144
TimeIntervalConfidence ::= INTEGER (0..15)   
   -- Value   Probability
   --   0         21%
   --   1         36%
   --   2         47%
   --   3         56%
   --   4         62%
   --   5         68%
   --   6         73%
   --   7         77%
   --   8         81%
   --   9         85%
   --   10        88%
   --   11        91%
   --   12        94%
   --   13        96%
   --   14        98%
   --   15        100%

-- =============================================================================
-- DE_TimeMark (Desc Name) Record 145
TimeMark ::= INTEGER (0..36002)
   -- Tenths of a second in the current or next hour
   -- In units of 1/10th second from UTC time
   -- A range of 0~36000 covers one hour
   -- The values 35991..36000 are used when a leap second occurs
   -- The value 36001 is used to indicate time >3600 seconds
   -- 36002 is to be used when value undefined or unknown
   -- Note that this is NOT expressed in GPS time
   -- or in local time

-- =============================================================================
-- DE_Velocity CHANGED (Desc Name) Record 169
Velocity ::= INTEGER (0..8191) -- Units of 0.02 m/s
          -- The value 8191 indicates that 
          -- velocity is unavailable

-- =============================================================================
-- DE_WaitOnStopline (Desc Name) Record 173
WaitOnStopline ::= BOOLEAN -- 
         -- True or False
         -- If "true", the vehicles on this specific connecting 
         -- maneuver have to stop on the stop-line
         -- and not to enter the collision area

-- =============================================================================
-- DE_ZoneLength (Desc Name) Record 181
ZoneLength ::= INTEGER (0..10000)
    -- Unit = 1 meter, 0 = unknown, 
    -- The value 10000 to be used for Distances >=10000 m
    -- (e.g. from known point to another point along a 
    -- known path, often against traffic flow direction 
    -- when used for measuring queues)

-- end of the DSRC module.
-- ############################################################################
-- ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-
-- Begin module: REGION
-- ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-
-- ############################################################################

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_AdvisorySpeed_Base (Desc Name) Record 36
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-AdvisorySpeed ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_ComputedLane_Base (Desc Name) Record 37
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-ComputedLane ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_GenericLane_Base (Desc Name) Record 40
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-GenericLane ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_Intersection_Base (Desc Name) Record 41
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-Intersection ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_LaneAttributes_Base (Desc Name) Record 44
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-LaneAttributes ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_LaneDataAttribute_Base (Desc Name) Record 45
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-LaneDataAttribute ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_MovementEvent_Base (Desc Name) Record 50
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-MovementEvent ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_MovementState_Base (Desc Name) Record 51
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-MovementState ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_NodeAttribute_Base (Desc Name) Record 52
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-NodeAttribute ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_NodeOffsetPoint_Base (Desc Name) Record 53
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-NodeOffsetPoint ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_RoadSegment_Base (Desc Name) Record 60
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-RoadSegment ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_SignalControlZone_Base (Desc Name) Record 61
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-SignalControlZone ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- =============================================================================
-- DF_REG_SPAT_Base (Desc Name) Record 62
-- From source: AMENDMENT Regional Data J2735 (DSRC)
Reg-SPAT ::=  SEQUENCE { ... }

-- End of the REGION module.