LibIms_Interface.ttcn 1.21 KB
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 *	@author 	STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369
 *  @version    $Id$
 *	@desc		This module provides the types used by the test component 
 *              for SIP-IMS tests. Module become from STF306 and STF334-336

module LibIms_Interface
	import from LibCommon_Sync all;
	import from LibCommon_AbstractData all;
	import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
	import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
	import from LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues all;
	import from LibSip_SDPTypes all;
	import from LibSip_Templates all;
	import from LibSip_PIXITS all;
	import from LibSip_Interface all;
	import from LibIms_SIPTypesAndValues all;

	group AdressTypes

		//Solution for building error problem. (Important for validation)
		//type component ImsComponent extends SipComponent need to be located in LibIms_Interface and not in LibSip_Interface module
		//With this solution TAU compiler error.
		type component ImsComponent extends SipComponent
		  // general variables
		  var ImsInterfaceProfile vc_interfaceprofile 
		} // end ImsComponent

//	  type address WorkaroundAddress; //Remove it later
	}// end group AdressTypes

} // end module LibIms_TestSystem