LibIms_Templates.ttcn 126 KB
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 *	@author 	STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369
 *  @version    $Id$
 *	@desc		This module provides the types used by the test component 
 *              for SIP-IMS tests. Module become from STF306 and STF334-336

module LibIms_Templates
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    import from XSDAUX all;
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schmitting's avatar
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    import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
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    import from LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues all;
    import from LibSip_SDPTypes all;
    import from LibSip_Templates all;
    import from LibSip_Steps all;
    import from LibSip_PIXITS all;
    import from LibSip_XMLTypes all;
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    import from LibIms_SIPTypesAndValues all;
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    import from LibIms_PIXITS all;
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    import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_resource_lists language "XSD" all
    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/ResourceList.xsd"

    import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_reginfo language "XSD" all except{type Contact}
    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/regInfo.xsd"
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    import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap language "XSD" all
    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/SupplementaryServices.xsd"
schmitting's avatar
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    import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_mcid language "XSD" all
    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/MCID.xsd"
schmitting's avatar
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    import from NoTargetNamespace language "XSD" all
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        extension "File:../xsd/Ims3gpp.xsd"
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    import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info language "XSD" all
    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/CONF.xsd"
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    import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_pstn language "XSD" all
    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/PSTN.xsd"
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    import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy language "XSD" all
    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/common-policy.xsd"
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    import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_comm_div_info language "XSD" all
    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/CDIVN.xsd"
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    import from urn_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0 language "XSD" all
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    with {
        extension "File:../xsd/cw.xsd"
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    template charstring m_international_number_format := pattern  "\\+\d+";//pattern  "\+\d+";

    template NameAddr mw_SipUrl_SUTinterface(charstring p_host, integer p_port) := 
            displayName := *,
            addrSpec := {
                scheme := "sip:",
                userInfo := *,
                hostPort := {p_host, p_port},
                urlParameters := *,
                headers := *
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    template Addr_Union mw_UE1_Addr_display := {nameAddr:={displayName:=PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_DISPLAY,addrSpec:=?}};
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    template SipUrl m_SipUrl_currIpaddr_CSCF(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) :=  	//*  SIP-URL of the test system on SIP side
            scheme := c_sipScheme,  		//*  contains "sip"
            userInfo := omit,		//*  optional
            hostPort :=
        host := p_userprofile.currIpaddr,	//*  hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
        portField := p_userprofile.currPort	//* optional integer
            urlParameters := omit,
            headers := omit
    template SemicolonParam_List mw_semicolonParams_realm (template charstring p_realm)	:=
    superset({"realm",p_realm},{"nonce",?},{"algorithm","AKAv1-MD5"},{"ik",?},{"ck",?}) ;//Working with TTWorkbench// ERROR HERE! Superset operation must contain value list - no templates!
    template SemicolonParam_List m_semicolonParams_language (template charstring p_language):=
    template SemicolonParam_List mw_semicolonParams_language (template charstring p_language):=
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    template SemicolonParam_List m_semicolonParams_isub (template charstring p_address):=
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    template MinSE m_minSE(DeltaSec p_ds):=
            fieldName := MIN_SE_E,
    template PathValue mw_pathvalue (template SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
    nameAddr := {displayName := *, 	 			// optional charstring
                 addrSpec := p_sipUrl		// SipUrl
    rrParam := *

    template Path m_path (template SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
        fieldName := PATH_E,
        pathValues := {
                    {nameAddr := {
                    displayName := omit, 	 			// optional charstring
                    addrSpec := p_sipUrl		// SipUrl
                    rrParam := omit}
    template Path m_path_TS := {
        fieldName := PATH_E,
        pathValues := {
                nameAddr := {
                    displayName := omit,  //     optional charstring
                    addrSpec := {
                        scheme := c_sipScheme,
                        userInfo := {
                            userOrTelephoneSubscriber := "registrar",
                            password := omit
                        hostPort := {
                            PX_IMS_TS_PCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN, PX_IMS_TS_PCSCF_PORT
                        urlParameters := { { id := "lr", paramValue := omit}},
                        headers := omit
                rrParam := omit
 * @desc Path header field expectation with at least one path value
 * @param p_sipUrl value of the last element in the list of path values
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    template Path mw_path (template SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
        fieldName := PATH_E,
        pathValues := {mw_pathvalue(p_sipUrl)}		// any number of SipUrl may occur before p_sipUrl
    template PAccessNetworkInfo m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a :=
        fieldName := P_ACCESS_NETWORK_INFO_E,
        accessType := "IEEE-802.11a",
        genericParams := {{id:="extension-access-info",paramValue :=""}}
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    template PAssertedService m_pAssertedService (PAssertedServiceValue p_pAssertedServiceValue):=
        fieldName := P_ASSERTED_SERVICE_E,
        pAssertedServiceValue := p_pAssertedServiceValue
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    template PChargingFunctionAddresses m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue :=
        chargeAddrParams := {{id:="ccf",paramValue :=";"}, // value is fixed because it is deleted on proxy 
                             {id:="ecf",paramValue :=""}} // value is fixed because it is deleted on proxy

    template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector(template SemicolonParam_List p_chargeParams) :=
        fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
        chargeParams := p_chargeParams
    template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector_icid_TS :=
        fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
        chargeParams := {{id:=c_icid,		paramValue :=c_icid_value}}
    template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector_origIoi_fixedValue(charstring p_homeDomain) :=
        fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
        chargeParams := {{id:=c_icid,			paramValue :=c_icid_value &";"},
                         {id:=c_icid_generated_at,	paramValue :=";"},
                         {id:=c_orig_ioi,			paramValue := p_homeDomain}}
    template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector_termIoi_fixedValue(charstring p_homeDomain) :=
        fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
        chargeParams := {{id:=c_icid,			paramValue :=c_icid_value&";"},
                            {id:=c_icid_generated_at,	paramValue :=";"},
                            {id:=c_term_ioi,			paramValue := p_homeDomain}}
    template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector_origIoi_fixedValue1(charstring p_homeDomain) :=
        fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
        chargeParams := {
                         {id:=c_icid_generated_at,	paramValue :=";"},
                         {id:=c_orig_ioi,			paramValue := p_homeDomain}}
    template PChargingVector mw_pChargingVector(template charstring p_id, template charstring p_paramValue) :=
        fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
        chargeParams := superset({id := p_id, paramValue := p_paramValue})

    template PMediaAuthorization m_pMediaAuthorization_fixedValue :=
        fieldName := P_MEDIA_AUTHORIZATION_E,
        pMediaAuthorizations := {"A"} // example

    template PEarlyMedia m_pEarlyMedia_sup := 
        {fieldName := P_EARLY_MEDIA_E, em_param := {"supported"}};
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    template ProxyRequire m_proxyRequire_secAgree :=
        fieldName := PROXY_REQUIRE_E,
        optionsTags := {"sec-agree"}
    template PVisitedNetworkID m_pVisitedNetworkID_TS := 
      fieldName := P_VISITED_NETWORK_E,
      vNetWorkSpec := {{vNetworkSpecToken := "Viseted ETSI 1",
         genericParams := omit}}
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    template PVisitedNetworkID mw_pVisitedNetworkID := 
      fieldName := P_VISITED_NETWORK_E,
      vNetWorkSpec := {{vNetworkSpecToken := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_VisitedNetworkID,
                        genericParams := *}}

    template RecordRoute m_recordRoute_notmatching:=
        fieldName := RECORD_ROUTE_E,
        routeBody :=
            nameAddr :=
                displayName := omit,
                addrSpec :=
                    scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
                    userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber := "unknown", password := omit},
                    hostPort :=
                        host := "",	// hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
                        portField := omit
                    urlParameters := omit,
                    headers := omit
            rrParam := omit
        } }
    template Require m_require_secAgree :=
        fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
        optionsTags := {"sec-agree"}
    template Require mw_require_path :=
        fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
        optionsTags := superset("path")

    template Route m_route_interface (in ImsInterfaceProfile p_interfaceprofile):=
        fieldName := ROUTE_E,
        routeBody := {{nameAddr := {displayName := omit, 
                                   addrSpec := 	{scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
                                                userInfo := omit,
                                                hostPort := {host:=p_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain, portField:= omit},
                                                urlParameters := omit,
                                                headers := omit}
                      rrParam := omit}

    template Route m_route_notmatching:=
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        fieldName := ROUTE_E,
        routeBody :=
            nameAddr :=
                displayName := omit,
                addrSpec :=
                    scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
                    userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber := "unknown", password := omit},
                    hostPort :=
                        host := "",	// hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
                        portField := omit
                    urlParameters := omit,
                    headers := omit
            rrParam := omit
        } }

    template SessionExpires m_se(DeltaSec p_ds):=
            fieldName := SESSION_EXPIRES_E,
    template SessionExpires mw_se:=
            fieldName := SESSION_EXPIRES_E,
    template Supported m_supported_timer:=
            fieldName := SUPPORTED_E,
            optionsTags := {"timer"}
    template Supported m_supported_histinfo:=
            fieldName := SUPPORTED_E,
            optionsTags := {"histinfo"}
    template Supported m_supported_fromChange:=
            fieldName := SUPPORTED_E,
            optionsTags := {"from-change"}
    template To m_To_targetRefreshRequest(template To p_To) :=
      fieldName := TO_E,
      addressField :=
      {nameAddr := {
          displayName := p_To.addressField.nameAddr.displayName,
          addrSpec :=	p_To.addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec
        }},//end addressField
      toParams := {{id := c_tagId, paramValue := f_getRndTag()}}
    template ViaBody m_ViaBody_virtualUEinPCSCF(charstring branch_val,in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) :=
      sentProtocol := m_SentProtocol(PX_SIP_TRANSPORT),
      sentBy:={host:=p_userprofile.contactIpaddr, portField:= p_userprofile.contactPort},
      viaParams:={{id :=c_branchId,paramValue :=branch_val}}
    template ViaBody m_ViaBody_virtual_XCSCF(charstring branch_val,in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) :=
            sentProtocol := m_SentProtocol(PX_SIP_TRANSPORT),
            sentBy:={host:=p_userprofile.currIpaddr, portField:= p_userprofile.currPort},
            viaParams:={{id :=c_branchId,paramValue :=branch_val}}

    template Via m_via_notmatching:=
        fieldName := VIA_E,
        viaBody :=
            sentProtocol := valueof(m_SentProtocol("UDP")),
                      sentBy:={host:="", portField:= 10000},
                      viaParams:={{id :=c_branchId,paramValue :="abcd0000"}}
        } }
     * @desc WWW-Authenticate header field 
         * @param p_challenge value 
        template WwwAuthenticate m_wwwAuthenticate (Challenge p_challenge):=
            fieldName := WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E,
            challenge := p_challenge

         * @desc WWW-Authenticate header field 
         * @param p_challenge value 
        template WwwAuthenticate mw_wwwAuthenticate (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
            fieldName := WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E,
            challenge := 
                {digestCln := p_semicolonParam_List // set of GenericParam
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        template SemicolonParam_List mw_challenge := superset(mw_ck,mw_ik);
		template GenericParam mw_ck := {"ck",*};
		template GenericParam mw_ik := {"ik",*}
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        * @desc AcceptContact header field 
        * @param p_acValues value 
        template AcceptContact m_acceptContact (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
            fieldName := ACCEPT_CONTACT_E,
            acValues := {{wildcard:=c_WILDCARD, acRcParams := p_semicolonParam_List} // set of GenericParam

        * @desc Authenticate header field 
        * @param p_challenge value 
        template AcceptContact mw_acceptContact (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
            fieldName := ACCEPT_CONTACT_E,
            acValues := 
                {{wildcard:=c_WILDCARD, acRcParams := p_semicolonParam_List} // set of GenericParam
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        template SubscriptionState mw_subscriptionState(template charstring p_state) := {
            fieldName := SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_E,
            subState := p_state,
            substateParams := omit
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        template PAssociatedURI m_pAssociatedURI (template NameAddr p_nameAddr) := {
            fieldName := P_ASSOCIATED_URI_E,
            nameAddrList := {{nameAddr:=p_nameAddr, genericParams:=omit}}
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        template SecurityServer mw_securityServer (template SecurityMechanism_List p_securityMechanism_List):= {
		 fieldName := SECURITY_SERVER_E,
		 securityMech := p_securityMechanism_List

	    template SecurityClient m_securityClient (template SecurityMechanism_List p_securityMechanism_List):= {
		 fieldName := SECURITY_CLIENT_E,
		 securityMech := p_securityMechanism_List
	    template SecurityVerify m_securityVerify (template SecurityMechanism_List p_securityMechanism_List):= {
		 fieldName := SECURITY_VERIFY_E,
		 securityMech := p_securityMechanism_List
} // end group HeaderFieldTemplates

group MessageBodyTemplates {
group XMLTemplates {
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    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_ConfInfo(template Conference_type p_confInfo) :=
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        conference := p_confInfo
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    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_CW(template Ims_cw p_cw) :=
        cw := p_cw
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    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_CUG(template Cug p_cug) :=
        cug := p_cug
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    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_MCID(template Mcid p_mcid) :=
        mcid := p_mcid
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    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(template PSTN_transit p_pstn) :=
        pstnTransit := p_pstn
    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_simservs(template Simservs p_simservs) :=
        simservs := p_simservs
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    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_ACR_ICB(template Incoming_communication_barring p_icb) := {
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        simservs := {
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            attr := {},  
            absServiceGroup_list := {},
            extensions := {
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							elem_list := valueof(p_icb.attr)
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    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_ACR_OCB(template Outgoing_communication_barring p_ocb) := {
        simservs := {
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            attr := {},  
            absServiceGroup_list := {},
            extensions := {
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							elem_list := valueof(p_ocb.attr)
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    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_CDIVN(template Comm_div_info_type p_cdivn) :=
        cdivn := p_cdivn
    template XmlBody m_XmlBody_Reginfo(template Reginfo p_regInfo) :=
        regInfo := p_regInfo
    template MessageBody m_messageBodyXML(template XmlBody p_xmlBody) :=
        xmlBody := p_xmlBody
    template Reginfo m_reginfo (template XSDAUX.anyURI p_user):= {
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    template Registration m_registration (template XSDAUX.anyURI p_user):= {
      "a7", // XSDAUX.string id
      init, //enumerated {active,init,terminated} state,
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      {}, // record of Contact contact_list optional,
	  {} // record of anytype elem_list optional
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    template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_ConfInfo(template Conference_type p_confInfo) :=
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        conference := p_confInfo
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    template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_CUG(template Cug p_cug) :=
        cug := p_cug
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    template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_MCID(template Mcid p_mcid) :=
        mcid := p_mcid
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    template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(template PSTN_transit p_pstn) :=
        pstnTransit := p_pstn
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    template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_CDIVN(template Comm_div_info_type p_cdivn) :=
        cdivn := p_cdivn
    template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_simservs(template Simservs p_simservs) :=
        simservs := p_simservs
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    template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_ResourceLists(template Resource_lists p_resourceLists) :=
        resourceLists := p_resourceLists
    template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_Reginfo(template Reginfo p_regInfo) :=
        regInfo := p_regInfo
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}// end group XMLTemplates

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group ACR_CBTemplates {
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    template Incoming_communication_barring	m_ICB(template RuleType p_ruleType) :=
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        ruleset := {
    template Outgoing_communication_barring	m_OCB(template(present) RuleType p_ruleType) :=
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        ruleset := {
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    template RuleType m_ruleType_actionFalse(template ConditionsType p_condition) :=
        id := "rule66",
        conditions := p_condition,
        actions := {elem_list:={"<false/>"}},
        transformations := omit
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    template ConditionsType m_conditionsType_identity(template(present) charstring p_id, template charstring p_scheme) := {
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            {identity_list := {{{{one := {id := p_id, elem := omit}}}}}} 
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} //end group ACR_CBTemplates

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    template Cug m_CUG (
        template CugRequestType p_crt,
        template NetworkIdentityType p_nit,
        template SixteenbitType p_cibc,
        template TwoBitType p_cci
    ):= {
        active := omit,
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        cugCallOperation := p_crt,
        networkIndicator := p_nit,
        cugInterlockBinaryCode := p_cibc,
        cugCommunicationIndicator :=p_cci
    template Cug mw_CUG (
        template CugRequestType p_crt,
        template NetworkIdentityType p_nit,
        template SixteenbitType p_cibc,
        template TwoBitType p_cci
    ):= {
        active := omit,
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        cugCallOperation := p_crt,
        networkIndicator := p_nit,
        cugInterlockBinaryCode := p_cibc,
        cugCommunicationIndicator := p_cci
    template CugRequestType m_cugReqType(boolean p_outAccessRequest, integer p_cugIndex) :=
        outgoingAccessRequest := p_outAccessRequest,
        cugIndex := p_cugIndex

    template CugRequestType mw_cugReqType(template boolean p_outAccessRequest, template integer p_cugIndex) :=
        outgoingAccessRequest := p_outAccessRequest,
        cugIndex := p_cugIndex
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}//end group CUGTemplates

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group CWTemplates {

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    template Ims_cw m_CW(template TEmptyType p_cwi) := {
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        communication_waiting_indication := p_cwi,
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        elem_list := {}	    
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    template Ims_cw mw_ims_cw(template TEmptyType p_cwi) := {
        communication_waiting_indication := p_cwi,
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        elem_list := ?
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    template Cug m_CW2 (
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        template NetworkIdentityType p_nit,
        template SixteenbitType p_cibc,
        template TwoBitType p_cci
    ):= {
        active := omit,
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        cugCallOperation := p_crt,
        networkIndicator := p_nit,
        cugInterlockBinaryCode := p_cibc,
        cugCommunicationIndicator :=p_cci
    template Cug mw_CW (
        template CugRequestType p_crt,
        template NetworkIdentityType p_nit,
        template SixteenbitType p_cibc,
        template TwoBitType p_cci
    ):= {
        active := omit,
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        cugCallOperation := p_crt,
        networkIndicator := p_nit,
        cugInterlockBinaryCode := p_cibc,
        cugCommunicationIndicator := p_cci
}//end group CWTemplates

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group MCIDTemplates {
 template Mcid m_mcid_request_mcidIndicatorTrue :=
  choice := {
   request := {mcidRequestIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
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                holdingIndicator := bit2str('0'B)}
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 template Mcid m_mcid_request_mcidIndicatorTrue_holdIndTrue :=
  choice := {
   request := {mcidRequestIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
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               holdingIndicator := bit2str('1'B)}
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 template Mcid m_mcid_response_mcidIndicatorTrue :=
  choice := {
   response := {mcidResponseIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
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                holdingProvidedIndicator := bit2str('0'B)}
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 template Mcid mw_mcid_request_mcidIndicatorTrue :=
  choice := {
   request := {mcidRequestIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
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                holdingIndicator := ?}
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 template Mcid mw_mcid_response_mcidIndicatorTrue :=
  choice := {
   response := {mcidResponseIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
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                holdingProvidedIndicator := ?}
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 template Mcid mw_mcid_response_mcidIndicatorTrue_holdProvIndFalse :=
  choice := {
   response := {mcidResponseIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
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                holdingProvidedIndicator := bit2str('0'B)}
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 template Mcid mw_mcid_response_mcidIndicatorTrue_holdProvIndTrue :=
  choice := {
   response := {mcidResponseIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
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                holdingProvidedIndicator := bit2str('1'B)}
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} //end group MCIDTemplates
    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC1(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct) :=
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            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct},
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            highLayerCompatibility_list := {},
            lowLayerCompatibility := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            progressIndicator_list := {},
            display_list := {}
    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC2(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                                             template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2) :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct, p_bct2},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        highLayerCompatibility_list := {},
            lowLayerCompatibility := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        progressIndicator_list := {},
        display_list := {}
    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC1_HLC1(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct, 
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                                                  template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc) :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct},
            highLayerCompatibility_list := {p_hlc},
            lowLayerCompatibility := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            progressIndicator_list := {},
        display_list := {}

    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC1_LLC(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                                                 template LowLayerCompatibilityType p_llc) :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            highLayerCompatibility_list := {},
            lowLayerCompatibility := p_llc,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            progressIndicator_list := {},
        display_list := {}

    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC1_PI1(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                                                 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi1) :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            highLayerCompatibility_list := {},
            lowLayerCompatibility := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            progressIndicator_list := {p_pi1},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        display_list := {}

    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC1_PI2(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
                                                 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi1,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                                                 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi2) :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            highLayerCompatibility_list := {},
            lowLayerCompatibility := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            progressIndicator_list := {p_pi1, p_pi2},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            display_list := {}

    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC1_PI3(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
                                                 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi1,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                                                 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi2,
                                                 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi3) :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            highLayerCompatibility_list := {},
            lowLayerCompatibility := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            progressIndicator_list := {p_pi1, p_pi2, p_pi3},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            display_list := {}

    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC1_HLC2(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
                                                  template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc1,
                                                  template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc2) :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct},
            highLayerCompatibility_list := {p_hlc1, p_hlc2},
            lowLayerCompatibility := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            progressIndicator_list := {},
            display_list := {}

    template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_BC1_HLC1_PI1(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                                                 template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc1,
                                                 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi1) :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct},
            highLayerCompatibility_list := {p_hlc1},
            lowLayerCompatibility := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            progressIndicator_list := {p_pi1},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            display_list := {}
    template PSTN_transit mw_PSTN_transit_bc(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
                                             template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2) :=
            bearerInfomationElement_list := {p_bct, p_bct2},
            highLayerCompatibility_list := {*, *},
            lowLayerCompatibility := *,
            progressIndicator_list := {*},
            display_list := {*}
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template BearerCapabilityType m_BearerCapabilityType (Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap):= {
            bCoctet3 	:= {codingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
                            informationTransferCabability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
            bCoctet4 	:= {transferMode := bit2str('00'B),							//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
                            informationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
            bCoctet4_1 	:= omit,
            bCoctet5  	:= omit,
            bCoctet5a  	:= omit,
            bCoctet5bV110  := omit,
            bCoctet5bV120  := omit,
            bCoctet5c 	:= omit,
            bCoctet5d 	:= omit,
            bCoctet6  	:= omit,
            bCoctet7  	:= omit,
            bCoctet7a  	:= omit,
            bCoctet7b  	:= omit 
    template ProgressIndicatorType m_ProgressIndicatorType (Bit7 p_progDesc) := {
            progressOctet3 := {codingStandard := bit2str('00'B),
                               location := bit2str('0000'B)
            progressOctet4 := {progressDescription := bit2str(p_progDesc)}
    template LowLayerCompatibilityType m_LowLayerCompatibilityType (Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap) := {
            lLOctet3 := {codingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						 //Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
                         informationTransferCapability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
            lLOctet3a := omit,
            lLOctet4 := {transferMode := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
                         informationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
            lLOctet4_1 := omit,
            lLOctet5 := omit,
            lLOctet5a := omit,
            lLOctet5bV110 := omit,
            lLOctet5bV120 := omit,
            lLOctet5c := omit,
            lLOctet5d := omit,
            lLOctet6 := omit,
            lLOctet6aHDLC := omit,
            lLOctet6aUserSpecific := omit,
            lLOctet6b := omit,
            lLOctet7 := {layer3Identification := bit2str('10'B),		//TODO check valueand if parameter is mandatory
                        userInfoLayer3Protocol := bit2str('10000'B)},	//TODO check value and if parameter is mandatory
            lLOctet7aUserSpecific := omit,
            lLOctet7aX25 := omit,
            lLOctet7bX25 := omit,
            lLOctet7c := omit,
            lLOctet7aTR9577 := omit,
            lLOctet7bTR9577 := omit 
    template HighLayerCompatibilityType m_HighLayerCompatibilityType 
        (Bit7 p_HLOctet4):= {
            hLOctet3 := {
                codingStandard :=bit2str('00'B),
                interpretation :=bit2str('100'B),
                presentationMethod := bit2str('01'B)
            hLOctet4 := {
                highLayerCharacteristics := bit2str(p_HLOctet4)
            hLOctet4aMaintenance := omit,
            hLOctet4Audio := omit

    template BearerCapabilityType mw_BearerCapabilityType (template BCOctet3Type p_BCOctet3Type, template BCOctet4Type p_BCOctet4Type):= {
            bCoctet3 	:= p_BCOctet3Type,
            bCoctet4 	:= p_BCOctet4Type,
            bCoctet4_1 	:= * ,
            bCoctet5  	:= * ,
            bCoctet5a  	:= * ,
            bCoctet5bV110  := * ,
            bCoctet5bV120  := * ,
            bCoctet5c 	:= * ,
            bCoctet5d 	:= * ,
            bCoctet6  	:= * ,
            bCoctet7  	:= * ,
            bCoctet7a  	:= * ,
            bCoctet7b  	:= * 

    template BearerCapabilityType mw_BearerCapabilityType_TrfCap  (Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap):= {
            bCoctet3 	:= {codingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
                            informationTransferCabability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
            bCoctet4 	:= {transferMode := bit2str('00'B),							//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
                            informationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
            bCoctet4_1 	:= * ,
            bCoctet5  	:= * ,
            bCoctet5a  	:= * ,
            bCoctet5bV110  := * ,
            bCoctet5bV120  := * ,
            bCoctet5c 	:= * ,
            bCoctet5d 	:= * ,
            bCoctet6  	:= * ,
            bCoctet7  	:= * ,
            bCoctet7a  	:= * ,
            bCoctet7b  	:= * 

    template ProgressIndicatorType mw_ProgressIndicatorType (template ProgressOctet3Type p_ProgressOctet3Type, template ProgressOctet4Type p_ProgressOctet4Type) := {
            progressOctet3 := p_ProgressOctet3Type,
            progressOctet4 := p_ProgressOctet4Type
    template LowLayerCompatibilityType mw_LowLayerCompatibilityType 
        (template LLOctet3Type p_LLOctet3, template LLOctet4Type p_LLOctet4, template LLOctet7Type p_LLOctet7) := {
            lLOctet3 := p_LLOctet3,
            lLOctet3a := * ,
            lLOctet4 := p_LLOctet4,
            lLOctet4_1 := * ,
            lLOctet5 := * ,
            lLOctet5a := * ,
            lLOctet5bV110 := * ,
            lLOctet5bV120 := * ,
            lLOctet5c := * ,
            lLOctet5d := * ,
            lLOctet6 := * ,
            lLOctet6aHDLC := * ,
            lLOctet6aUserSpecific := * ,
            lLOctet6b := * ,
            lLOctet7 := p_LLOctet7,
            lLOctet7aUserSpecific := * ,
            lLOctet7aX25 := * ,
            lLOctet7bX25 := * ,
            lLOctet7c := * ,
            lLOctet7aTR9577 := * ,
            lLOctet7bTR9577 := * 
    template HighLayerCompatibilityType mw_HighLayerCompatibilityType 
        (template HLOctet3Type p_HLOctet3, template HLOctet4Type p_HLOctet4):= {
            hLOctet3 := p_HLOctet3,
            hLOctet4 := p_HLOctet4,
            hLOctet4aMaintenance := *,
            hLOctet4Audio := *
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed
} //end group PSTNTemplates		

group CDIVNTemplates {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    /* general CDIVN subscription */
    template Comm_div_info_type m_CDIVN_sub := {
        entity := "comm-div-info",
        comm_div_subs_info := {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            comm_div_selection_criteria := {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                originating_user_selection_criteria := omit,
                diverting_user_selection_criteria := omit,
                diverted_to_user_selection_criteria := omit,
                diversion_time_selection_criteria := omit,
                diversion_reason_selection_criteria := omit,
                elem_list := {}
            comm_div_ntfy_trigger_criteria := omit,
            comm_div_info_selection_criteria := omit,
            elem_list := {}
        comm_div_ntfy_info := omit,
        elem_list := {}
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed

} // end grouup CDIVNTemplates
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed

group ResourceListsTemplates {

    template Resource_lists m_ResourceList_2Users(
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        template EntryType p_user1, 
        template EntryType p_user2
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        sequence_list := {
                list := {
                    name := omit,
                    display_name := omit,
                    sequence_list := {
                            choice := {
                                entry := p_user1
                            choice := {
                                entry := p_user2
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                    elem_list := {}
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template EntryType m_EntryUser(SipUrl p_user) := {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        uri :=
            p_user.userInfo.userOrTelephoneSubscriber & "@" &
        display_name := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        elem_list := {}
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
}// end grouup ResourceListsTemplates
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
group Ims3gppTemplates {
    //TODO:check commented and below templates when test will be validated
    template TIMS3GPP mw_Ims_3gpp_CW := {
        version := 1.0,
        choice := {
            alternative_service := {
                type_ := ?, 
                reason := ?, 
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                elem_list := ?
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        elem_list := ?
//  template TIMS3GPP mw_Ims_3gpp_CW := {
//      version := 1.0,
//      anyAttributes := ?,
//      choice_1 := {
//          alternative_service := {
//              anyAttributes := ?,
//              type_ := ?,
//              reason := ?,
//              action_ := {
//                  anyAttributes := ?,
//                  emergency_registration := *,
//                  call_waiting_indication := {},
//                  any_1 := *
//              },
//              any_1 := *
//          }
//      },
//      any_1 := *
//  }
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
} // end group Ims3gpp

poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
group CONFTemplates {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template booleanXSD boolXSD_true:={bool:=true}
    template booleanXSD boolXSD_false:={bool:=false}
    template anyAttributes m_emptyAnyAttributes:={}
    template urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info.Media_type m_mediatype_status(template Media_status_type p_status):= {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        display_text :=omit,
        type_ :=omit,
        label_ :=omit,
        status:= p_status,
    template Endpoint_type m_endpoint(template charstring p_Uri,template Endpoint_status_type p_epStatus,template Joining_type p_joinMethod, template Disconnection_type p_discMethod, template urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info.Media_type p_mediastatus):= {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        media_list:={p_mediastatus},// optional, 
    template User_type m_1user (template charstring p_Uri,template Endpoint_type p_endpoint) := {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        languages :=omit,
        cascaded_focus :=omit,
        endpoint_list:={p_endpoint},// optional,
    template Users_type m_users_1user_full(template User_type p_user):={
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Users_type m_users_2user_full(template User_type p_user1,template User_type p_user2):={
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Conference_state_type m_conference_state(template unsignedInt p_nUsers, boolean p_active, boolean p_locked) := {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        elem_list:= {}

    template Conference_type m_ci_cUri_cState_userEntity(template charstring p_cUri, template Conference_state_type p_cState, template Users_type p_users ) := {
        entity := p_cUri,
        state := full,
        version := 1,
        conference_description := omit,
        host_info := omit,
        conference_state := p_cState,
        users := p_users,
        sidebars_by_ref := omit,
        sidebars_by_val := omit,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        elem_list := {}
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed
 template Conference_type mw_conferenceInfo_active := {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
     entity := ?,
     state := *,
     version := *,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
     conference_description := *,
     host_info := *,
     conference_state := ?,
     users := {
         state := ?,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
         user_list := {
                 entity := *,
                 state := *,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                 display_text := *,
                 associated_aors := *,
                 roles := *,
                 languages := *,
                 cascaded_focus := *,
                 endpoint_list := {
                         entity := *,
                         state := *,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
                         display_text := *,
                         referred := *,
                         status := connected,
                         joining_method := dialed_in,
                         joining_info := *,
                         disconnection_method := *,
                         disconnection_info := *,
                         media_list := *,
                         call_info := *,
                         elem_list := ?
                 elem_list := ?
         elem_list := {}
     sidebars_by_ref := *,
     sidebars_by_val := *,
     elem_list := ?
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed
} // end group MessageBodyTemplates
group MessageTemplates {

group modified_templates {

group request_send {
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template ACK_Request m_ACK_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Route p_route) modifies m_ACK_Request_Base :=
        msgHeader :=
            route := p_route
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_IMS
        ( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
        Via p_via, template Route p_route)
        modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
          msgHeader :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            route := p_route 
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_Reason_IMS
        ( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
        Via p_via, template Route p_route, charstring p_cause)
        modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
            msgHeader :=
                reason := mw_Reason(p_cause),
                route := p_route
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_UserToUser_IMS
        ( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
        Via p_via, template Route p_route, template charstring p_U2UData)
        modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            msgHeader :=
                route := p_route,
                userToUser := m_UserToUserData(p_U2UData)
    template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_UE
        ( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
        Via p_via, template Route p_route)
        modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
          msgHeader :=
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
            //securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation
            route := p_route 
    template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
        Via p_via, template Route p_route) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
        msgHeader :=
            route := p_route
    template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_Reason_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
        Via p_via, template Route p_route, integer p_cause) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
        msgHeader :=
            reason := m_Reason(p_cause),
            route := p_route
    template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
        Via p_via, template Route p_route) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
        msgHeader :=
            route := p_route
        * @desc INFO message
    template INFO_Request m_INFO_Request_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_INFO_Request_Base
        msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication}
        messageBody := p_mb
    * @desc INFO message
    template INFO_Request m_INFO_Request_Mime_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_INFO_Request_Base
        msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_mimeMultipart}
        messageBody := p_mb
    template INFO_Request m_INFO_Request_Xml_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_INFO_Request_Base
        msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_xmlAplication}
        messageBody := p_mb
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_UE
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
      Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader :=
        contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
        contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
        pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
        require := p_require,
        route := p_route,
        //securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
        supported := p_supported
      messageBody := p_mb
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_noBody_UE
        (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
          Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
        template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported )
        modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
          msgHeader :=
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
            require := p_require,
            route := p_route,
            //securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
            supported := p_supported
        template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_Allow_UE
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
      Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb, template LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.Allow p_allow)
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_UE
      msgHeader :=
        allow := p_allow
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_noBody_Allow_UE
        (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
          Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
        template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.Allow p_allow)
        modifies m_INVITE_Request_noBody_UE
          msgHeader :=
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
            allow := p_allow
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
     * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_IMS (
        SipUrl p_requestUri, 
        CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq, 
        From p_from, 
        To p_to,
        Via p_via, 
        Contact p_contact, 
        template Require p_require,
        template Route p_route, 
        template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  
        template Supported p_supported, 
        template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, 
        template MessageBody p_mb 
    ) modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base := {
      msgHeader := {
        contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
        contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
        require := p_require,
        pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
        recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
        route := p_route,
        supported := p_supported
      messageBody := p_mb
    * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_HistoryInfo_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
            template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb,
            template HistoryInfo p_historyInfo)
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_IMS
        msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            historyInfo := p_historyInfo
    * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_Mime_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_IMS
        msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_mimeMultipart}
pintar's avatar
pintar committed
     * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_IMS_noBody
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
      Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector)
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader :=
        require := p_require,
        pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
        recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
        route := p_route,
        supported := p_supported
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_Mime_PAsserted_Privacy_IMS
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
            template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb,
            template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy )
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_IMS
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_mimeMultipart},
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            privacy := p_privacy
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PAsserted_AcceptContact_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template AcceptContact p_acceptContact, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader :=
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            acceptContact := p_acceptContact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            require := p_require,
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            supported := p_supported
        messageBody := p_mb
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PAsserted_Privacy_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy, template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            require := p_require,
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            privacy := p_privacy,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            supported := p_supported
        messageBody := p_mb
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
     * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PAssertedService_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
      Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb, template PAssertedService p_pAssertedService)
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader :=
        contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
        contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
        require := p_require,
        pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
        route := p_route,
        supported := p_supported,
        pAssertedService := p_pAssertedService
      messageBody := p_mb
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schmitting committed
1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
     * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PEarlyMedia_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
      Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader :=
        contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
        contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
        require := p_require,
        pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
        pEarlyMedia := m_pEarlyMedia_sup, 
        recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
        route := p_route,
        supported := p_supported
      messageBody := p_mb

    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PPreferred_UE
        (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
          Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
        template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb,template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID )
        modifies m_INVITE_Request_UE
          msgHeader :=
            pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID

    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_PPreferred_Privacy_UE
        (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
                Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
        template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb,template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID, template Privacy p_privacy)
        modifies m_INVITE_Request_UE
                msgHeader :=
            pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID,
            privacy := p_privacy

    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_SessionExpires_UE
        (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
          Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
        template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb, template SessionExpires p_se)
        modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
          msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
            require := p_require,
            route := p_route,
            //securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
            supported := p_supported,
            sessionExpires := p_se
          messageBody := p_mb
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_minSE_UE
        (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
          Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
        template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb, template MinSE p_minSE)
        modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
          msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
            require := p_require,
            route := p_route,
            //securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
            supported := p_supported,
            minSE := p_minSE
          messageBody := p_mb
     * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_minSE_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
      Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb, template MinSE p_minSE)
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader :=
        contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
        contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
        require := p_require,
        pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
        route := p_route,
        supported := p_supported,
            minSE := p_minSE
      messageBody := p_mb
    template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_User2UserData_IMS
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
    template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb, template charstring p_U2UData)
    modifies m_INVITE_Request_IMS
        msgHeader :=
            userToUser := m_UserToUserData(valueof(p_U2UData))
    template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_MBody_UE
           (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
             Via p_via, template Require p_require,
           template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_messageBody)
           modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
             msgHeader :=
                contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(m_MBody_longPlainText))},
                contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_plainText},
                pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
                require := p_require,
                route := p_route,
                //securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
                supported := p_supported
             messageBody := p_messageBody
    template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_NoBody_UE
            (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
              Via p_via, template Require p_require,
            template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported)
            modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
              msgHeader :=
                pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
                require := p_require,
                route := p_route,
                supported := p_supported
              messageBody := omit
    template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_PCharging_UE
            (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
              Via p_via, template Require p_require,
            template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported)
            modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
              msgHeader :=
                pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
                pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
                pChargingVector := m_pChargingVector_origIoi_fixedValue(PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN),
                require := p_require,
                route := p_route,
                supported := p_supported
              messageBody := omit
    template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_PCharging_IMS
            (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
              Via p_via, template Require p_require,
            template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, 
            template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector)
            modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
              msgHeader :=
                pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
                pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
                require := p_require,
                route := p_route,
                supported := p_supported
              messageBody := omit

    template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_PMediaAuth_UE
            (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
              Via p_via, template Require p_require,
            template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported)
            modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
              msgHeader :=
                pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
                pMediaAuthorization := m_pMediaAuthorization_fixedValue,
                require := p_require,
                route := p_route,
                supported := p_supported
              messageBody := omit

    template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_PPreferred_UE
            (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
              Via p_via, template Require p_require,
            template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID)
            modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
              msgHeader :=
                pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
                pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID,
                require := p_require,
                route := p_route,
                supported := p_supported
              messageBody := omit
    template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_1300Bytes_UE
            (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
              Via p_via, template Require p_require,
            template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported)
            modifies m_MESSAGE_Request_Base
              msgHeader :=
                contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(m_MBody_longPlainText))},
                contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_plainText},
                pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
                require := p_require,
                route := p_route,
                //securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
                supported := p_supported
              messageBody := m_MBody_longPlainText
    template NOTIFY_Request m_NOTIFY_Request_Xml_IMS_Conference
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_NOTIFY_Request_Base
        msgHeader :=
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_xmlAplication},
            event := {fieldName:=EVENT_E, eventType:="conference",eventParams:=omit},
            subscriptionState:={fieldName:=SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_E, subState:="active",substateParams:=omit},
            expires:={fieldName:=EXPIRES_E, deltaSec:="3600"}
        messageBody := p_mb
    template NOTIFY_Request m_NOTIFY_Request_Xml_IMS_RegInfo
    (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
            Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template MessageBody p_mb )
    modifies m_NOTIFY_Request_Base
        msgHeader :=
            contact := p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_xmlreginfoAplication},
            event := m_Event_reg,
            expires:={fieldName:=EXPIRES_E, deltaSec:="3600"}
        messageBody := p_mb
        template PRACK_Request m_PRACK_Request_sdp (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, RAck p_RAck, template MessageBody p_mb) 
          modifies m_PRACK_Request_Base :=
            requestLine	:=
                requestUri := p_requestUri
            msgHeader :=
                callId := p_callId,
                contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
                contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
                cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "PRACK"},
                fromField := p_from,
                rAck := p_RAck,
                toField := p_to,
                via := p_via
            messageBody := p_mb
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template PUBLISH_Request m_PUBLISH_Request_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
            From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Event p_event, template RAck p_RAck, template MessageBody p_mb,template Route p_route) 
            modifies m_PUBLISH_Request_Base :=
        requestLine	:=
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader :=
            callId := p_callId,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_plainText/*c_sdpAplication*/},
            cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "PUBLISH"},
            event := p_event, 
            fromField := p_from,
            route := p_route,
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
            toField := p_to,
            via := p_via
        messageBody := p_mb
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template PUBLISH_Request m_PUBLISH_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
            From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Event p_event, template RAck p_RAck, template MessageBody p_mb,
            template Route p_route,template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector) 
            modifies m_PUBLISH_Request_Base :=
        requestLine	:=
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader :=
            callId := p_callId,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_plainText/*c_sdpAplication*/},
            cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "PUBLISH"},
            event := p_event, 
            fromField := p_from,
            route := p_route,
            recordRoute:= p_recordRoute,
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            toField := p_to,
            via := p_via
        messageBody := p_mb
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        * @desc REFER message exchanged at Mw
    template REFER_Request m_REFER_Request_IMS(
        SipUrl p_requestUri, 
        CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq, 
        Contact p_contact, 
        From p_from, 
        template To p_to,
        Via p_via,  
        template ReferTo p_referTo, 
        template ReferredBy p_referredBy, 
        template Require p_require,
        template Route p_route, 
        template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  
        template Supported p_supported, 
        template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, 
        template MessageBody p_mb 
    ) modifies m_REFER_Request_Base := {
        msgHeader := {
            contentLength	:= {
                fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, 
                len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))
            contentType := {
                fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, 
                mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication
            referredBy := p_referredBy,	
            referTo := p_referTo,
            require := p_require,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            supported := p_supported
        messageBody := p_mb
    template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Authorization p_authorization,
        template ProxyRequire p_proxyRequire, template Require p_require,
        template SecurityClient p_securityClient, template SecurityVerify p_securityVerify, template Supported p_supported)
        modifies m_REGISTER_Request_Base :=
        requestLine	:=
            method := REGISTER_E,
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader :=
            authorization := p_authorization,
            callId := p_callId,
            contact	:= p_contact,
            cSeq		:= p_cSeq,
            fromField	:= p_from,
            proxyRequire := p_proxyRequire,
            require := p_require,
            securityClient := p_securityClient,
            securityVerify := p_securityVerify,
            supported := p_supported,
            toField		:= p_to,
            via		:= p_via

    template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Authorization p_authorization)
        modifies m_REGISTER_Request_Base :=
        requestLine	:=
            method := REGISTER_E,
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader :=
            authorization := p_authorization,
            callId := p_callId,
            contact	:= p_contact,
            cSeq		:= p_cSeq,
            fromField	:= p_from,
            path := m_path_TS,
            pChargingVector := m_pChargingVector_icid_TS,
            pVisitedNetworkID := m_pVisitedNetworkID_TS,
            require := {fieldName := REQUIRE_E,optionsTags := {"path"}},
            toField		:= p_to,
            via		:= p_via

    template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_IMS_3party (
        SipUrl p_requestUri, 
        CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, 
        To p_to, 
        Via p_via, 
        Contact p_contact, 
        template Authorization p_authorization,
        template Path p_path
        ) modifies m_REGISTER_Request_IMS :=
        msgHeader :=
            path := p_path

    template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_expires_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Authorization p_authorization, template DeltaSec p_deltaSec)
        modifies m_REGISTER_Request_IMS :=
        msgHeader :=
            expires := {fieldName := EXPIRES_E, deltaSec := p_deltaSec}
    template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Route p_route)  modifies m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base :=
        requestLine	:=
            method := SUBSCRIBE_E,
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader :=
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,	
            contact	:= p_contact,
            cSeq	:= {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "SUBSCRIBE"},
            event	:= m_Event_reg,
            expires	:= m_Expires_600000,
            route   := p_route
    template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_mb_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template MessageBody p_mb)  modifies m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base :=
        requestLine	:=
            method := SUBSCRIBE_E,
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader :=
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,	
            contact	:= p_contact,
            contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            cSeq	:= {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "SUBSCRIBE"},
            event	:= m_Event_reg,
            expires	:= m_Expires_600000
        messageBody := p_mb
    template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_mb_event_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, 
            CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template MessageBody p_mb, Event p_event, charstring p_contentType)  modifies m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_mb_UE :=
            requestLine	:=
                method := SUBSCRIBE_E,
                requestUri := p_requestUri
            msgHeader :=
                contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  p_contentType},
                pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,	
                contact	:= p_contact,
                cSeq	:= {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "SUBSCRIBE"},
                event	:= p_event,
                expires	:= m_Expires_600000
            messageBody := p_mb
    template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact)  modifies m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base :=
        requestLine	:=
            method := SUBSCRIBE_E,
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader :=
            contact	:= p_contact,
            cSeq	:= {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "SUBSCRIBE"},
            event	:= m_Event_reg,
            expires	:= m_Expires_600000
    template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Event (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Event p_event)  modifies m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base :=
        requestLine	:=
            method := SUBSCRIBE_E,
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader :=
            contact	:= p_contact,
            cSeq	:= {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "SUBSCRIBE"},
            event	:= p_event,
            expires	:= m_Expires_600000
    template UPDATE_Request m_UPDATE_Request_fromChange (template CallId p_callId, template From p_from) modifies mw_UPDATE_Request_Base :=
        msgHeader :=
            fromField := p_from
}//end group request_send
group request_receive {
    template ACK_Request mw_ACK_Request_noPaccessNetworkInfo (template CallId p_callId)
        modifies mw_ACK_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  pAccessNetworkInfo := omit}

    template ACK_Request mw_ACK_Request_PchargingVector	(template CallId p_callId, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector)
        modifies mw_ACK_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector}
    template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_noPChargingFunction_UE(template CallId p_callId) modifies  mw_BYE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
                      pChargingVector := omit}
    template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_via_PChargingVector_UE(template CallId p_callId, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_BYE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
                      via := p_via}
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    template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_via_UE(template CallId p_callId, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_BYE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := { via := p_via }
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    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_noPChargingFunction modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit}
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PChargingFunction modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {pChargingFunctionAddresses := ?}
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PAsserted_noPPreferred (template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID)modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
                      pPreferredID := omit
     template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PAsserted_AcceptContact (template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template AcceptContact p_acceptContact) modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader := {pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
                    acceptContact := p_acceptContact
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_RecordRoute_Via (template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
                      via := p_via}

    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_route (template Route p_route) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {route := p_route}
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_require (
        template Require p_require
    ) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base := {
        msgHeader := { require := p_require }
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_supported (
        template Supported p_supported
    ) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base := {
        msgHeader := { supported := p_supported }
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_SessionExpires (template SessionExpires p_sessionExpires) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {sessionExpires := p_sessionExpires}
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_User2UserData (template charstring p_U2UData) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {userToUser := mw_UserToUserData(p_U2UData)}
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            via := p_via
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_requestLine(template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector,
                          template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,
                          template Route p_route, template Via p_via, template SipUrl p_requestUri)
    modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base := {
        requestLine	:=
            requestUri := p_requestUri
        msgHeader := {
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            via := p_via
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_PAsserted_noPPreferred(template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector,
                                template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,
                                template Route p_route, template Via p_via, template SipUrl p_requestUri, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID)
    modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base := {
        msgHeader := {pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID, pPreferredID := omit}
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_mb (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            via := p_via
        messageBody := ?
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_cug (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via, template Cug p_cug ) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            via := p_via
        messageBody := (mw_MBody_XML(mw_XmlBody_CUG(p_cug)),
                        mw_MBody_MIMESdpXml(?, mw_XmlBody_CUG(p_cug)))
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_noCug (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via ) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            via := p_via
        messageBody := (mw_MBody_XML(complement(mw_XmlBody_CUG(?))),
                        mw_MBody_MIMESdpXml(?, complement(mw_XmlBody_CUG(?)) ))
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_IMS_pstn (template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template Route p_route, template Via p_via, template PSTN_transit p_pstn ) modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
            route := p_route,
            via := p_via
        messageBody := (mw_MBody_XML(mw_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(p_pstn)),
                        mw_MBody_MIMESdpXml(?, mw_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(p_pstn)))//m_MBody_PSTN(p_pstn)//PSTN_transit

     * @desc Await INVITE using topology hiding
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_TH modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {	pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
                        pChargingVector := omit}

     * @desc Await INVITE without PAsserted and Privacy
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_noPasserted_noPrivacy (template From p_from)
      modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {  fromField := p_from,
                        pAssertedID := omit,
                        pPreferredID := omit}

     * @desc Await INVITE with PAsserted and Privacy
    template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PassertedPrivacy (template From p_from, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy)
            modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
        msgHeader := {
            fromField := p_from,
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            privacy := p_privacy}
      * @desc Await INVITE with PAsserted and Privacy
     template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_Passerted_ifPrivacy (template From p_from, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy)
       modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader := {
          fromField := p_from,
          pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
          privacy := p_privacy ifpresent}

      * @desc Await INVITE with PAsserted and Privacy
     template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_HistoryInfo (template HistoryInfo p_historyInfo)
       modifies  mw_INVITE_Request_Base
      msgHeader := {
          historyInfo := p_historyInfo}
    template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_noPchargingFunction_UE	
        modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
                          pChargingVector := omit}
    template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_noPchargingFunction_IMS	
        modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
                          pChargingVector := omit}
    template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_PAsserted_noPPreferred (template CallId p_callId, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID)modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
                        pPreferredID := omit

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    template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_via (template CallId p_callId, template Via p_via )modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {via := p_via

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schmitting committed
    template NOTIFY_Request mw_NOTIFY_Request(
        template CallId p_callId, 
        template charstring p_state,
        template charstring p_contentType,
        template Event p_event,
        template MessageBody p_mb
    ) modifies mw_NOTIFY_Request_Base := {
        msgHeader :=
            subscriptionState := mw_subscriptionState(p_state),
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  p_contentType},
            event := p_event
        messageBody := p_mb
        template PRACK_Request mw_PRACK_Request_sdp(template CallId p_callId, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies mw_PRACK_Request_Base :=
            msgHeader :=
                callId := p_callId
            messageBody := p_mb
    template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_PchargingVector	(template charstring p_id, template charstring p_paramValue)
        modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  pChargingVector := mw_pChargingVector(p_id,p_paramValue)}
    template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_noPaccessNetworkInfo	
        modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  pAccessNetworkInfo := omit}

    template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_noPMediaAuthorization	
        modifies mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  pMediaAuthorization := omit}
    template PUBLISH_Request mw_PUBLISH_Request_PchargingVector(template CallId p_callId, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector) modifies mw_PUBLISH_Request_Base :=
        msgHeader := {  pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector}

    template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_Request_IMS	(template Path p_Path, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template PVisitedNetworkID p_pVisitedNetworkID)
        modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  authorization := ?,
                          path := p_Path,
                          pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector, //mw_pChargingVector(p_id,p_paramValue)
                          pVisitedNetworkID := p_pVisitedNetworkID,
                          require := mw_require_path,
                          securityClient := omit,
                          securityVerify := omit

    template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_authorizedRequest_IMS	(template Authorization p_authorization)
        modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  authorization := p_authorization
    template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_authorizedRequest_wo_securityclient_IMS	(template Authorization p_authorization)
        modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  authorization := p_authorization,
                          securityClient := omit
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    template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_auth_via_nosecclient_IMS	(template Authorization p_authorization, Via p_via )
        modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base := {
          msgHeader :=	{
              				authorization	:= p_authorization,
							via				:= p_via,
                  			securityClient	:= omit
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2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144
    template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_authorizedRequest_wo_securityheaders_IMS
        modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  securityVerify := omit,
                          securityClient := omit
    template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_unauthorizedRequest_IMS	
        modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base
          msgHeader := {  authorization := *

    template SUBSCRIBE_Request mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_IMS (
        template From p_from, 
        template To p_to, 
        template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, 
        template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector
    )  modifies mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base := {
        requestLine	:=
            method := SUBSCRIBE_E
        msgHeader :=
        {	fromField := p_from,
            toField := p_to,
            event	:= m_Event_reg,
            pAccessNetworkInfo := *,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector
    template UPDATE_Request mw_UPDATE_Request_fromChange (template CallId p_callId, template From p_from) modifies mw_UPDATE_Request_Base :=
        msgHeader :=
            fromField := p_from
}//end group request_receive
group response_send
    template Response m_Response_2xxonBYE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
              From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
            msgHeader :=
                contact		:= p_contact,
                maxForwards := omit

    template Response m_Response_onCANCEL (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute) 
        modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            //contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit//,
            //recordRoute := p_recordRoute
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
            From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact //mandatory field due to 24 229 rel 7.9
            //maxForwards := omit,
            //rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_AlertInfo (
        StatusLine p_statusLine, 
        CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, 
        To p_to, 
        Via p_via, 
        AlertInfo p_alertInfo
    ) modifies m_Response_Base:= {
        msgHeader :=
            alertInfo	:= p_alertInfo
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_sdp_require (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
            From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact,template MessageBody p_mb,template Require p_require ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            require		:= p_require,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
        messageBody := p_mb
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.

     template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_HistoryInfo_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template HistoryInfo p_historyInfo) modifies m_Response_Base:=
      msgHeader :=
       contact		:= p_contact,
       historyInfo	:= p_historyInfo,
       rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_PchargingVector (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector


     template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_pEearlyMedia (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PEarlyMedia p_pEarlyMedia ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
      msgHeader :=
        pEarlyMedia := p_pEarlyMedia

    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_pPreferred_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit,
            pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.

    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_pAsserted_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit,
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.

    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_pAsserted_privacy_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit,
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            privacy := p_privacy,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_privacy_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Privacy p_privacy) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit,
            privacy := p_privacy,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.

    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_supported_privacy_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Supported p_supported, template Privacy p_privacy) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit,
            supported := p_supported,
            privacy := p_privacy,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_recordRoute_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999},//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_Require (
        StatusLine p_statusLine, 
        CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, 
        To p_to, 
        Via p_via, 
        Contact p_contact,
        Require p_require
    ) modifies m_Response_Base:= {
        msgHeader :=
            require := p_require
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_Require_ifpresent (
        StatusLine p_statusLine, 
        CallId p_callId, 
        CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, 
        To p_to, 
        Via p_via, 
        Contact p_contact,
        Require p_require
    ) modifies m_Response_Base:= {
        msgHeader :=
            require := p_require
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_UserToUser (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
            From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template charstring p_U2UData) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            userToUser := m_UserToUserData(valueof(p_U2UData))
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_Xml (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact,template MessageBody p_mb ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_xmlAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
        messageBody := p_mb
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_sdp_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact,template MessageBody p_mb ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999}//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
        messageBody := p_mb
    template Response m_Response_18XonINVITE_require_sdp_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, Require p_require, template MessageBody p_mb, template LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.Allow p_allow ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            require 	:= p_require,
            rSeq		:= {fieldName:=RSEQ_E, responseNum:= 9999},//Ref: ES 283 003 V2.5.1 ch:A.
            allow 		:= p_allow
        messageBody := p_mb
    template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) 
        modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb
    template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE_HistoryInfo (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template HistoryInfo p_historyInfo, template MessageBody p_mb) 
                modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            historyInfo := p_historyInfo,
            maxForwards := omit,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb
    template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE_Mime (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) 
                modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_mimeMultipart},
            maxForwards := omit,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb
    template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) 
          modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb

    template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE_PchargingVector (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordroute, template MessageBody p_mb, template Contact p_contact, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector ) modifies m_Response_mbody :=
        msgHeader :=
            contact := p_contact,
            pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector

    template Response m_Response_2XXonINVITE_pPreferred_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb

    template Response m_Response_2XXonINVITE_pAsserted_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb

    template Response m_Response_2XXonINVITE_pAsserted_privacy_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            privacy := p_privacy,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb

    template Response m_Response_2XXonINVITE_supported_privacy_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Supported p_supported, template Privacy p_privacy, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            supported := p_supported,
            privacy := p_privacy,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb
    template Response m_Response_2XXonINVITE_privacy_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Privacy p_privacy, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            privacy := p_privacy,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute//for INVITE response
        messageBody := p_mb
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schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_2xxonINVITE_UserToUser (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
        From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb, template charstring p_U2UData) 
        modifies m_Response_Base:=
pintar's avatar
pintar committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute,//for INVITE response
            userToUser := m_UserToUserData(valueof(p_U2UData))
pintar's avatar
pintar committed
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
        messageBody := p_mb
pintar's avatar
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    template Response m_Response_2xxonREGISTER_IMS (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, SipUrl p_serviceroute_sip_url, SipUrl p_passociated_uri) 
          modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            serviceRoute := {fieldName:=SERVICE_ROUTE_E,
            routeBody:={{ nameAddr:= {displayName:=omit,addrSpec:=p_serviceroute_sip_url},rrParam:=omit}}},
            pAssociatedURI := m_pAssociatedURI({displayName:=omit,addrSpec:=p_passociated_uri})		// PAssociatedURI RFC3455
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed

schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_2xxonSUBSCRIBE_IMS (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact) 
          modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_2xxonSUBSCRIBE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
          From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact) 
          modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_onMESSAGE_IMS(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
    From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_PAccessNetwInfo_UE(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
    From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_PCharging_UE(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
    From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_PCharging_IMS(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
    From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            pChargingFunctionAddresses := m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue,
            pChargingVector := p_pChargingVector
    template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_PMediaAuth_UE(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
    From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            pMediaAuthorization := m_pMediaAuthorization_fixedValue
    template Response m_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_pPreferredID_UE(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
    From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID
    template Response m_Response_2xxonUPDATE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
    From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, template MessageBody p_mb) 
    modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
            contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
            maxForwards := omit,
            recordRoute := p_recordRoute
        messageBody := p_mb
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_3XXonINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
            From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_4XXonINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
            From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_4XXonINVITE_UE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
              From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Contact p_contact ) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit
    template Response m_Response_onINVITE (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit
    template Response m_Response_onINVITE_Reason (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
                From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute, charstring p_cause) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            contact		:= p_contact,
            maxForwards := omit,
            reason := mw_Reason(p_cause)
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response m_Response_WWWauthenticate_IMS(StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
    From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template WwwAuthenticate p_wwwAuthenticate) modifies m_Response_Base:=
        msgHeader :=
            wwwAuthenticate := p_wwwAuthenticate
}//end group response_send

group response_receive

schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed
    template Response mw_Response_200onINVITE_noPChargingVector_UE(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            pChargingVector := omit
    template Response mw_Response_200onINVITE_SDP_UE(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        messageBody := {
            sdpMessageBody := ?

    template Response mw_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_noPCharging_UE(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
            pChargingVector := omit

    template Response mw_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_noPCharging_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit,
            pChargingVector := omit

    template Response mw_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_noPAccessNetworkInfo_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            pAccessNetworkInfo := omit

    template Response mw_Response_2xxonMESSAGE_noPMediaAuthorization_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            pMediaAuthorization := omit

    template Response mw_Response_401onREGISTER_securityServer_UE(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            securityServer := ?,
            wwwAuthenticate := ?
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed
    template Response mw_Response_SecServer_WWWAuth_UE (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
      template CSeq p_cSeq, template SecurityServer p_securityServer, template WwwAuthenticate p_wwwAuthenticate) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
     statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
     msgHeader :=
     	securityServer := p_securityServer,
     	wwwAuthenticate := p_wwwAuthenticate
schmitting's avatar
schmitting committed

    template Response mw_Response_401onREGISTER_WWWauthenticate_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq, template WwwAuthenticate p_wwwAuthenticate) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            wwwAuthenticate := p_wwwAuthenticate

    template Response mw_Response_200onREGISTER_IMS(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq, template SipUrl p_ue_uri, template Contact p_contact, template SipUrl p_sut_scscf_uri) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            pAssociatedURI := {fieldName := P_ASSOCIATED_URI_E, nameAddrList:={*,{nameAddr:={displayName:=*,addrSpec:=p_ue_uri},genericParams:=*},*}},
            path := ?,
            serviceRoute := {fieldName := SERVICE_ROUTE_E, routeBody := {{nameAddr:={displayName:=*,addrSpec:=p_sut_scscf_uri},rrParam:=*}}},
            pChargingFunctionAddresses := ?,
            pChargingVector := ?,
            contact := p_contact
    template Response mw_Response_PpreferredID_PassertedID(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq, template PPreferredID p_pPreferredID, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
          pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
          pPreferredID := p_pPreferredID

    template Response mw_Response_PAsserted_Privacy_History (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy, template HistoryInfo p_historyInfo) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
            pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
            privacy := p_privacy,
            historyInfo := p_historyInfo

    template Response mw_Response_PchargingVector(template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
        template CSeq p_cSeq, template PChargingVector p_chargingVector) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
        statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
        msgHeader :=
          pChargingVector := p_chargingVector // mw_pChargingVector(p_id,p_paramValue)

} // end response_receive

}//end modified_templates

}//end Message_templates