LibItsPki_Templates.ttcn 70.6 KB
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    filename       := p_filename
  } // End of template m_ee_ra_download_request

  template (present) EeRaDownloadRequest mw_ee_ra_download_request(
                                                                   template (present) Time32 p_generationTime := ?,
                                                                   template (present) charstring p_filename := ?
                                                                   ) := {
    generationTime := p_generationTime,
    filename       := p_filename
  } // End of template mw_ee_ra_download_request

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  template (value) ToBeSignedRcaCtl m_to_be_signed_rca_full_ctl(
                                                                in Time32 p_next_update,
                                                                in UInt8 p_ctl_sequence,
                                                                in template (value) CtlCommands p_ctl_commands
                                                                ) := {
    version     := 1,
    nextUpdate  := p_next_update,
    isFullCtl   := true,
    ctlSequence := p_ctl_sequence,
    ctlCommands := p_ctl_commands
  } // End of template m_to_be_signed_rca_full_ctl

  template (present) ToBeSignedRcaCtl mw_to_be_signed_rca_full_ctl := {
    version     := 1,
    nextUpdate  := ?,
    isFullCtl   := true,
    ctlSequence := ?,
    ctlCommands := ?
  } // End of template mw_to_be_signed_rca_full_ctl

  template (present) ToBeSignedRcaCtl mw_to_be_signed_rca_delta_ctl := {
    version     := 1,
    nextUpdate  := ?,
    isFullCtl   := false,
    ctlSequence := ?,
    ctlCommands := ?
  } // End of template mw_to_be_signed_rca_delta_ctl

  template (value) ToBeSignedTlmCtl m_to_be_signed_tlm_full_ctl(
                                                                in Time32 p_next_update,
                                                                in UInt8 p_ctl_sequence,
                                                                in template (value) CtlCommands p_ctl_commands
                                                                ) := {
    version     := 1,
    nextUpdate  := p_next_update,
    isFullCtl   := true,
    ctlSequence := p_ctl_sequence,
    ctlCommands := p_ctl_commands
  } // End of template m_to_be_signed_tlm_full_ctl

  template (value) ToBeSignedTlmCtl m_to_be_signed_tlm_delta_ctl(
                                                                in Time32 p_next_update,
                                                                in UInt8 p_ctl_sequence,
                                                                in template (value) CtlCommands p_ctl_commands
                                                                ) modifies m_to_be_signed_tlm_full_ctl := {
    isFullCtl   := false
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  } // End of template m_to_be_signed_tlm_delta_ctl

  template (present) ToBeSignedTlmCtl mw_to_be_signed_tlm_full_ctl(
                                                                   template (present) Time32 p_next_update := ?,
                                                                   template (present) UInt8 p_ctl_sequence := ?,
                                                                   template (present) CtlCommands p_ctl_commands := ?
                                                                   ) := {
    version     := 1,
    nextUpdate  := p_next_update,
    isFullCtl   := true,
    ctlSequence := p_ctl_sequence,
    ctlCommands := p_ctl_commands
  } // End of template mw_to_be_signed_tlm_full_ctl

  template (present) ToBeSignedTlmCtl mw_to_be_signed_tlm_delta_ctl(
                                                                    template (present) Time32 p_next_update := ?,
                                                                    template (present) UInt8 p_ctl_sequence := ?,
                                                                    template (present) CtlCommands p_ctl_commands := ?
                                                                    ) modifies mw_to_be_signed_tlm_full_ctl := {
    isFullCtl   := false
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  } // End of template mw_to_be_signed_tlm_delta_ctl

  template (value) ToBeSignedCrl m_to_be_signed_crl(
                                                    in Time32 p_this_update,
                                                    in Time32 p_next_update,
                                                    in CrlEntries p_entries
                                                    ) := {
    version     := 1,
    thisUpdate  := p_this_update,
    nextUpdate  := p_next_update,
    entries     := p_entries
  } // End of template m_to_be_signed_crl

  template (present) ToBeSignedCrl mw_to_be_signed_crl := {
    version     := 1,
    thisUpdate  := ?,
    nextUpdate  := ?,
    entries     := ?
  } // End of template mw_to_be_signed_crl

  template (value) CtlCommand m_ctrl_command_add(
                                                 in template (value) CtlEntry p_add
                                                 ) := {
    add := p_add
  } // End of template m_ctrl_command_add

  template (value) CtlCommand m_ctrl_command_delete(
                                                    in template (value) CtlDelete p_delete
                                                    ) := {
    delete := p_delete
  } // End of template m_ctrl_command_delete

  template (value) CtlEntry m_ctl_entry_rca(
                                            in template (value) RootCaEntry p_rca
                                            ) := {
    rca := p_rca
  } // End of template m_ctl_entry_rca

  template (present) CtlEntry mw_ctl_entry_rca(
                                               template (present) RootCaEntry p_rca := ?
                                               ) := {
    rca := p_rca
  } // End of template mw_ctl_entry_rca

  template (value) CtlEntry m_ctl_entry_aa(
                                           in template (value) AaEntry p_aa
                                           ) := {
    aa := p_aa
  } // End of template m_ctl_entry_aa

  template (present) CtlEntry mw_ctl_entry_aa(
                                              template (present) AaEntry p_aa := ?
                                              ) := {
    aa := p_aa
  } // End of template mw_ctl_entry_aa

  template (value) TlmEntry m_tlm_entry(
                                        in template (value) EtsiTs103097Certificate p_selfSignedTLMCertificate,
                                        in template (value) Url p_accessPoint
                                        ) := {
    selfSignedTLMCertificate := p_selfSignedTLMCertificate,
    successorTo              := omit,
    accessPoint              := p_accessPoint
  } // End of template m_tlm_entry

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  template (present) TlmEntry mw_tlm_entry(
                                           template (present) EtsiTs103097Certificate p_selfSignedTLMCertificate := ?,
                                           template (present) Url p_accessPoint := ?
                                           ) := {
    selfSignedTLMCertificate := p_selfSignedTLMCertificate,
    successorTo              := *,
    accessPoint              := p_accessPoint
  } // End of template mw_tlm_entry

  template (value) RootCaEntry m_root_ca_entry(
                                               in template (value) EtsiTs103097Certificate p_selfsignedRootCa
                                               ) :=  {
    selfsignedRootCa := p_selfsignedRootCa,
    successorTo      := omit
  } // End of template m_root_ca_entry

  template (present) RootCaEntry mw_root_ca_entry(
                                                  template (present) EtsiTs103097Certificate p_selfsignedRootCa := ?
                                                  ) :=  {
    selfsignedRootCa := p_selfsignedRootCa,
    successorTo       := *
  } // End of template mw_root_ca_entry

  template (value) AaEntry m_aa_entry(
                                      in template (value) EtsiTs103097Certificate p_aaCertificate,
                                      in template (value) Url p_accessPoint
                                      ) :=  {
    aaCertificate := p_aaCertificate,
    accessPoint   := p_accessPoint
  } // End of template m_aa_entry

  template (present) AaEntry mw_aa_entry(
                                         template (present) EtsiTs103097Certificate p_aaCertificate := ?,
                                         template (present) Url p_accessPoint := ?
                                         ) :=  {
    aaCertificate := p_aaCertificate,
    accessPoint   := p_accessPoint
  } // End of template mw_aa_entry

  template (value) EaEntry m_ea_entry(
                                      in template (value) EtsiTs103097Certificate p_eaCertificate,
                                      in template (value) Url p_aaAccessPoint
                                      ) := {
    eaCertificate     := p_eaCertificate,
    aaAccessPoint     := p_aaAccessPoint,
    itsAccessPoint    := omit
  } // End of template m_ea_entry

  template (present) EaEntry mw_ea_entry(
                                         template (present) EtsiTs103097Certificate p_eaCertificate := ?,
                                         template (present) Url p_aaAccessPoint := ?
                                         ) := {
    eaCertificate     := p_eaCertificate,
    aaAccessPoint     := p_aaAccessPoint,
    itsAccessPoint    := *
  } // End of template mw_ea_entry

  template (value) DcEntry m_dc_entry(
                                      in template (value) Url p_url,
                                      in template (value) HashedId8s p_cert
                                      ) := {
    url  := p_url,
    cert := p_cert
  } // End of template m_dc_entry

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  template (present) DcEntry mw_dc_entry(
                                         template (present) Url p_url := ?,
                                         template (present) HashedId8s p_cert := ?
                                         ) := {
    url  := p_url,
    cert := p_cert
  } // End of template mw_dc_entry

} // End of module LibItsPki_Templates