LibIms_Templates.ttcn 80.2 KB
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 *	@author 	STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369
 *  @version    $Id$
 *	@desc		This module provides the types used by the test component 
 *              for SIP-IMS tests. Module become from STF306 and STF334-336

module LibIms_Templates
	import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
	import from LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues all;
	import from LibSip_SDPTypes all;
	import from LibSip_Templates all;
	import from LibSip_Steps all;
	import from LibSip_PIXITS all;
	import from LibSip_XMLTypes all;
	import from LibIms_SIPTypesAndValues all;
	import from LibIms_PIXITS all;
	template charstring m_international_number_format := pattern  "\\+\d+";//pattern  "\+\d+";

	template NameAddr mw_SipUrl_SUTinterface(charstring p_host, integer p_port) := 
			displayName := *,
			addrSpec := {
				scheme := "sip:",
				userInfo := *,
				hostPort := {p_host, p_port},
				urlParameters := *,
				headers := *
	template Addr_Union mw_UE1_Addr_display := {nameAddr:={displayName:=PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_DISPLAY,addrSpec:=?}};
group Subfields{
	template SemicolonParam_List mw_semicolonParams_realm (template charstring p_realm)	:=
		?; //superset({"realm",p_realm},{"rand",?},{"autn",?},{"algorithm","AKAv1-MD5"},{"ik",?},{"ck",?}) // ERROR HERE! Superset operation must contain value list - no templates!
	template SemicolonParam_List m_semicolonParams_language (template charstring p_language):=
	template SemicolonParam_List mw_semicolonParams_language (template charstring p_language):=
	template SemicolonParam_List m_semicolonParams_isub (template charstring p_address):=

group HeaderFieldTemplates{
	template MinSE m_minSE(DeltaSec p_ds):=
			fieldName := MIN_SE_E,
	template PathValue m_pathvalue (SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
	nameAddr := {displayName := omit, 	 			// optional charstring
				 addrSpec := p_sipUrl		// SipUrl
	rrParam := omit

	template Path m_path (SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
		fieldName := PATH_E,
		pathValues := {
					{nameAddr := {
					displayName := omit, 	 			// optional charstring
					addrSpec := p_sipUrl		// SipUrl
					rrParam := omit}

 * @desc Path header field expectation with at least one path value
 * @param p_sipUrl value of the last element in the list of path values
	template Path mw_path (SipUrl p_sipUrl):=
		fieldName := PATH_E,
		pathValues := {*,m_pathvalue(p_sipUrl)}		// any number of SipUrl may occur before p_sipUrl
	template PAccessNetworkInfo m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a :=
		accessType := "IEEE-802.11a",
		genericParams := {{id:="extension-access-info",paramValue :=""}}
	template PAssertedService m_pAssertedService (PAssertedServiceValue p_pAssertedServiceValue):=
		fieldName := P_ASSERTED_SERVICE_E,
		pAssertedServiceValue := p_pAssertedServiceValue
	template PChargingFunctionAddresses m_pChargingFunctionAddresses_fixedValue :=
		chargeAddrParams := {{id:="ccf",paramValue :=""}, // value is fixed because it is deleted on proxy 
							 {id:="ecf",paramValue :=""}} // value is fixed because it is deleted on proxy

	template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector_fixedValue(charstring p_homeDomain) :=
		fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
		chargeParams := {{id:="icid-value",			paramValue :="123abc"},
						 {id:="icid-generated-at",	paramValue :=""},
						 {id:="orig-ioi",			paramValue := p_homeDomain}}
	template PChargingVector m_pChargingVector_fixedValue1(charstring p_homeDomain) :=
		fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
		chargeParams := {
						 {id:="icid-generated-at",	paramValue :=""},
						 {id:="orig-ioi",			paramValue := p_homeDomain}}
	template PChargingVector mw_pChargingVector(template charstring p_id, template charstring p_paramValue) :=
		fieldName := P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E,
		chargeParams := superset({id := valueof(p_id), paramValue := p_paramValue})

	template PMediaAuthorization m_pMediaAuthorization_fixedValue :=
		pMediaAuthorizations := {"A"} // example

	template PEarlyMedia m_pEarlyMedia_sup := 
		{fieldName := P_EARLY_MEDIA_E, em_param := {"supported"}};
	template ProxyRequire m_proxyRequire_secAgree :=
		fieldName := PROXY_REQUIRE_E,
		optionsTags := {"sec-agree"}
	template PVisitedNetworkID mw_pVisitedNetworkID := 
	  fieldName := P_VISITED_NETWORK_E,
	  vNetWorkSpec := {{vNetworkSpecToken := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_VisitedNetworkID,
						genericParams := *}}

	template RecordRoute m_recordRoute_notmatching:=
		fieldName := RECORD_ROUTE_E,
		routeBody :=
			nameAddr :=
				displayName := omit,
				addrSpec :=
					scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
					userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber := "unknown", password := omit},
					hostPort :=
						host := "",	// hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
						portField := omit
					urlParameters := omit,
					headers := omit
			rrParam := omit
		} }
	template Require m_require_secAgree :=
		fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
		optionsTags := {"sec-agree"}
	template Require mw_require_path :=
		fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
		optionsTags := superset("path")

	template Route m_route_interface (in ImsInterfaceProfile p_interfaceprofile):=
		fieldName := ROUTE_E,
		routeBody := {{nameAddr := {displayName := omit, 
								   addrSpec := 	{scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
												userInfo := omit,
												hostPort := {host:=p_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr, portField:= p_interfaceprofile.SUTPort},
												urlParameters := omit,
												headers := omit}
					  rrParam := omit}

    template Route m_route_notmatching:=
		fieldName := ROUTE_E,
		routeBody :=
			nameAddr :=
				displayName := omit,
				addrSpec :=
					scheme := c_sipScheme,  			// contains "sip"
					userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber := "unknown", password := omit},
					hostPort :=
						host := "",	// hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
						portField := omit
					urlParameters := omit,
					headers := omit
			rrParam := omit
		} }

	template SessionExpires m_se(DeltaSec p_ds):=
			fieldName := SESSION_EXPIRES_E,
	template SessionExpires mw_se:=
			fieldName := SESSION_EXPIRES_E,
	template Supported m_supported_timer:=
			fieldName := SUPPORTED_E,
			optionsTags := {"timer"}
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	template Supported m_supported_fromChange:=
			fieldName := SUPPORTED_E,
			optionsTags := {"from-change"}
	template To m_To_targetRefreshRequest(template To p_To) :=
	  fieldName := TO_E,
	  addressField :=
	  {nameAddr := {
		  displayName := p_To.addressField.nameAddr.displayName,
		  addrSpec :=	p_To.addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec
		}},//end addressField
	  toParams := {{id := c_tagId, paramValue := f_getRndTag()}}
	template ViaBody m_ViaBody_virtualUEinPCSCF(charstring branch_val,in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) :=
	  sentProtocol := m_SentProtocol(PX_SIP_TRANSPORT),
	  sentBy:={host:=p_userprofile.contactIpaddr, portField:= p_userprofile.contactPort},
	  viaParams:={{id :=c_branchId,paramValue :=branch_val}}

	template Via m_via_notmatching:=
		fieldName := VIA_E,
		viaBody :=
			sentProtocol := valueof(m_SentProtocol("UDP")),
					  sentBy:={host:="", portField:= 10000},
					  viaParams:={{id :=c_branchId,paramValue :="abcd0000"}}
		} }
	 * @desc WWW-Authenticate header field 
	 * @param p_challenge value 
		template WwwAuthenticate m_wwwAuthenticate (Challenge p_challenge):=
			fieldName := WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E,
			challenge := p_challenge

	 * @desc WWW-Authenticate header field 
	 * @param p_challenge value 
		template WwwAuthenticate mw_wwwAuthenticate (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
			fieldName := WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E,
			challenge := 
				{digestCln := p_semicolonParam_List // set of GenericParam
		* @desc AcceptContact header field 
		* @param p_acValues value 
		template AcceptContact m_acceptContact (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
			fieldName := ACCEPT_CONTACT_E,
			acValues := {{wildcard:=c_WILDCARD, acRcParams := p_semicolonParam_List} // set of GenericParam

		* @desc Authenticate header field 
		* @param p_challenge value 
		template AcceptContact mw_acceptContact (template SemicolonParam_List p_semicolonParam_List):=
			fieldName := ACCEPT_CONTACT_E,
			acValues := 
				{{wildcard:=c_WILDCARD, acRcParams := p_semicolonParam_List} // set of GenericParam
		template SubscriptionState mw_subscriptionState(template charstring p_state) := {
    		fieldName := SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_E,
    		subState := p_state,
    		substateParams := omit
} // end group HeaderFieldTemplates

group MessageBodyTemplates {
group XMLTemplates {
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	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_ACR_ICB(template Incoming_communication_barring p_icb) :=
		icb := p_icb
	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_ACR_OCB(template Outgoing_communication_barring p_ocb) :=
		ocb := p_ocb
	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_ConfInfo(template Conference_info p_confInfo) :=
		conferenceInfo := p_confInfo
	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_CUG(template Cug p_cug) :=
		cug := p_cug
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	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_MCID(template Mcid p_mcid) :=
		mcid := p_mcid
	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(template PSTN_transit p_pstn) :=
		pstnTransit := p_pstn
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	template XmlBody m_XmlBody_CDIVN(template Comm_div_info p_cdivn) :=
		cdivn := p_cdivn
	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_ConfInfo(template Conference_info p_confInfo) :=
		conferenceInfo := p_confInfo
	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_CUG(template Cug p_cug) :=
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		cug := p_cug
	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_MCID(template Mcid p_mcid) :=
		mcid := p_mcid
	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_PSTNTransit(template PSTN_transit p_pstn) :=
		pstnTransit := p_pstn
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	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_CDIVN(template Comm_div_info p_cdivn) :=
		cdivn := p_cdivn
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	template XmlBody mw_XmlBody_ResourceLists(template Resource_lists p_resourceLists) :=
		resourceLists := p_resourceLists
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}// end group XMLTemplates

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group ACR_CBTemplates {
	template Incoming_communication_barring	m_ICB(RuleType p_ruleType) :=
		ruleset_icb := {
			rule:= {p_ruleType}
	template Outgoing_communication_barring	m_OCB(RuleType p_ruleType) :=
		ruleset_ocb := {
			rule:= {p_ruleType}
	template RuleType m_ruleType_actionFalse(template ConditionsType p_condition) :=
		id := "rule66",
		conditions := p_condition,
		actions := {bool := false},
		transformations := omit

	template ConditionsType m_conditionsType_identity(template charstring p_id, template charstring p_scheme) := {
		choice := {{
			identity := {{
				choice := {{
            		one := {
            			id := p_id,
            			scheme := p_scheme,
            			any_1 := omit
} //end group ACR_CBTemplates

group CUGTemplates {
	template Cug m_CUG (template CugRequestType p_crt,
						template NetworkIdentityType p_nit,
						template SixteenbitType p_cibc,
						template TwoBitType p_cci):=
			cugCallOperation := p_crt,
			networkIndicator := p_nit,
			cugInterlockBinaryCode := p_cibc,
			cugCommunicationIndicator :=p_cci
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	      template Cug mw_CUG (template CugRequestType p_crt,
						 template NetworkIdentityType p_nit,
						 template SixteenbitType p_cibc,
						 template TwoBitType p_cci):=
			cugCallOperation := p_crt,
			networkIndicator := p_nit,
			cugInterlockBinaryCode := p_cibc,
			cugCommunicationIndicator := p_cci
	template CugRequestType m_cugReqType(template boolean p_outAccessRequest, template integer p_cugIndex) :=
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//		outgoingAccessRequest := p_outAccessRequest,
//		cugIndex := p_cugIndex
//TODO: workaround for ttwb118
		outgoingAccessRequest := {bool:=p_outAccessRequest},
		cugIndex := valueof(p_cugIndex)
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	template CugRequestType mw_cugReqType(template boolean p_outAccessRequest, template integer p_cugIndex) :=
		outgoingAccessRequest := {bool:=p_outAccessRequest},
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		cugIndex := p_cugIndex
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}//end group CUGTemplates

group MCIDTemplates {
 template Mcid m_mcid_request_mcidIndicatorTrue :=
  choice := {
   request := {McidRequestIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
      HoldingIndicator := bit2str('0'B)}
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 template Mcid m_mcid_request_mcidIndicatorTrue_holdIndTrue :=
  choice := {
   request := {McidRequestIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
			   HoldingIndicator := bit2str('1'B)}
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 template Mcid m_mcid_response_mcidIndicatorTrue :=
  choice := {
   response := {McidResponseIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
       HoldingProvidedIndicator := bit2str('0'B)}
 template Mcid mw_mcid_request_mcidIndicatorTrue :=
  choice := {
   request := {McidRequestIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
      HoldingIndicator := *}
 template Mcid mw_mcid_response_mcidIndicatorTrue :=
  choice := {
   response := {McidResponseIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
       HoldingProvidedIndicator := *}
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 template Mcid mw_mcid_response_mcidIndicatorTrue_holdProvIndFalse :=
  choice := {
   response := {McidResponseIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
   		HoldingProvidedIndicator := bit2str('0'B)}
 template Mcid mw_mcid_response_mcidIndicatorTrue_holdProvIndTrue :=
  choice := {
   response := {McidResponseIndicator := bit2str('1'B),
		HoldingProvidedIndicator := bit2str('1'B)}
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} //end group MCIDTemplates

group PSTNTemplates {
	template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
										 template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2,
										 template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc,
										 template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc2,
										 template LowLayerCompatibilityType p_llc,
										 template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi,
										 template DisplayType p_d) :=
			BearerInfomationElement := {p_bct, p_bct2},
			HighLayerCompatibility := {p_hlc, p_hlc2},
			LowLayerCompatibility := p_llc,
			ProgressIndicator := {p_pi},
			Display := {p_d}

	template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_2PI(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
											template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2,
											template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc,
											template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc2,
											template LowLayerCompatibilityType p_llc,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi2,
											template DisplayType p_d) :=
			BearerInfomationElement := {p_bct, p_bct2},
			HighLayerCompatibility := {p_hlc, p_hlc2},
			LowLayerCompatibility := p_llc,
			ProgressIndicator := {p_pi, p_pi2},
			Display := {p_d}

	template PSTN_transit m_PSTN_transit_3PI(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
											template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2,
											template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc,
											template HighLayerCompatibilityType p_hlc2,
											template LowLayerCompatibilityType p_llc,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi2,
											template ProgressIndicatorType p_pi3,
											template DisplayType p_d) :=
			BearerInfomationElement := {p_bct, p_bct2},
			HighLayerCompatibility := {p_hlc, p_hlc2},
			LowLayerCompatibility := p_llc,
			ProgressIndicator := {p_pi, p_pi2, p_pi3},
			Display := {p_d}
	template PSTN_transit mw_PSTN_transit_bc(template BearerCapabilityType p_bct,
											 template BearerCapabilityType p_bct2) :=
			BearerInfomationElement := {p_bct, p_bct2},
			HighLayerCompatibility := {*, *},
			LowLayerCompatibility := *,
			ProgressIndicator := {*},
			Display := {*}
	template BearerCapabilityType m_BearerCapabilityType (template Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap):= {
			BCoctet3 	:= {CodingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
							InformationTransferCapability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
			BCoctet4 	:= {TransferMode := bit2str('00'B),							//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
							InformationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
			BCoctet4_1 	:= omit,
			BCoctet5  	:= omit,
			BCoctet5a  	:= omit,
			BCoctet5bV110  := omit,
			BCoctet5bV120  := omit,
			BCoctet5c 	:= omit,
			BCoctet5d 	:= omit,
			BCoctet6  	:= omit,
			BCoctet7  	:= omit,
			BCoctet7a  	:= omit,
			BCoctet7b  	:= omit 
	template ProgressIndicatorType m_ProgressIndicatorType (template Bit7 p_progDesc) := {
			ProgressOctet3 := {CodingStandard := bit2str('00'B),
							   Location := bit2str('0000'B)
			ProgressOctet4 := {ProgressDescription := bit2str(p_progDesc)}
	template LowLayerCompatibilityType m_LowLayerCompatibilityType (template Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap) := {
			LLOctet3 := {CodingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						 //Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
						 InformationTransferCapability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
			LLOctet3a := omit,
			LLOctet4 := {TransferMode := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
						 InformationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
			LLOctet4_1 := omit,
			LLOctet5 := omit,
			LLOctet5a := omit,
			LLOctet5bV110 := omit,
			LLOctet5bV120 := omit,
			LLOctet5c := omit,
			LLOctet5d := omit,
			LLOctet6 := omit,
			LLOctet6aHDLC := omit,
			LLOctet6aUserSpecific := omit,
			LLOctet6b := omit,
			LLOctet7 := omit,
			LLOctet7aUserSpecific := omit,
			LLOctet7aX25 := omit,
			LLOctet7bX25 := omit,
			LLOctet7c := omit,
			LLOctet7aTR9577 := omit,
			LLOctet7bTR9577 := omit 
	template HighLayerCompatibilityType m_HighLayerCompatibilityType 
		(template Bit7 p_HLOctet4):= {
			HLOctet3 := {
				CodingStandard :=bit2str('00'B),
				Interpretation :=bit2str('100'B),
				PresentationMethod := bit2str('01'B)
			HLOctet4 := {
				HighLayerCharacteristics := bit2str(p_HLOctet4)
			HLOctet4aMaintenance := omit,
			HLOctet4Audio := omit

	template BearerCapabilityType mw_BearerCapabilityType (template BCOctet3Type p_BCOctet3Type, template BCOctet4Type p_BCOctet4Type):= {
			BCoctet3 	:= p_BCOctet3Type,
			BCoctet4 	:= p_BCOctet4Type,
			BCoctet4_1 	:= * ,
			BCoctet5  	:= * ,
			BCoctet5a  	:= * ,
			BCoctet5bV110  := * ,
			BCoctet5bV120  := * ,
			BCoctet5c 	:= * ,
			BCoctet5d 	:= * ,
			BCoctet6  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7a  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7b  	:= * 

	template BearerCapabilityType mw_BearerCapabilityType_TrfCap  (template Bit5 p_InfoTrfCap):= {
    		BCoctet3 	:= {CodingStandard := bit2str('00'B),						//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
    						InformationTransferCapability := bit2str(p_InfoTrfCap)},//Information transfer capability
    		BCoctet4 	:= {TransferMode := bit2str('00'B),							//Coding standard = CCITT standardized coding
    						InformationTransferRate := bit2str('10000'B)},			//Information transfer rate = 64 kbit/s
			BCoctet4_1 	:= * ,
			BCoctet5  	:= * ,
			BCoctet5a  	:= * ,
			BCoctet5bV110  := * ,
			BCoctet5bV120  := * ,
			BCoctet5c 	:= * ,
			BCoctet5d 	:= * ,
			BCoctet6  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7a  	:= * ,
			BCoctet7b  	:= * 

	template ProgressIndicatorType mw_ProgressIndicatorType (template ProgressOctet3Type p_ProgressOctet3Type, template ProgressOctet4Type p_ProgressOctet4Type) := {
			ProgressOctet3 := p_ProgressOctet3Type,
			ProgressOctet4 := p_ProgressOctet4Type
	template LowLayerCompatibilityType mw_LowLayerCompatibilityType 
		(template LLOctet3Type p_LLOctet3, template LLOctet4Type p_LLOctet4, template LLOctet7Type p_LLOctet7) := {
			LLOctet3 := p_LLOctet3,
			LLOctet3a := * ,
			LLOctet4 := p_LLOctet4,
			LLOctet4_1 := * ,
			LLOctet5 := * ,
			LLOctet5a := * ,
			LLOctet5bV110 := * ,
			LLOctet5bV120 := * ,
			LLOctet5c := * ,
			LLOctet5d := * ,
			LLOctet6 := * ,
			LLOctet6aHDLC := * ,
			LLOctet6aUserSpecific := * ,
			LLOctet6b := * ,
			LLOctet7 := p_LLOctet7,
			LLOctet7aUserSpecific := * ,
			LLOctet7aX25 := * ,
			LLOctet7bX25 := * ,
			LLOctet7c := * ,
			LLOctet7aTR9577 := * ,
			LLOctet7bTR9577 := * 
	template HighLayerCompatibilityType mw_HighLayerCompatibilityType 
		(template HLOctet3Type p_HLOctet3, template HLOctet4Type p_HLOctet4):= {
			HLOctet3 := p_HLOctet3,
			HLOctet4 := p_HLOctet4,
			HLOctet4aMaintenance := *,
			HLOctet4Audio := *

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} //end group PSTNTemplates		

group CDIVNTemplates {
	/* general CDIVN subscription */
	template Comm_div_info m_CDIVN_sub := {
		entity := ?,
		comm_div_subs_info := {
			anyAttributes := omit,
			comm_div_selection_criteria := {
				anyAttributes := ?,
				originating_user_selection_criteria := omit,
				diverting_user_selection_criteria := omit,
				diverted_to_user_selection_criteria := omit,
				diversion_time_selection_criteria := omit,
				diversion_reason_selection_criteria := omit,
				any_1 := omit
			comm_div_ntfy_trigger_criteria := omit,
			comm_div_info_selection_criteria := omit,
			any_1 := omit
		comm_div_ntfy_info := omit,
		any_1 := omit

} // end grouup CDIVNTemplates
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group ResourceListsTemplates {
	template Resource_lists m_ResourceList_2Users(
		EntryType p_user1, 
		EntryType p_user2
	) := {
		list := {
				name := omit,
				anyAttributes := omit,
				display_name := omit,
				seq_1 := {
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
						list := omit,
						external_ := omit,
						entry := p_user1,
						entry_Ref := omit
						list := omit,
						external_ := omit,
						entry := p_user2,
						entry_Ref := omit
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
	template EntryType m_EntryUser(SipUrl p_user) := {
		display_name := omit,
		uri :=
			p_user.userInfo.userOrTelephoneSubscriber & "@" &,
		any_1 := omit,
poglitsch's avatar
poglitsch committed
		anyAttributes := omit
}// end grouup ResourceListsTemplates
rennoch's avatar
rennoch committed
} // end group MessageBodyTemplates
group MessageTemplates {

group modified_templates {

group request_send {
	template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_IMS
		( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		Via p_via, template Route p_route)
		modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader :=
			route := p_route 
	template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_Reason_IMS
		( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		Via p_via, template Route p_route, integer p_cause)
		modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
			msgHeader :=
				reason := mw_Reason(p_cause),
				route := p_route
	template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_UE
		( SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
		Via p_via, template Route p_route)
		modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
		  msgHeader :=
			pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
			//securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation
			route := p_route 
	template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
		Via p_via, template Route p_route) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
		msgHeader :=
			route := p_route
	template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_Reason_IMS (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
		Via p_via, template Route p_route, integer p_cause) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
		msgHeader :=
			reason := mw_Reason(p_cause),
			route := p_route
	template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_UE (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, 
		Via p_via, template Route p_route) modifies m_CANCEL_Request_Base :=
		msgHeader :=
			route := p_route
		* @desc INFO message
	template INFO_Request m_INFO_Request_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			Via p_via, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INFO_Request_Base
		msgHeader :=
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication}
		messageBody := p_mb
pintar's avatar
pintar committed
		* @desc INFO message
	template INFO_Request m_INFO_Request_Mime_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			Via p_via, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INFO_Request_Base
		msgHeader :=
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_mimeMultipart}
		messageBody := p_mb
pintar's avatar
pintar committed
	template INFO_Request m_INFO_Request_Xml_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
			Via p_via, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INFO_Request_Base
		msgHeader :=
			contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
			contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_xmlAplication}
		messageBody := p_mb
pintar's avatar
pintar committed
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_UE
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
	  msgHeader :=
		contentLength	:= {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
		contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType :=  c_sdpAplication},
		pAccessNetworkInfo := m_pAccessNetworkInfo_IEEE_11a,
		require := p_require,
		route := p_route,
		//securityVerify := p_securityVerify,//TODO check when information will be known regarding security assosiation 
		supported := p_supported
	  messageBody := p_mb
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poglitsch committed
		template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_Allow_UE
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route,  template Supported p_supported, template MessageBody p_mb, template Allow p_allow)
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_UE
	  msgHeader :=
	  	allow := p_allow
	 * @desc INVITE message exchanged at Mw
	template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_IMS
	(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
	  Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Require p_require,
	template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,  template Supported p_supported, template PChargingVector p_pChargingVector, template MessageBody p_mb )
	modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base