LibIms_PIXITS.ttcn 20.3 KB
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 *	@author 	STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369, STF450
 *  @version    $Id$
 *	@desc		This module provides the types used by the test component 
 *              for SIP-IMS tests. Module become from STF306 and STF334-336
 *              This module is part of LibImsV2.

module LibIms_PIXITS
	import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
	import from LibCommon_TextStrings all;
	import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
group SUT {
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group SUT_UE {
	/** @desc charstring for SUT - UE IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for PCSCF
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	modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE_IPADDR := "";
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	/** @desc	integer for SUT - UE port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for PCSCF
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	modulepar integer	  PX_IMS_SUT_UE_PORT := 5060;
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}//end group SUT_UE1
group SUT_UE1 {
	/** @desc charstring for SUT - PCSCF1 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE1
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_IPADDR := "";
	/** @desc	integer for SUT - PCSCF1 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE1
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	  modulepar integer	  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_PORT := 5060;
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/PCSCF1 domain - connection point for UE1
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
	/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE1
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE1 local domain 
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE1 local user 
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER := "2910";
	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE1:
	* The name of user in the specified realm
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "abcd";
	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd of UE1: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "1234";
	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options of UE1:
	* Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server; the
	* value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_QOP := "auth";
	/** @desc	charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE1
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_REGISTRAR := "";

	/** @desc	charstring for UE1 display name
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_DISPLAY := "UE1@SUT";
} // end group SUT_UE1

group SUT_UE2 {
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT - PCSCF2 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE2
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	 modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_IPADDR := "";

	/** @desc	integer for SUT - PCSCF2 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE2
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/PCSCF2 domain - connection point for UE2
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
	/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE2
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE2 local domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE2 local user
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_PUBLIC_USER := "2910";
      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE2:
      * The name of user in the specified realm
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "abcd";
	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username of UE2
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "1234";
	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options UE2:
	* Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server, the
	* value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_QOP := "auth";
	/** @desc	charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE2
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_REGISTRAR := "";
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	/** @desc	charstring for UE2 display name
	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_DISPLAY := "UE2@SUT";
} // end group SUT_UE2

group SUT_UE3 {
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT - PCSCF3 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE3
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	 modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF3_IPADDR := "";

	/** @desc	integer for SUT - PCSCF3 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE3
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF3_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/PCSCF3 domain - connection point for UE3
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF3_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
	/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE3
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE2 local domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE3 local user
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_PUBLIC_USER := "2910";
      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE3:
      * The name of user in the specified realm
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "abcd";
	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username of UE3
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "1234";
	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options UE3:
	* Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server, the
	* value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_QOP := "auth";
	/** @desc	charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE3
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_REGISTRAR := "";
} // end group SUT_UE3
group SUT_UE4 {//UE4 can be used as UE1Visited
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	/** @desc	charstring for SUT - PCSCF4 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE4
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	 modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF4_IPADDR := "";
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	/** @desc	integer for SUT - PCSCF4 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE4
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF4_PORT := 5060;
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	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/PCSCF4 domain - connection point for UE4
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF4_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
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	/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE4
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
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	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE2 local domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
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	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE4 local user
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_PUBLIC_USER := "2910";
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      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE4:
      * The name of user in the specified realm
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "abcd";
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	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username of UE2
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "1234";
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	/** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options UE4:
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	* Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server, the
	* value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
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	  modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_QOP := "auth";
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	/** @desc	charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE4
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_REGISTRAR := "";
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} // end group SUT_UE4

group SUT_unknown{
	/** @desc	charstring for identity of unknown UE public user
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_unknownUE_PUBLIC_USER := "0007";
} // end group SUT_unknown

	/** @desc	charstring for identity of emergency service local domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the emergency service
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_SERVICE := "service:sos";
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_SERVICE_namespaceId := "service";	
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_SERVICE_namespaceSpecificString := "sos";  
   	/** @desc	charstring for identity of the invalid emergency service
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_SERVICE_INVALID := "service:sos.invalid";
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_SERVICE_INVALID_namespaceId := "service";	
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_SERVICE_INVALID_namespaceSpecificString := "sos.invalid";  
}// end group EMERGENCY service

group SUT_IBCF {
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/IBCF1 IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_IPADDR := "";	
	/** @desc	integer for SUT/IBCF1 port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/IBCF1 domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/IBCF2 IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_IPADDR := "";

	/** @desc	integer for SUT/IBCF2 port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/IBCF2 domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group SUT_IBCF
group SUT_PCSCF {
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/P-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_IPADDR := "";	

	/** @desc	integer for SUT/P-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/P-CSCFdomain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/P-CSCF P_VisitedNetwork ID header (see RFC3455) 
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_VisitedNetworkID := "sut token";
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/P-CSCF Min-SE header lower bound for the session refresh interval (see RFC4028) 
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_MinSE := "100";
} // end group SUT_PCSCF
group SUT_SCSCF {
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/S-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_IPADDR := "";	

	/** @desc	integer for SUT/S-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	  PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/S-CSCFdomain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/S-CSCF globally used realm name of IUT S-CSCF 
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_REALM := "realm.scscf";
} // end group SUT_SCSCF

group SUT_ICSCF {
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_IPADDR := "";	

	/** @desc	integer for SUT/I-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-CSCFdomain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
    /** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-CSCF P_VisitedNetwork ID header (see RFC3455) 
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_VisitedNetworkID := "Visited ETSI 1";
} // end group SUT_ICSCF
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group SUT_AS {
	/** @desc charstring for SUT - AS IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for SCSCF
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	modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_AS_IPADDR := "";
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	/** @desc	integer for SUT - AS port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for SCSCF
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	modulepar integer	  PX_IMS_SUT_AS_PORT := 5060;
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	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/AS domain
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	modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_AS_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
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}//end group SUT_UE1

group SUT_IMGCF {
	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-MGCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_IPADDR := "";	

	/** @desc	integer for SUT/I-MGCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-MGCFdomain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group SUT_IMGCF

group SUT_CONF {
		 * @desc
		 *     charstring for SUT/conference IP address to exchange SIP messages
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		modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_CONF_IPADDR := "";
		 * @desc integer for SUT/conference port number to exchange SIP messages
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		modulepar integer PX_IMS_SUT_CONF_PORT := 5060;
		 * @desc charstring for SUT/conference domain
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		modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_CONF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
		 * @desc charstring for conference factory URI name
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		modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_CONF_FACTORY_NAME := "";
} // end group SUT_CONF

} // end group SUT
group TS {	
group TS_UE1 {
	/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the UE1 to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_UE1_IPADDR := "";
	/** @desc	integer for port number used by the UE1 to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer     PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for visited(TS) REGISTRAR domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_UE1_REGISTRAR := "";
} // end group TS_UE1

group TS_UE2 {
	/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the UE2 to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_UE2_IPADDR := "";

	/** @desc	integer for port number used by the UE2 to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer     PX_IMS_TS_UE2_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for visited(TS) REGISTRAR domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_UE2_REGISTRAR := "";
} // end group TS_UE2

group TS_UE3 {
	/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the UE3 to exchange SIP messages
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			modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_UE3_IPADDR := "";

	/** @desc	integer for port number used by the UE3 to exchange SIP messages
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			modulepar integer     PX_IMS_TS_UE3_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for visited(TS) REGISTRAR domain
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			modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_UE3_REGISTRAR := "";
} // end group TS_UE3

group TS_UE4 {
	/** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the UE3 to exchange SIP messages
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			modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_UE4_IPADDR := "";

	/** @desc	integer for port number used by the UE3 to exchange SIP messages
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			modulepar integer     PX_IMS_TS_UE4_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for visited(TS) REGISTRAR domain
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			modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_UE4_REGISTRAR := "";
} // end group TS_UE4

group TS_IBCF {	
	/** @desc	charstring for TS/IBCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_IBCF_IPADDR := "";
	/** @desc	integer for TS/IBCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_TS_IBCF_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for TS/IBCF domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_IBCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group TS_IBCF

group TS_ICSCF {
	/** @desc	charstring for TS/I-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_ICSCF_IPADDR := "";
	/** @desc	integer for IUT/I-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_TS_ICSCF_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for TS/I-CSCF domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_ICSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group TS_ICSCF

group TS_PCSCF {
	/** @desc	charstring for TS/P-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_PCSCF_IPADDR := "";

	/** @desc	integer for IUT/P-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_TS_PCSCF_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for TS/P-CSCFdomain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_PCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group TS_PCSCF

group TS_SCSCF {
	/** @desc	charstring for TS/S-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_SCSCF_IPADDR := "";
	/** @desc	integer for TS/S-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_TS_SCSCF_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for TS/S-CSCFdomain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_SCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

	/** @desc	charstring public user identity for Request-URI to be rejected by IUT S-CSCF as it is barred for incoming calls 
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_BARRED_PUBLIC_USER;

	/** @desc	charstring invalid GRUU for Request-URI to be rejected by IUT S-CSCF 
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_INVALID_GRUU;

	/** @desc	charstring Service value in P-Asserted-Service header to be rejected by IUT S-CSCF, as service is not subscribed-to 
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UNSUBSCRIBED_SERVICE;

	/** @desc	charstring Service value in SDP message body to be rejected by IUT S-CSCF, as service is not subscribed-to;
				** intentionally kept as charstring to allow maximum flexibility to construct unsubscribed service **
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UNSUBSCRIBED_SDP_SERVICE;
} // end group TS_SCSCF

group TS_ECSCF {
    	/** @desc	charstring for TS/E-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
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		modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_ECSCF_IPADDR := "";
    	/** @desc	integer for TS/E-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
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		modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_TS_ECSCF_PORT := 5060;

    	/** @desc	charstring for TS/E-CSCFdomain
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		modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_ECSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group TS_ECSCF

group TS_IMS1user {
	/** @desc	charstring for public userinfo/displayname addressing IMS1UE (simulated by the TS)
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_IMS1UE_PUBLIC_USER := "IMS1UE";

	/** @desc	charstring for TS/domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_IMS1UE_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group TS_IMS1user

group TS_ISUPuser {
	/** @desc	charstring for public userinfo addressing ISUPUE (simulated by the TS)
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_ISUP_PUBLIC_USER := "070123456";

	/** @desc	charstring for ISUP TS/domain or IPAddres
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_ISUP_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group TS_ISUPuser

group TS_AS {
	/** @desc	charstring for TS/AS1 IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_AS1_IPADDR := "";	

	/** @desc	integer for TS/AS1 port number to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_TS_AS1_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for TS/AS1 domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_AS1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

	/** @desc	charstring for TS/AS2 IP address to exchange SIP messages
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_AS2_IPADDR := "";	

	/** @desc	integer for TS/AS2 port number to exchange SIP messages
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	   modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_TS_AS2_PORT := 5060;

	/** @desc	charstring for TS/AS2 domain
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	  modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_TS_AS2_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
} // end group TS_AS
} // end group TS
} // end module LibIms_PIXITS