EtsiTs102941TypesAuthorization.asn 3.37 KB
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Denis Filatov committed
  { itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg5(5) ts(102941) authorization(5) version1(1)}



FROM EtsiTs103097Module
{ itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg5(5) ts(103097) securedMessageV1(0)}

CertificateFormat, CertificateSubjectAttributes, EcSignature, HashedId8, PublicKeys, Version
FROM EtsiTs102941BaseTypes
{ itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg5(5) ts(102941) baseTypes(3) version1(1) }


-- AuthorizationRequest/Response

AuthorizationResponseCode ::= ENUMERATED {
  -- ITS->AA
  its-aa-cantparse, -- valid for any structure
  its-aa-badcontenttype, -- not encrypted, not signed, not authorizationrequest
  its-aa-imnottherecipient, -- the "recipients" of the outermost encrypted data doesn't include me
  its-aa-unknownencryptionalgorithm, -- either kexalg or contentencryptionalgorithm
  its-aa-decryptionfailed, -- works for ECIES-HMAC and AES-CCM
  its-aa-keysdontmatch, -- HMAC keyTag verification fails
  its-aa-incompleterequest, -- some elements are missing
  its-aa-invalidencryptionkey, -- the responseEncryptionKey is bad
  its-aa-outofsyncrequest, -- signingTime is outside acceptable limits
  its-aa-unknownea, -- the EA identified by eaId is unknown to me
  its-aa-invalidea, -- the EA certificate is revoked
  its-aa-deniedpermissions, -- I, the AA, deny the requested permissions
  -- AA->EA
  aa-ea-cantreachea, -- the EA is unreachable (network error?)
  -- EA->AA
  ea-aa-cantparse, -- valid for any structure
  ea-aa-badcontenttype, -- not encrypted, not signed, not authorizationrequest
  ea-aa-imnottherecipient, -- the "recipients" of the outermost encrypted data doesn't include me
  ea-aa-unknownencryptionalgorithm, -- either kexalg or contentencryptionalgorithm
  ea-aa-decryptionfailed, -- works for ECIES-HMAC and AES-CCM
  -- TODO: to be continued...
  invalidaa, -- the AA certificate presented is invalid/revoked/whatever
  invalidaasignature, -- the AA certificate presented can't validate the request signature
  wrongea, -- the encrypted signature doesn't designate me as the EA
  unknownits, -- can't retrieve the EC/ITS in my DB
  invalidsignature, -- signature verification of the request by the EC fails
  invalidencryptionkey, -- signature is good, but the key is bad
  deniedpermissions, -- permissions not granted
  deniedtoomanycerts, -- parallel limit
  ... }

InnerAtRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
  publicKeys                    PublicKeys,
  hmacKey                       OCTET STRING (SIZE(32)),
  sharedAtRequest               SharedAtRequest, 
  ecSignature                   EcSignature,

SharedAtRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
  eaId                          HashedId8,
  keyTag                        OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)),
  certificateFormat             CertificateFormat,
  requestedSubjectAttributes    CertificateSubjectAttributes (WITH COMPONENTS{certIssuePermissions ABSENT}),

InnerAtResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
  requestHash                   OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)),
  responseCode                  AuthorizationResponseCode,
  certificate                   EtsiTs103097Certificate OPTIONAL,
  (WITH COMPONENTS { responseCode (ok), certificate PRESENT }
  | WITH COMPONENTS { responseCode (ALL EXCEPT ok), certificate ABSENT }