LibItsPki_Functions.ttcn 353 KB
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      p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data := valueof(
      log("<<< f_build_pki_secured_response_message: ", p_ieee1609dot2_signed_and_encrypted_data);
      return true;
    } // End of function f_build_pki_secured_response_message
     * @desc Verify the protocol element of the Pki message. 
     *       If p_check_security is set to false, only decryption and decoding of the outer message are verified.
     * @param p_private_enc_key     Private key for decryption
     * @param p_salt
     * @param p_p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data
     * @param p_check_security      Set to true to verify PKI protocol element such as signatures...
     * @param p_request_hash        The request hash for to be used to build the response
     * @param p_etsi_ts_102941_data The EtsiTs102941Data message
     * @param p_aes_enc_key         The AES 128 encrytion key to be used to encrypt the response
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
    function f_verify_pki_request_message(
                                          in Oct32 p_private_enc_key,
                                          in Oct32 p_salt,
                                          in octetstring p_issuer,
                                          in Ieee1609Dot2Data p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data,
                                          in boolean p_check_security := true,
                                          out Oct16 p_request_hash,
                                          out EtsiTs102941Data p_etsi_ts_102941_data,
                                          out Oct16 p_aes_enc_key
                                          ) return boolean {
      // Local variables
      var bitstring v_msg_bit;
      var octetstring v_msg;
      var Ieee1609Dot2Data v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data;
      var Certificate v_certificate;
      var charstring v_certificate_id;

      log(">>> f_verify_pki_request_message: p_private_enc_key= ", p_private_enc_key);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_request_message: p_salt= ", p_salt);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_request_message: p_issuer= ", p_issuer);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_request_message: p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data= ", p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data);
      // 1. Calculate the request Hash
      v_msg := bit2oct(encvalue(p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data));
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: Encoded request: ", v_msg);
      p_request_hash := substr(f_hashWithSha256(v_msg), 0, 16);
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: p_request_hash= ", p_request_hash);
      // 2. Decrypt the InnerEcRequest
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: p_private_enc_key= ", p_private_enc_key);
      if (f_decrypt(p_private_enc_key, p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data, p_salt, v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data, p_aes_enc_key) == false) {
        log("f_verify_pki_request_message: Failed to decrypt message");
        return false;
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data= ", v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data);
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: p_aes_enc_key= ", p_aes_enc_key);

      // 3. Check basics security
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      if (match(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data, mw_etsiTs103097Data_signed(mw_signedData(-, mw_toBeSignedData(mw_signedDataPayload)))) == false) {
        log("f_verify_pki_request_message: Failed to check basic security");
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
      // 4. Verifiy signature
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData= ", v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData);
      v_msg := bit2oct(encvalue(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData));
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_msg= ", v_msg);
      if (p_issuer == ''O) { // self
        log("f_verify_pki_request_message: Issuer is self, check outer signature using IUT public key (PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_xxx_PUBLIC_KEY)");
        var PublicVerificationKey v_verification_key;
        log("f_verify_pki_request_message: PX_VE_ALG=", PX_VE_ALG);
        if (PX_VE_ALG == e_nist_p256) {
          if (PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY[0] == '02'O) {
            v_verification_key.ecdsaNistP256.compressed_y_0 := substr(PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY, 1, 32);
          } else {
            v_verification_key.ecdsaNistP256.compressed_y_1 := substr(PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY, 1, 32);
        } else if (PX_VE_ALG == e_brainpool_p256_r1) {
          if (PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP256r1_PUBLIC_KEY[0] == '02'O) {
            v_verification_key.ecdsaBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_0 := substr(PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP256r1_PUBLIC_KEY, 1, 32);
          } else {
            v_verification_key.ecdsaBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_1 := substr(PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP256r1_PUBLIC_KEY, 1, 32);
        } else if (PX_VE_ALG == e_brainpool_p384_r1) {
          if (PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP384r1_PUBLIC_KEY[0] == '02'O) {
            v_verification_key.ecdsaBrainpoolP384r1.compressed_y_0 := substr(PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP384r1_PUBLIC_KEY, 1, 48);
          } else {
            v_verification_key.ecdsaBrainpoolP384r1.compressed_y_1 := substr(PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP384r1_PUBLIC_KEY, 1, 48);
        log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_verification_key=", v_verification_key);
        if (f_verifyEcdsa(v_msg, int2oct(0, 32), v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.signature_, v_verification_key) == false) {
          if (p_check_security == true) {
            return false;
        //return false;
      } else {
        if (f_getCertificateFromDigest(f_hashedId8FromSha256(p_issuer), v_certificate, v_certificate_id) == false) {
          if (p_check_security == true) {
            return false;
        log("f_verify_pki_request_message: v_certificate= ", v_certificate);
        if (f_verifyEcdsa(v_msg, p_issuer, v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.signature_, v_certificate.toBeSigned.verifyKeyIndicator.verificationKey) == false) {
          if (p_check_security == true) {
            return false;
      // 4. Return the PKI message
      log("f_verify_pki_request_message: ",;
      v_msg_bit := oct2bit(;
      if (decvalue(v_msg_bit, p_etsi_ts_102941_data) != 0) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
      if (p_etsi_ts_102941_data.version != PkiProtocolVersion) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
      log("<<< f_verify_pki_request_message: true");
      return true;
    } // End of function f_verify_pki_request_message
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     * @desc Verify the protocol element of the Pki message. 
     *       If p_check_security is set to false, only decryption and decoding of the outer message are verified.
     * @param p_private_key         Private key for decryption
     * @param p_publicEphemeralCompressedKey
     * @param p_publicEphemeralCompressedKeyMode
     * @param p_issuer              Issuer
     * @param p_certificate         Certificate to use for verification key
     * @param p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data The received encrypted and signed data
     * @param p_check_security      Set to true to verify PKI protocol element such as signatures...
     * @param p_response_type       Response type (0: InnerEcResponse, 1: InnerAtResponse...). Default: 0
     * @param p_etsi_ts_102941_data The EtsiTs102941Data message
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
    function f_verify_pki_response_message(
                                           in octetstring p_private_enc_key,
                                           in Oct16 p_aes_sym_key,
                                           in Oct16 p_authentication_vector, // TODO Tobe removed
                                           in octetstring p_issuer,
                                           in Ieee1609Dot2Data p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data,
                                           in boolean p_check_security := true,
                                           in integer p_response_type := 0,
                                           out EtsiTs102941Data p_etsi_ts_102941_data
                                           ) return boolean {
      // Local variables
      var octetstring v_public_enc_key;
      var integer v_compressed_enc_key_mode;
      var octetstring v_plain_message;
      var Ieee1609Dot2Data v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data;
      var Certificate v_certificate;
      var charstring v_certificate_id;
      var bitstring v_etsi_ts_102941_data_msg;
      var bitstring v_tbs;
      var boolean v_ret;
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_private_enc_key= ", p_private_enc_key);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_aes_sym_key= ", p_aes_sym_key);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_authentication_vector= ", p_authentication_vector);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_issuer= ", p_issuer);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_check_security= ", p_check_security);
      log(">>> f_verify_pki_response_message: p_response_type= ", p_response_type);
      // TODO Check p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data.content.encryptedData.recipients[0].pskRecipInfo. See IEEE Std 1609.2-2017 Clause 6.3.34 PreSharedKeyRecipientInfo
      // 1. Decrypt the data
      v_plain_message := fx_decrypt_aes_128_ccm_test(p_aes_sym_key, p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data.content.encryptedData.ciphertext.aes128ccm.nonce, p_ieee1609dot2_encrypted_and_signed_data.content.encryptedData.ciphertext.aes128ccm.ccmCiphertext);
      if (isbound(v_plain_message) == false) {
        return false;
      log("f_verify_pki_response_message: v_plain_message= ", v_plain_message);

      // 2. Decode it
      v_tbs := oct2bit(v_plain_message);
      if (decvalue(v_tbs, v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data) != 0) {
        return false;
      log("f_verify_pki_response_message: v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data= ", v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data);
      // 3. Check the signature
      log("f_verify_pki_response_message: v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData= ", v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData);
      v_tbs := encvalue(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData);
      if (f_getCertificateFromDigest(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.signer.digest, v_certificate, v_certificate_id) == false) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;
      if (f_verifyEcdsa(bit2oct(v_tbs), p_issuer, v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.signature_, v_certificate.toBeSigned.verifyKeyIndicator.verificationKey) == false) {
        if (p_check_security == true) {
          return false;

      // 4. Verify EtsiTs103097Data-Signed HeaderInfo
      // TODO Parameter p_response_type seems to be useless
      if ((p_response_type == 0) or (p_response_type == 1)) { // InnerEcResponse & InnerAtResponse
        log("f_verify_pki_response_message: headerInfo matching= ", match(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData.headerInfo, mw_headerInfo_inner_pki_response));
        if (match(v_ieee1609dot2_signed_data.content.signedData.tbsData.headerInfo, mw_headerInfo_inner_pki_response) == false) {
          if (p_check_security == true) {
            return false;
      } // else, no check
      // 5. Return the PKI message
      log("f_verify_pki_response_message: ",;
      v_etsi_ts_102941_data_msg := oct2bit(;
      if (decvalue(v_etsi_ts_102941_data_msg, p_etsi_ts_102941_data) != 0) {
        return false;

      if (p_etsi_ts_102941_data.version != PkiProtocolVersion) {
        return false;
      return true;
    } // End of function f_verify_pki_response_message
    function f_verify_repeated_request(
                                       in HttpMessage p_request_1,
                                       in HttpMessage p_request_2
                                       ) return boolean {

      return false;
    } // End of function f_verify_repeated_request
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     * @desc Verify the EC certificate generated by the EA entity
     * @param p_ec_certificate        The new EC certificate
     * @param p_ea_certificate        The certificate issuer
     * @param p_public_key_compressed The public compressed key (canonical form) generated for the InnerEcRequest
     * @param p_compressed_mode       The public compressed key mode
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
    function f_verify_ec_certificate(
                                     in Certificate p_ec_certificate,
                                     in Certificate p_ea_certificate,
                                     in HashedId8 p_ea_hashed_id8,
                                     in octetstring p_public_key_compressed,
                                     in integer p_compressed_mode,
                                     out HashedId8 p_ec_cert_hashed_id8
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                                     ) return boolean {
      var bitstring v_encoded_cert;
      var Oct32 v_ec_cert_hash;
      // Calculate the HashedId8 of the whole certificate
      v_encoded_cert := encvalue(p_ec_certificate);
      v_ec_cert_hash := f_hashWithSha256(bit2oct(v_encoded_cert));
      log("f_verify_ec_certificate: ==> EC certificate Hash: ", v_ec_cert_hash);
      p_ec_cert_hashed_id8 := f_hashedId8FromSha256(v_ec_cert_hash);
      log("f_verify_ec_certificate: ==> EC certificate HashedId8: ", p_ec_cert_hashed_id8);
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5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5349 5350 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 5506 5507 5508 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 5531 5532 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593
      // Check the signer
      log("f_verify_ec_certificate: Check the signer: ", match(p_ec_certificate.issuer, m_issuerIdentifier_sha256AndDigest(p_ea_hashed_id8)));
      log("f_verify_ec_certificate: Check the signer: ", match(p_ec_certificate.issuer, m_issuerIdentifier_sha384AndDigest(p_ea_hashed_id8)));
      if (
          (match(p_ec_certificate.issuer, m_issuerIdentifier_sha256AndDigest(p_ea_hashed_id8)) == false) and
          (match(p_ec_certificate.issuer, m_issuerIdentifier_sha384AndDigest(p_ea_hashed_id8)) == false)
          ) {
        log("f_verify_ec_certificate: Wrong issuer");
        return false;
      // Check EC certificate signature
      if (f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey(p_ec_certificate, p_ea_certificate.toBeSigned.verifyKeyIndicator.verificationKey) == false) {
        log("f_verify_ec_certificate: Signature not verified");
        return false;
      // TODO Check that requested information are present
      if (f_verifySspPermissions(p_ec_certificate.toBeSigned.appPermissions, p_ea_certificate.toBeSigned.appPermissions) == false) {
        log("f_verify_ec_certificate: Ssp permissions not verified");
        return false;
      return true;
    } // End of function f_verify_ec_certificate
     * @desc Verify the generated AT certificate 
     * @param p_at_certificate        The new AT certificate
     * @param p_ea_certificate        The certificate issuer
     * @param p_public_key_compressed The public compressed key (canonical form) generated for the InnerAtRequest
     * @param p_compressed_mode       The public compressed key mode
     * @return true on success, false otherwise
    function f_verify_at_certificate(
                                     in Certificate p_at_certificate,
                                     in Certificate p_aa_certificate,
                                     in octetstring p_public_key_compressed,
                                     in integer p_compressed_mode
                                     ) return boolean {
      var bitstring v_encoded_cert;
      var HashedId8 v_at_cert_hashed_id8;
      // Calculate the HashedId8 of the whole certificate
      v_encoded_cert := encvalue(p_at_certificate);
      v_at_cert_hashed_id8 := f_hashedId8FromSha256(f_hashWithSha256(bit2oct(v_encoded_cert)));
      log("f_verify_at_certificate: EC certificate HashedId8: ", v_at_cert_hashed_id8);
      // Check the signer
      log("f_verify_at_certificate: ", match(p_at_certificate.issuer, mw_issuerIdentifier_self()));
      if (match(p_at_certificate.issuer, mw_issuerIdentifier_self)) {
        return false;
      // Check EC certificate signature
      if (f_verifyCertificateSignatureWithPublicKey(p_at_certificate, p_aa_certificate.toBeSigned.verifyKeyIndicator.verificationKey) == false) {
        log("f_verify_at_certificate: Signature not verified");
        return false;
      // TODO Check that requested information are present
      if (f_verifySspPermissions(p_aa_certificate.toBeSigned.appPermissions, p_at_certificate.toBeSigned.appPermissions) == false) {
        log("f_verify_ec_certificate: Ssp permissions not verified");
        return false;
      return true;
    } // End of function f_verify_at_certificate
  } // End of group inner_ec_xxx

  group security_function { // TODO To be moved in LibItsSecurity_Function module

    function f_extract_enc_key(
                               in Certificate p_certificate,
                               out octetstring p_public_enc_key,
                               out integer p_compressed_enc_key_mode
                               ) return boolean {
      log(">>> f_extract_enc_key: ", p_certificate);
      if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256)) {
        if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256.compressed_y_0)) {
          p_public_enc_key := p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256.compressed_y_0;
          p_compressed_enc_key_mode := 0;
        } else if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256.compressed_y_1)) {
          p_public_enc_key := p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesNistP256.compressed_y_1;
          p_compressed_enc_key_mode := 1;
        } else {
          log("f_extract_enc_key: Non canonical certificate: ", p_certificate);
          return false;
      } else if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1)) {
        if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_0)) {
          p_public_enc_key := p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_0;
          p_compressed_enc_key_mode := 0;
        } else if (ischosen(p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_1)) {
          p_public_enc_key := p_certificate.toBeSigned.encryptionKey.publicKey.eciesBrainpoolP256r1.compressed_y_1;
          p_compressed_enc_key_mode := 0;
        } else {
          log("f_extract_enc_key: Non canonical certificate: ", p_certificate);
          return false;
      } else {
        log("f_extract_enc_key: Invalid certificate: ", p_certificate);
        return false;

      return true;
    } // End of function f_extract_enc_key
  } // End of group security_function
  group altsteps {
    altstep a_default_pki_http() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(
                                                                       )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http
    altstep a_default_pki_http_ec() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(
                                                                    )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http_ec
    altstep a_default_pki_http_atv() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(
                                                                    )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http_atv
    altstep a_default_pki_http_at() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(
                                                                    )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http_at

    altstep a_default_pki_http_ca() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive(
                                                                    )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http_ca

    altstep a_default_pki_http_tlm() runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpTlmPort.receive(
                                                                    )) {
        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpTlmPort.receive(mw_http_request) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Request received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpTlmPort.receive(mw_http_response) {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Response received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpTlmPort.receive {
        log("*** a_default: ERROR: Unexpected HTTP message received ***");
        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict("error", e_error);
      [] a_shutdown() {
        log("*** a_default: INFO: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! ***");
    } // End of altstep a_default_pki_http_tlm

    altstep a_await_ec_http_request_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_request
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                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_request {
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        log("a_await_ec_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_request {
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        log("a_await_ec_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpEcPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_ec_http_request_from_iut
    altstep a_await_ec_http_response_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_ec_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpEcPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_ec_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpEcPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_ec_http_response_from_iut
    altstep a_await_at_http_request_from_iut(
                                             template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                             out HttpMessage p_request
                                             ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_request {
        log("a_await_at_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_request {
        log("a_await_at_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpAtPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_at_http_request_from_iut
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    altstep a_await_at_http_response_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_at_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_at_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpAtPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_at_http_response_from_iut
    altstep a_await_atv_http_request_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_request
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_request {
        log("a_await_atv_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_request {
        log("a_await_avt_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpAtVPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_atv_http_request_from_iut
    altstep a_await_atv_http_response_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_atv_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpAtVPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_avt_http_response_from_iut: Received message on httpAtVPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_atv_http_response_from_iut
    altstep a_await_dc_http_request_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_dc_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
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        log("a_await_dc_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpEcPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_dc_http_request_from_iut
    altstep a_await_ctl_http_request_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_ctl_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_ctl_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpEcPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_ctl_http_request_from_iut
    altstep a_await_crl_http_request_from_iut(
                                              template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                              out HttpMessage p_response
                                              ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_crl_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_crl_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpEcPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_crl_http_request_from_iut
    altstep a_await_cpoc_http_request_from_iut(
                                               template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                               out HttpMessage p_response
                                               ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_cpoc_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_cpoc_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpEcPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_cpoc_http_request_from_iut
    altstep a_await_any_http_request_from_iut(
                                               template HttpMessage p_http_message,
                                               out HttpMessage p_response
                                               ) runs on ItsPkiHttp {
      [not(PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT)] httpPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_any_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpPort");
      [PICS_MULTIPLE_END_POINT] httpCaPort.receive(p_http_message) -> value p_response {
        log("a_await_any_http_request_from_iut: Received message on httpEcPort");
    } // End of altstep a_await_any_http_request_from_iut
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  } // End of group altsteps
} // End of module LibItsPki_Functions